Chapter 25

"Chapter 25"

"Gaining some Skills!"

We finally arrive at the town of samsara and rent an inn, since we arrive at dusk.

Night came and shino is clinging to me like a koala, I try so hard to get out of this woman's grasp but this girl is fucking strong, after some time I eventually get out of that girl.

Well I get out of there because I want to eat the cores, I can't reveal that I can get skills by eating cores even to shino since a person should have one or two secret in them.

I can't get out of this castle since the gate is closed and I can't fly to go to forest, that's why I'm doing it tonight, I try to get away from shino with everything I got, I give her hard to decline reasons but this girl won't totally leave me, even when I say mother nature is calling me or I'm going to pee. She's fucking following me, even though she hides herself I know that she's there since I feel it, when I ask her why is she following me when I'm going to pee, she just shrugged it off or say what am I talking about and that shes just there not leaving that place.

I take out all of the monsters in my inventory one by one

Here is my inventory

1         -  20 liter-greater wolf's blood

×16     -  Greater wolf

×30     -  Dire wolf

×3       -  Bear

×1       -  Greater black bear

×12     -  Large spider

×1       -  wyvern

×1       -  Greater iron skin snake

×7       -  Fireback wolf

×8       -  Wind foot deer

I consume the core of all the monsters in my inventory and return them again.

"You've gained a skill (Sense Presence) × 8"

"Sense Presence III advanced to Sense Presence VI"

"You've gained a skill (Hide Presence) × 8"

"Hide Presence III advanced to Hide Presence VI"

"You've gained a skill (Stealth) × 12"

"Stealth I advanced to Stealth IV"

"You've gained a skill (Dash) × 12"

"Dash I advanced to Dash IV"

"You've gained a skill (Keen sense) × 6"

"Keen Sense I advanced to Keen Sense III"

"You've gained a skill (Though Hide) × 3"

"Though Hide I advanced to Though Hide II"

"You've gained a skill (Intimidation) × 1"

"You've gained a skill (Poisoned Spit) × 10"

"Poisoned Spit I advanced to Poisoned Spit V"

"You've gained a skill (Thin Thread) × 2"

"Thin Thread I advanced to Thin Thread II"

"You've gained a skill (Fly) ×1"

"You've gained a skill (Iron skin) × 1"

"You've gained a skill (Poison Resistance) × 1

"You've gained a skill (Fireball) × 7"

"Fireball I advanced to Fireball III"

"You've gained a skill (Wind Boost) × 4)

"Wind boost I advanced to Wind boost III"

"You've gained a skill (Danger Sense) × 2"

"Danger Sense I advanced Danger Sense II"

"You've gained a skill (Wind Needles) × 1"

"Hell yeah!!" I shouted while screaming in joy, but I seems to forgot something so I look at the bed "Huuu, Thankfully she's asleep" I heaved a sigh of relief and thought about what I got 'Hell yeah!!! A bird is not a bird if it can't fly! I'm planning to get this skill by the system but I didn't think the luck will come to me hahahahaha I can soar through the sky and venture through different place with ease now! Hahahahaha!!"

"I can also use fireball even though I'm an ice element monster!" I exclaimed smugly

"There's wind boost and intimidation, I can intimidate anyone with malicious intent now"

"And I can use all of this without cooldowns, Shit IM FREAKING OP!!!"

I start to do some weird gestures and postures, heck I even do some weird dance to celebrate my OPness.


"I'm sleepy, guess I'll sleep now then"

I immediately go to bed and push shino to turn back at me and go to the land of dreams.

*Next day*


I rub each of my eyes then puff my cheeks, I began to leave out of the bed but I'm not able to and the reason a koala is clinging to my waist, seeing the situation in the room I feel like a man who's just had a hard time yesterday night.

Seeing shino wearing only shirt and only her panty made my mind go completely disarray various thought come into my mind even though I always see this at morning I can't bring my self to not get hard on this sight but sadly I didn't have my man anymore.


'I want to touch her boobs it's okay isn't it? She won't be mad at me right?'

I sweat profusely while my hand are slowly approaching shino's boobs.


*squeeze* *squeeze*

'So soft, So good!'


'Oh shit I can't stop myself from going, if no one is going to stop me, I will devour her nipples'

'Oh shit what am I thinking calm yourself your not a pervert who attack those sleeping'

'Or maybe I am?'

My head slowly approach shinos body and my mouth is drooling but suddenly I slip on a banana skin and fall backwards hitting my head on the floor.


The noise wake up shino and she rub her eyes and look at me while yawning.

'Shit who the hell eat a banana and why is there a banana skin here? I didn't seem to recall shino eating a banana'

Shino: Good morning

Glacia: Yeah good morning

Shino: Let's get ready now Glacia!

Glacia: On it

And so we start to wash ourselves and change clothes then start to go down.

When we go downstairs we saw the 4 of our teammates eating, They invite us to join them so we do and after that we go out and buy items for camping and some necessary items, and now we're here at the front gate, time to head out and kill those fucking wolves!