Episode 2

The WOMAN said in fear "They're not following you, are they?"


DONALD takes the water from his daughter and drinks it after sadly saying

"They stopped to run after a mixed woman."


The WOMAN slowly utters "I'm mixed..."


He looks at her in sadness, he hopes to leave this community.


The WOMAN told him to "Make sure no one knows where you are."


Bonnie went to go watch a flipbook, she did have a T.V., but it was broken, and rights to watch t.V. are only for non-Russians here.


The WOMAN was worried and said to Bonnie

"The T.V. is broken, it hasn't been working for 6 years.

It plays, but it's super loud, it's stuck on 100. We can't use it, because of that, I kept the cords to plug it in the shelf."


DONALD yelled

"Bonnie, no T.V.! It's too loud and will attract monsters like the ones that killed mommy! Remember?!"


The Woman yelled back at Donald to "Shut up, you'll attract officials." Since loud sounds would attract them more easily.

Bonnie looks at him sadly and says "Yeah..."


The WOMAN was sympathetic and compassionate saying

"No, let's not remind her of that."

She didn't want to remind Bonnie of her mother's death or the officials looming over everything they will do.


Bonnie opens the flipbook and watches the book come to life.

She bites it.

Donald looks at her, clearly blown away, angrily yelling "Bonnie!" His mouth dropped wide in disbelief, he never raised her to disrespect others' property.


She stops biting it and says "I like to bite books."


DONALD sternly told her "With respect to this book, you should never bite one."


Bonnie laughed.

The woman goes to get This lever key in the cupboard, designed in a flower theme and is detailed primarily in pale, warm colors. Its design is quite simple, actually.

She uses it to go up the stairs to the "Front door" and lock it from the inside.


The WOMAN was reasonably fearful, saying

"You guys are lucky I was dumb enough to leave it unlocked."


DONALD this lit Donald up a bit, he was grateful for her stupidity, saying

"Perfect." Because without it, they'd be dead.


Next to the T.V. is This gadget that looks like a blend between a pocket watch and a television set. It looks rather crude and looks a bit retro. It is a communication device.


BONNIE was confused by it, saying

"What's that?"


The WOMAN calmly spoke

"I use it to talk to other Russians."


BONNIE became curious and asked

"Why, ma'am?"

_The WOMAN wasn't just sad but horrified, saying

"Too scared to leave this house."


Then a light bulb goes off in Donald's head.

He tells Bonnie to "Use it, go ahead. We can call a Russian-"

Then the woman shouted with great force at him

"Some get bombarded in their homes while using it, and the officials find out what it is and ask our names and if we've disclosed our plans on there while they hide and listen to us in secret, we're dead."


BONNIE angrily shouts "Then why do you use it?!"


WOMAN said in a sad tone of voice "Most leave their doors locked and are lonely."


Bonnie at this time believed that In this town, there are about 60 Russians and 10 mixed kids in total but in the small church community located in the town, 20 Russians are left, 1 mixed kid left, and one on the way. The other mixed kids and Russians in the town left at young ages with their adopted parents due to the racism of this town on mixed children and Russians in the church community, also out of their disgust on how they'd never help and for fear that it'd extend out of the community as well.


They sit together on the woman's couch, they are talking to each other while Bonnie is forced to play on the floor quietly poking and whispering to her belly.


The woman leans forward to her father, Donald, sitting right next to her and says "You know what it's like? Being the only one left? They killed the baby's father, my mother for sleeping with a Russian, my Russian father escaped this community after being kicked out by Mary."

DONALD quietly sobs saying "There's only 20 of us."

WOMAN began tearing up, saying "I lost so many friends in hiding, we were in the underground bunker over near Don's store, they never knew we were there. They caught them after a baby played on it, no one thought much of it, but the baby started saying 'Door.' the mother went to tell the store owner and he investigated it to see if blacks were in there or whites."

DONALD knew how it felt to be discriminated against but to have all people like you including friends and family be slaughtered, he told her "I'm so sorry."

The WOMAN began crying "They caught them all. Ages 4 to 19. All of them were slaughtered, none were given lighter punishments for being mixed, they were killed by throwing them off the Church's roof for goodness sakes as if that's not an abomination."


