Chapter 24.1

"Chapter 24.1"

"Wolves attacking"

I have been woke up by shino

Shino: Glacia we're being attacked by wolves ready yourself

Glacia: What? Wolves? Ah yeah right

I pick up my belt with saber and we headed out other adventurers are fighting with the wolves while our group kill or fend off the wolves to not come at the tents

Glacia: Let's go

I form to ice needle and shot it through the wolves in the group of adventurer that are struggling with the amount of wolf

Shino dash in our team and started to kill the wolves

I start to form ice again in each of my side then dash at the six wolves that are waiting at the back for opening

"Freeze" I shouted to use glacial howl

The six wolves body are frozen and I immediately kill the closest three while the three already broken the ice by


After they struggle to shatter the ice, another ice form again

'Truly a cheat ability'

I kill the three

I'm going to dash at our group for help but they already killed the pack consists of 8 wolves that attack them

You've gained 32 experience points

'It's late? Well that's good since it will be bothersome sometimes when fighting'

'Hooh the double exp sure is helpful'

The adventurers already pick the wolves that they kill

Shino approach me

Shino: Glacia you should pick already the wolves it's your loot

Glacia: Oh, I see but if I transfer them to my storage they might get suspicious of me

Shino: Storage? You mean you store them in a spatial storage? Is it one of your skills?

Glacia: Yes, and I forgot to tell you about it

Shino: It's okay Rey also have one

Glacia: Eh???

Shino: Yes it's a spatial ring, do you remember before we bought you to town the bear we killed?

Glacia: Now that I think about it, it's big yet I didn't see it

Shino: Dont worry you can store them now

Glacia: Okay

???: Umm...

I turn at my side and saw a girl around around 19's of age wearing a witch outfit and which hat

Glacia: What's the problem?

May: I'm May a magician my team wants to give the two wolf back to the one who killed it, my team is dismantling the wolves that's why they can't greet you

Glacia: Okay

May: There

May point to the two dead wolf on the floor

I store the six wolves in the storage and headed to the two wolf then store it

We head back and pack up the tents since it's already morning the sun already rising, I have been curious since before that's why I ask shino

Glacia: Isn't a spatial rin-

I have been stopped by shino when she spoke

Shino: I know but it's essential even if the cost is high

Glacia: Then h-

Shino: 15 gold coin

Glacia: How?

This time I shorten my words since everytime I speak shino always cut it and answered it

Shino: Rey is a Noble

Glacia: Ahh

Shino: You see he's a third son of a baron, the oldest inherit the title, the second become a knight, for him he become an adventurer

Glacia: Why adventurer? not knight?

Shino: Because it's fun, there's also so many noble adventurers you just didn't know

'Oh I see'

After we're done I headed into the carriage and go inside

Michel: I watch your fight and I'm amazed, for you to handle six wolves yourself is surprising

Grim: I saw you're battle there, The wolves don't even have the chance to attack, They are helpless with ice on their lower body

Clear: Me too

Grim: Your hair is so beautiful when you dash and your so cute when you sit

'Did I sit on the battle? This Man is hitting on me'

Clear: yeah

Clear don't know what to say because of shyness

Clear: Glacia I-no-W-we-we love you!

'This man his saying he love me but don't have the courage, so he say "we"'

'Or am I the only one thinking about it? All man is simple after all when I was still a fifteen my girl classmate is always kind on me and she's my friend I thought she love me since she's so kind so I confess to her but turn out its not'

This is what I say

'You also love me right let's become couples!'

It's humiliating since I'm assuming she love me

and I'm getting teased by my classmate assuming since I assume she loves me

You've obtained a title (Assuming)

'Eh what!?'

I open my status and read it


A title granted for those who assume something, or always assume

*Sigh* I sigh in my mind

'No one can see this anyway, wait no one?

I'm sure there are people but they won't think that I'm assuming people love me'

'Oh I forgot to answer'

Let's tease him

Glacia: I also love Clear

I said with a bright smile

Grim: Eh??!

Michel: Eh??!

These two spoke simultaneously

Grim: What! you love clear!?

Michel: Oh looks like I already have a daughter

Michel said while giggling

'Oh shit! they misunderstood it'

'I thought this is what they say'

Glacia: I also love Clear

Grim: What about me do you love me?

Glacia: Of course I also love Grim


'I should use poker face and ask them

Glacia: Daughter? What are you talking about Mrs Michel?

I said while tilting my head to look innocent

Grim: Glacia you love clear??!!

Glacia: Yes

I look at clear he's like a tomato, he hide his red face and ears by looking down

Grim: Tell me your joking right?! You're joking right?!

Glacia: Nope

Grim: Then that means you totally love clear

Clear is already bursting out I can see his hand holding on his chest

'Maybe his heart is beating fast hehehehe'

'I'm totally a bitch ahahahhahah a play girl'

'Oh shit the system will give me the title "bitch" '

'Oh God please no'

'There's nothing huh, hoooh thank God'

I tilt my head again

Glacia: Yeah I love Clear but I also love Grim

Grim sighed

Grim: I see, I thought it was what I'm thinking

'It really is, you moron'

Clear sighed and had a look of disappointment and sad in his face

Michel sigh and said "I thought I already had a daughter"

I didn't mind it like I didn't hear it because if I ask I will lead myself on a pinch