Chapter 28

Chapter 28

"Cloud Mountain Sword Immortal Mu Zhong And The Two Evil Transmigrator"


While heading back, the group encountered something again but it was not gasp of pleasure or two man pounding each other.

What they encountered is...




Sound of people shouting together resounded in the forest as an old man fought with a dragon.

The dragon roared in anger as it felt the humans underestimating it.

The old man it was battling scoffed at this as he immediately stroked his sword with his index finger and middle finger.

The sword glowed in blue light as his hand traveled at its tip.

Then he immediately raise it up in the air smiling arrogantly and coldly at the dragon.

"Take this my Godly Sword Strike!"

As he finished his word, his hand and sword moved leaving an after image then the dragon unexpectedly split in half along with the forest having a fissure.

The earth trembled and the sky shook.

This is the power of the Cloud Mountain Sword Immortal!

The people surrounding the place immediately burst into cheers and they repeatedly call out his name.





At the group.

Abdul stared at the old man like he was staring at an idiot.

"How pretentious!! How can he call himself an immortal?!!"

He exclaimed while the group nodded agreeing at him.

Lira and Aya's eyes sparkled in excitement looking at the old man but they still agreed with Abdul.

Glacia stare at the old man mischievously.

'I wonder if I can test if he really is an immortal?' She wondered.

Glacia leveled up earlier when they are on the road since monsters will occasionally ambush them.

But she didn't exchanged it into something quickly.

Now she felt that maybe she can exchanged it for a powerful skill and test it on the old man.

'Well I'll test it later'

As she finished pondering, the group suddenly heard a person speaking loudly.

"Did you know that the Cloud Mountain Immortal are accepting disciples at his Cloud Mountain Sect?"

"Really? Then I should go now and join!!"

The former man scoff at his friend.

"Do you think that it is easy?"

The latter become silent and he finally sigh in helplessness.


Glacia and Abdul hearing it frowned.

For Glacia, the cultivators didn't fit this world of sword and magic since they were using qi's.

And besides, Chinese mostly applied colonialism everywhere.

She was afraid that the Chinese will slowly conquer this world then turn it into cultivation.

Because in his past life Chinese like to do troubles, some countries even banned them or only don't let them have a green card.

Note: Green card is needed if you want to live in another country and using it as your new home, not a tourist.

For Abdul on the other hand, he felt insulted since the old man is so pretentious and now he want to teach him a lesson.

Call yourself Immortal? Call your technique Godly?

Abdul scoff at this.

He want to punch the old man to get some sense in him.

Rey seeing no sense in staying any longer motioned the group to move forward.

The group did not refute because all of them really want to go get their money by selling the carcasses and by claiming the quest is done then go back home.


The next day.

As Glacia and the group is planning to leave the Town to get back to their hometown, people talking about the same thing again and again reach their ears.

"Did you heard? There's a super cool, striking and handsome young man who destroyed the Cloud Mountain Sect with a rain of golden lightning!!" A soldier said to his partner.

Glacia eyes twitch when he heard those words.

Super cool?

Super striking?

Super handsome?

Super my ass!!

Glacia turn to the culprit behind the rumour and behind the destruction of the Cloud Mountain Sect.

The culprit as if oblivious to something he did yesterday at night, only smiled looking like he didn't destroyed something earlier.

Abdul is following them to see them off because he is not going to leave town unlike Glacia.

Shaking his head whilst smiling wryly, Glacia perk her ear again to listen.

"Not only that! There's a powerful sect faraway from this place and it is said to be on par with Cloud Mountain Sect"

"The Divine Ocean Sect!"

"But sadly...."

The man suddenly become gloomy and his partner eagerly asked him.

"What is it, what is it??"

"It is said that the sect and the whole mountain and ocean it resided froze"


"Yeah, whole 500 meter radius turn into freezing spike and mountain of ice that reached to the sky...." As the man said that his partner shuddered and his trembling hand pointed at his partner.

"Y-You mean it's not a coincidence?"

"I-I don't know"

"They must be punished by the Gods"


"We don't need to know but the gods must be angry!"

"You think it's because they are too pretentious?"

"Perhaps or perhaps not!"


Hearing it, Glacia and Abdul grinned.

Abdul don't know who froze the whole Divine Ocean Sect but he and that person must be able to become friends quickly if they met each other!

Glacia just stayed silent and look at his new skill.


(Subzero Frozen Land)

Turn a land with a radius of 500 meter or half a kilometer into a frozen land of ice!

Debuff : Weakness, Cold, Curse, Slow

Mp Consumption: 300