Mixed kids were killed, if you were black and slept with a Russian, they killed the Russian and killed your mixed kid if you had one. You were then kicked out of the community like trash. For some reason, her parents were the exception and the roles were switched.


The Woman was bitter, mad, devastated, venting, and ranting "Mother watched as they kicked out father, a guard holds him, he tries to make him go away and mother hid me, I watched them kill her in front of him, and then throw him to the floor."

Donald starts to cry.

Bonnie starts to cry, too.

A bang is on the door, "Ahh!" Bonnie screams, the woman goes to get a gun.

Her dad takes Bonnie and hides her in the woman's bedroom.

He hides her under the bed and then he goes to hide under the bed with her, covering her mouth to make her be quiet.


Outside the UNDERGROUND HIDEOUT, Loria was standing just ABOVE THE DOOR on the 11th

Loria is scared and shouts "I'm mixed, help!" trying to get the woman to let her in.

The woman is apprehensive.

"PROVE IT! What's the code?!" The woman says, grabbing and then cocking her gun...

LORIA frantically shouted "THE CODE?! I'm NOT SURE, DID YOU MAKE ONE?! They are all dead but me!"

Loria knew they didn't have a code, it was televised that they were dead.

The woman looks at the door in shock, then says "No!"

Loria gets the hint and leaves.

Luckily, The door is bulletproof.

The Woman, whose name is Galina, was in terror, her life flashed before her eyes as she put the gun in the box on the floor next to her shoes near the T.V. Then She walked to her room, she hears crying under the bed, she peaks under it to notice Bonnie and her father, he is asking "Bonnie, stop..." In whispers.

GALINA yelled out to Donald

"YOU NEED TO TAKE Bonnie and get to safety, you understand? All this stress, it is not good for her child, Either."

BONNIE looks at her father and says

"Daddy, what do we do?"

DONALD looks around then tells Bonnie

"Bonnie, sometimes, when you can't leave one way, you need to find another."

BONNIE was confused, then asked

"Daddy, what do you mean?"

DONALD Looked down at her and then said

"We have to leave, no matter what, we have to leave."

Donald gets his daughter out from under the bed and leaves the underground house with her.

Donald tries to calm his daughter down, but she's so unhappy and scared.


DONALD tried to make her calmer by putting on a fake smile.

"Hey, honey, be calm, it's gonna-"

BONNIE was angry, scared, sad, and worried about her baby, so she shouted at him

"No, it's not!"

This saddened DONALD who told her "Okay."


Donald walks to a bush and stops there, it is hidden behind trees and he pulls out a gun from his pocket, then gets out bullets and loads the gun.

Donald cocks it to Bonnie's worry and she says "No, daddy!" She whispers.

"No, do not scream!" DONALD whispers.

Bonnie whispers "What about mommy?"

DONALD yells



BONNIE looks around and sees Loria crying very hard.

DONALD saw her, and while he was worried and concerned for the woman he knew that it was too dangerous, so he told Bonnie to "Ignore her, Bonnie." he whispers.

Bonnie was very worried about the crying woman, and says "What if she's nice? Some Black people are nice to us."

Donald angrily told Loria "SOME."


Bonnie became even more concerned and foolishly decided to go on her own, saying "Let's go see. I hope she doesn't have weapons, I'll just peek."

DONALD was too afraid of Loria being a danger, Russians had it super hard in the community, so Bonnie could be killed or attacked by Loria, he told her "I'll go check, okay?" To keep Bonnie from taking this idea to fruition and getting hurt in the process of being a good person.

Donald hides Bonnie behind a bush and leaves and hides behind trees to see Loria.

Loria cried out "I can't deal with this."

Loria starts to grab rocks and he looks confused, she then cuts herself with the rocks.

DONALD THINKS "The heck?!" In shock, he's never seen a person try to harm themselves.

Loria cuts too deep and ends up bleeding out a lot, to his concern.

Loria is panicking and shouts "Oh my gosh! What did I do?!" Because she never meant to hurt herself so bad that it could kill her.


He comes out and pulls out a cloth from inside his shirt and says "Are you okay?!"


