'Luck'y Me

The next morning I get up, take a shower, put my casual wear on and leave the house for school. I walk halfway until I realize I was missing something. "Oh yeah. My glasses." I turn back and go for my glasses in my room. As I am about to go back out, I bump into Dad.

"M-Morning Dad."

"What time should you be here?"

"Um 4:30."

"Not a minute..?"


"Good. Now get the fuck out of here."

I put my glasses on and walk straight to school. I reach about 8AM and class starts that same time so I run to class. I sit down and Veronica and Haley was paying full attention to what the teacher's saying and I listen to the teacher.

Lunch time me Veronica and Haley get our lunch and sit at a bench.

"Ashley?" Veronica call.


"What happened to your cheek?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's swollen red."

Haley take a pic of it and show me.

"Oh my God," I say covering it.

"What happened?"


"It almost looks like a handprint."

I look away.

"Was it your-"

"No it's not-"

"Yes it is. Would Brad slap you like that? And I know your mother wouldn't do such a thing."

"Don't tell Brad about this..."


"You just can't..."

"Ashley, Brad can fix this problem-"

"I don't want him to. It's going to end up bad.."

"I understand how you feel but we all know you live pretty far so you can't reach home by 4:30 you know that."

"I can't tell him that-"

"You must Ashley-"

"He smack me cross the face, don't you think he'd do it again?!"

"Haley, we have to talk to him."

"How will that change anything?!"

"Ashley we have to do something. We're your friends and we can't just sit here knowing you have a crack head dad who expects you to speedy home and reach 4:30 when you can't. We're talking to him and that's that."

"Please don't..."

"We're doing this because we care Ashley."

I get up and walk away. They call me but I didn't answer nor look back. I get outside of school until a boy push me down and my glasses fall off.

"Hey, watch where you're going nerd."

I get up but he push me back down and pick my pocket. He take my money out of my pocket and walk away from me. I yell Brad's name and mysteriously he came out of nowhere and come to me.

"Ashley what happened? Who slapped you?"

".....it's that boy over there, he slapped me to the floor and took my money," I lied (because I had to)

Brad gets up and charges after the boy. Brad then grab him, take the money back, give him couple hard punches and throw him through a house window. He runs back to me, puts my glasses back on me, helped me up and puts the money back in my pocket.

"Next time be careful okay?"

"Alright, thank you Brad."

"Anything for you baby."

He kiss my lips and walks off to where he came from.

Wow, lucky me. Now Brad knows that boy was the one who caused the red mark on my face, he won't think it's one of my parents. He can't know about my dad.

Time pass school has dismissed and I hurried home. When I reach inside, my dad was already at the entrance and he hold on to my collar.

"Fucking nerd! You're ten minutes late! What was the fucking time I told you to come here?!"

"I-I tried Dad I really tried-"

"Shut the fuck up!" he yell throwing me to the table and I tumble over everything. He walk up to me and grab my hair roughly. "You ruined the table you-"

"Larry! Stop! Stop hurting her!"

He throw me to the ground and slap Mom. He then storm up to his room and I get up to Mom. She hug me and cry on my shoulder.