
"Hey there gorgeous," I heard behind me and as I looked, a boy with cool brown hair walks up to me. I blushed and backed up to a wall as he got closer.

"Leave me alone.." I said.

"Don't worry cutie, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I can't hurt a cutie in her cute glasses."

I blushed and hide my face with my book. "Go away."

He grabbed my hands and forced them from my face."don't need to be scared."

I started to squirm.

"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" I looked up and saw Brad approaching us in an anger mood. He grabbed the guy's collar and lifts him in the air. He then started to punch him in the face very hard. He kept punching until he starts to scream.

"BRAD! STOP IT!" I yelled.

Brad dropped him on the floor and lifts his head facing me. "You see that girl over there? No one touches her! No one hurts her!" He then slammed his head on the floor and dragged me away from them.