LORIA became Concerned, confused, and scared saying "You are a Russian?"


DONALD was SCARED and ANGRY AT HER because she came from a group of people that hurt his kind she was asking his race, which to him, implied she was angry he was even close to her, BUT he was MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THIS, the cutting, the blood loss...

He yells at her "Come on, I'm trying to save your life, here!" he straps the cloth on her using duck tape from inside his pants and wraps it around her arm.


LORIA becomes woozy and blood keeps staining the cloth.


Loria complains "I'm sleepy."


He carries her to a medic, the only Russian doctor he knows who lives in a house.

"Hey!" DONALDloudly whispers.

LORIA was tired, bleeding but the cloth is wrapped tightly, only a little loose, she says "Are you...are you that Russian I saved? Where is Bonnie?"

Bonnie is right behind him, running to him to catch up to him in worry for Loria.

Dr. Markus opens the door, surprised to see a Black girl.

Dr. Markus looks at her "Is she mixed? What happened- Did they do this?!"

DONALD replies "No, she did this to herself."

Dr. Markus shouted in shock "HERSELF?!"


Donald carries her inside the house.

Bonnie follows.


Bonnie says "Is she gonna die?!" when Dr. Markus slams the door in worry and fear.

He looks at Donald and screams "You don't think she may kill us?!"

DONALD explains "She may have saved us, I don't know!"

Dr. Markus yelled at him "You'll never know!!!" Since Russians were in a very perilous situation.

Bonnie asks "Is she okay?"


Dr. Markus tells Donald to "Think logically-"

But Bonnie retorted "He is!"

Dr. Markus bends down and holds Bonnie's shoulders tightly saying "Calm down and go to my bedroom!" To get her away from the non-Russian who to him could be a danger to Bonnie.


BONNIE runs to his bedroom to calm down for the baby.

Dr. Markus yells "I refuse to die!"

DONALD retorted "I refuse to let her die!"

Dr. Markus calms down then asks "Okay, okay, what did- Did she cut herself?"

DONALD says "With rocks."

Dr. Markus is in shock, he can't believe that someone would cut themselves and yells "The youth today!"


Dr. Markus starts to work on her by getting his equipment and starting the process.

Dr. Markus asks Donald "Is she okay, now?"

She is on the bedroom bed, Bonnie is staring at her intently in worry, Bonnie is surprisingly still pregnant.


Donald told Dr. Markus "She may have run a long way from home..."

Dr. Markus asks

"For what?"


Donald retorted "Danger! I think she's mixed."

Dr. Markus asks: "How do you know?"

Donald says to Dr. Markus "I saw her one day, she was running from us yelling 'I'm mixed!'"

Dr. Markus retorted "Okay, she's stupid."

Donald argued with Dr. Markus saying "Or she may have been trying to save us, the officials were chasing me and Bonnie down."

Dr. Markus replies "I can see that, but the attention shouldn't have been drawn to herself."

Bonnie Yells "She's our hero!??" In confusion, she really didn't think it was a good idea to allow herself to be the target but she knew it was the right thing.

Donald yells at Dr. Markus "Right now, I'm looking for help and hope!"


Dr. Markus shouts out of his mouth "From our enemies, how 'bout that? Huh?"

DONALD retorts "They are not all enemies, I've talked to some who've been helping us."

Dr. Markus asks "Où est-elle?"

Translation from French: "Where is she?"

Because frankly, to him, he hasn't seen many non-Russians try to help Russians, lately.


Donald looks at the boarded-up window of Dr. Markus' doing and says "You boarded that?" he then sits on the bed in worry.


Dr; Markus is saying "Not enough."

DONALD yells out "I'm scared, man. I've decided to leave the community."

Dr. Markus complains "You think you have the ability to escape this hellhole?" Having no more hope for escape since the new laws put out by the town the community resided in.

Donald stands up like a confident warrior and says "Yes, I do and with my baby girl."

Dr. Markus complains "Idiots are everywhere, but I applaud your optimism and ambition as stupidity at its finest best."


DONALD yelled

"Okay, I know that I did something that seems to be idiotic, then couple it with something that's actually idiotic."


