
Kate's Pov

"Yo Brad what you doing in here?"

"I'm helping Kate with her homewor-"


"Hey what're you doing?! Let her go!"

"Why don't you give her a little action Brad?"

"Are you fucking crazy?! She's just my friend! Cut the bullshit!"

"Well her boyfriend is thinking something else and we can tell him what he's thinking is true if you don't do something."

"You guys can't be fucking serious!"


"Do something bro or we'll go to him right now."

"Kate!" I jump out of my sleep and see Jose looking at me a bit worried. "You okay? Look like you were having a bad dream."

I sit up as I take deep breaths then answer him, "yeah, I'm fine though."

He kisses me on the forehead and walks to the kitchen. I go to the bathroom to freshen up then go to the kitchen also. I sit on the counter as I watch Jose preparing breakfast. He looks at me while he's preparing.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"You asked that question already."

"I know but it doesn't seem so. Is it that bad dream?"

I look down at my feet. "Yeah."

"What was it about?"

"Just a memory in the past."

"Do you mean that night at the party?"

I stay silent.

"If you still think I'm mad I'm not. I understand you were scared because you didn't know how I would react. Plus it wasn't your fault."

"I guess so..."

"I kinda blame Brad though. He should've just kick their ass or something."

"Brad wasn't like that at the time. After what happened changed him."


"Let's just change the subject please..."

"Okay. I'm sorry. How's John's condition?"

"Still the same..."

"Has Brad gave you the money yet?"

"He hasn't got all of it yet."

"I see. Even though he's the one who took your first from me, I'm actually glad he's sacrificing to take care of John." He says handing me a plate of pancakes. "Don't worry, everything will work out for us. I can feel it."

I smile taking the plate.

"There's that beautiful smile." He smiles as well.

"You cheesy ass," I say giggling.

He then chuckles and I put my hand on his cheek.

"That's one of the things I love about you," I say and give him a deep kiss.

"I love everything about you Kate, I'm so gonna marry you in the future."

"Awww so sweet," we kiss again then I put my index finger on his lips. "Let's eat before our breakfast gets cold."

"You're right."

After we ate our breakfast together and Jose gets freshen up, we get dressed to go as we get out of the house. "Oh Jose, I have to go to the hospital to visit John."

"Should I come with?"

"No no, go to school. I don't want you missing any bit of your class. I'll be fine."

"Okay babe, see you at school. Love you."

"Love you more."

We smooch each other's lips and he walks off to school as I walk off to the Children's Hospital.

I go inside as I tell the lady at the front I'm visiting my son then I make my way to his ward room. He's still asleep, my 4 year old baby boy. I sit by his bed as I gently rub his hair with a passionate smile on my face.

"It's okay hun, everything is going to be okay. Your illness will be gone soon so you can come back home to mommy," I say and give his forehead a mild kiss.