I'm His Property

I thought about it, I'm the wrong one here. What was I thinking telling Brad to kill him and I know I won't handle it if he goes to prison. Damn it Ashley, why would you think like that?! Now I made Brad mad....this is all Derek's fault....why would he do that to me for my relationship with Brad to ruin?! Well, obviously to get me back.

I don't want him back anyways, not after what he did. He broke me, very deeply, he broke Veronica also. But forget Derek right now. I lay flat on the bed and go to sleep.

------the next day----

I wake up only to see Brad looking at me while shaking his head.

"What?" I ask very confused.

"You slept early and woke up late?"

"What?! What time is it?!"

"10 am."


"Just kidding. Its only 7:30."

"Don't do that Brad," I say hitting him and he chuckles.

"I'm going to start walking you to school now."

"Why the sudden change?"

"I realize I'm not possessing you enough so those guys can leave you alone. Everyone is going to know you're mines."

"But Brad, everyone already knows, remember the boy you beat the shit out of."

"Which one?"

"The one that was flirting."

"Oh. Well, it looks like Derek doesn't seem to know you're mine and I'm going to make him see."

"Yayy Dadda is protecting me!"


I laugh.

"And haven't I always protected you?"

"Yeah but you're doing it again! Yay Dadda!"

"You really have to stop call me that."

"Why can't I? Aren't you?" I ask seductively.


After I realize how I said it, I blush and look at my feet. "S-Sorry."

"It's nothing baby. Come on you need to get ready for school."

I get up and go to the bathroom getting dressed in my regular wear that I never describe at all. After I freshen up and change, me and Brad leaves the house, he locks his house door shut and we drive straight to school.

As I get out and head for class, I get stopped by Derek. He has a smirk on his face while putting his arm around me like xxxtentacion's song but I back off from him.

"I see the hickey is still there hehe. It looks good on you," he says to me.

"Brad!" I yell and Brad reaches us pretty quickly.

"So you're the son of a bitch who put that dirty hickey on her neck."

"Yeah. What is it to you?"

"Let me tell you something man. This is my property, not yours. So don't put your hands or any part of you on my property, you got it bitch?!" Brad says so heroic in my ears and he gave Derek a punch in the face that makes him fall on the ground.

"Ashley, come here," Brad says and I obey. He then puts his arms around me and starts to suck on the other side of my neck. While he's sucking on my neck, I wrap my arms around his neck and quietly moans because it somehow feels good. After he lefts a hickey on that part of my neck, he takes my hand and sucks on it also. He lefts another on my hand and made another on my other hand. "Show him them," he says when He finishes and I showed them off to Derek and Derek had a displeasing look on his face.

"She's my property, got that?!" Brad yells and carries me as he walks off.

--------Time Skip----------

"How jealous you think he is now?" I ask giggling.

"By the look on his face, you can tell."

"I love you Brad."

"I love you too baby. I'll do anything to make you happy."

"Then why didn't you kill him instead?"

"Because it wouldn't make you happy."

"Oh really? It'd make me the most happiest."

"Ha Ha. Not gonna work on me."

"I'm glad you didn't though."


I giggle and kiss him until I hear Derek just outside of the class me and Brad are in.

I get up and peek through the door half way open and I see Derek talking to Veronica with Haley beside her.

"Veronica please. I need you."

"I don't care."

"Come on babe, you know I always loved you up to this day. I miss you the most Veronica. Please come back to me."

"Sorry, I'm taken," Vero sighs and says then she turns to Haley and kisses her deeply.

My eyes widen as I see it.