Dr. Markus yells "Bringing your daughter into it, too?"

DONALD complains "I know it was dangerous bringing her, but I had to!"

Dr. Markus answers "I know."

DONALD yelled out in desperation "I'm just trying to let my life be better, hey, maybe I can go into the town, outside the community and fix this mess, help us all by saving the 20 Russians and my grandchild and that lady left."

Dr. Markus says as he sits on the bed lifting up Loria's arms and checking each pulse "Okay, you have too big of an ambition for me to reward with stupid, best, etc."

Dr. Markus warned him "You should be careful, evil prowls the woods."

DONALD told him "My Gosh, you're a perfect portrait

of the world. Obsessed with death,

'till it knocks on your front door."

Dr. Markus laughs in mockery.

Then Dr. Markus says "It'll make you famous if you like?"

DONALD tells him "I'll be famous for saving our people."

Dr. Markus told him "I've given up hope, you know how many letters I've had sent by the nicest black people, the remaining Russians before they were killed some of them, pretending to be Black myself to get someone to listen to us? That town is not our town, it's their's!"

DONALD yells "It's our town, too! We deserve protection!"

Dr. Marlus sighed complaining in deep sorrow "the response I got..."



Dr. Markus narrates "It was offensive to me, the leader, the mayor of the town told me that it was culture, this community is old, perfect, special!"


In his past, As the doctor narrates, The doctor opens a letter, worried, hoping for a better life.


Dr. Markus narrated "My life...it's hell, I tried sending 10 letters, all out of lost hope I had!"


In his past, He is reading aloud "It is culture, this community is old, perfect, special, we cannot allow it to end its culture for you, because the culture is too special to end."

Dr. Markus' hopes and dreams are dashed, "The only reason I help people is because I wanted to help our people but no, this town is screwed, messed up, it hurt me like hellfire was all over me. It is a pain to hear you were never safe like you already knew." Markus narrates.


In his past, He is crying and hardly paying attention to his letter.



He looks at Loria and says "If she is mixed, I couldn't help her." he is completely hopeless in feeling, he has no hope and only has duty, morals, and guilt.


DONALD became tearful, losing hope minimally, and said "It's sad to me."

Dr. Markus was tearful saying "I tried."

DONALD Prayed "Well, Godspeed." meaning it, he says in a way to provoke hope towards him.

Dr. Markus was dissatisfied with his attempts and told Donald "You are too hopeful."


DONALD was hopeful, he told Dr. Markus

"I try."

Bonnie is hugging Loria, laying right next to her.

Donald is confused, and concerned looking at Bonnie saying to her "Oh, Bonnie."

BONNIE states with glee "Her heart's beating." she says as she lays her head on her chest.

Bonnie lays her head on a pillow.

Dr. Markus says "She'll have to stay monitored."

Bonnie told Donald "She looks sad."

Donald laughs and says "She's asleep."

Dr. Markus told Donald "Not funny, my friend."

Loria wakes up thinking she's going to die saying "I'm in- This ain't Heaven!"

Dr. Markus was cynical, mocking her saying "You're in a Russian doctor's house, hello!"

Bonnie told Loria "Daddy saved you, back!" Happy to see her alive!


DONALD told Loria apprehensively "I saved you, now you owe us, keep us safe."

Loria says "What? You're the Russians I saved!"

He swings a leg over, his HEAVY FOOTSTEPS approach her-- causing

her to pause-- he says "I owed you, now I don't."

Loria laughs then says "What's happening?"


Dr. Markus tells her "First, you tried to kill yourself by telling the officials you're mixed, then you literally directly tried when it didn't work obviously."

Loria told Dr. Markus "I never tried to kill myself, I jumped in the lake or whatever, pond? River? Who knows, then..." Referencing to the self-harm, "...It was an accident."

Dr. Markus feels bad for her and says "Okay."

Loria gets up and sees a thing where blood is being put in her and says "I cut myself, I-"

Then she sees Bonnie and stops talking.


Bonnie looks at her in confusion and says "What?"



It is in the dead of NIGHT.

they are all sitting on the couch together.

DONALD tells Loria "Sorry for locking the bedroom door."

Dr. Markus tells Loria "And leaving you in there alone and sleeping on the couch."

Loria looks at him, lost in thought.

Dr. Markus asks Loria "What?"

Loria says "At least you saved me." She is still attached to the machine that helps pump blood into her body, she is sitting on the couch, Bonnie is eating cookies, and Donald is eating Pizza.


DONALD asks Bonnie playfully

"What's up, little girl? You have

another cookie dream?" he laughs. She raises her arms for him. He grabs her and hugs her as she eats her cookies.


DONALD told Bonnie "Daddy's got you now, you're safe."

Bonnie told her dad "The baby likes cookies."

Donald says quietly, somberly, "I know." He's sad she's pregnant so young, "I'll take care of him or her." He knows she's not mentally equipped to care for a baby.

Bonnie states "She's a girl."

In DR. MARKUS' BEDROOM on the next day...

Loria stares at Bonnie's pregnant belly, she's 3 months pregnant, chewing the end of her candy. She stands up saying "How are you gon' care for this child?"

Bonnie looks at her saying "Daddy wants to take care of her, he wants me to play with the baby, of course, I will!" Loria sighs, then felt she needs to be honest "You need to listen, Your baby may not survive."


Bonnie looks worried, "But, I'm sure God will provide for you when she does." Loria says to not scare and stress her out.

Cuz the baby is fragile and stress may kill the child. Bonnie is happy that she said that and smiles and goes to hug her and does. Loria slowly accepts.

A kick from the baby wakes Bonnie, She rolls over, pulling

her pillow out... Loria gets up and asks the doctor who is walking in the room "Why are these things in me?" and he says "I'll take them out, today."

Bonnie: "I left you a note, read it!" Bonnie says as she gives Loria a note.

Loria takes it, reads it then said "Okay, then." it seems strange to her because of what it reads.

Loria gives it back to Bonnie who gleefully accepts it, all it reads is:

"I made you pancakes, I love you, Loria!"

Dr. Markus unhooks the machines from her body and leaves.


In Dr. Markus' CAR,

Loria is in the backseat, "I agreed to help you guys."

Bonnie is right next to Loria, Donald is in the driver's seat.

Dr. Markus is in the front seat. He's scared.

Dr. Markus: "If anyone is scared, I trained a Russian on ER and minor wounds and illnesses." he says looking at them in a hurry and worry.

Loria is terrified.

Bonnie is sleeping.


Donald is unhinged.

Dr. Markus is worried but trying to force himself to be calm, he is moving around trying.

"What are you doing?" Donald asked in confusion. "Trying to calm myself." Dr. Markus says in a hurry, worried.

Loria is worried and says "Are you okay, Dr?"

Dr. Markus: "Je ne peux pas croire que j'ai stupidement décidé 'allons dans cette impasse sans espoir de gagner la guerre!'"

Translation: "I can't believe I stupidly decided "let's go to this dead-end hopeless of winning the war!"

Loria stares outside, she has the face mask, too.

So does Bonnie.

They are wearing gloves, anything to cover skin, and facial features.

LORIA's THOUGHTS were of her mother yelling at her profusely, then her father screaming with her mother, then finally slapping her mother across the face.

Back to reality...

Loria tears up asking "Why?"

Bonnie wakes up and asks "What's this?!" and takes her mask off. Then she looks out the window, "What the heck?" she says.

Donald told Bonnie "Do not take off the mask, we're on the road."

Bonnie realized she needed this mask on and says "Oops."

she puts her mask back on.

The radio turns on and says "Hey, ain't this town, whatever it's called, I forgot, anyway, whatever it's called great?!" It's a woman's voice on the radio.

Dr. Markus: "Dude, J'adore ces gens, comment ont-ils oublié le nom de notre ville? Vraiment?"

Translation: "Dude, I love these people, how did they forget the name of our city? Really?"

Donald tells Dr. Markus "I love it when you speak French, your accent, the French, it makes it worthwhile to listen to."


Dr. Markus laughs then scoffs at him.

Bonnie asks Loria "Who's driving this car?"

Loria told Bonnie "Dr. Markus."

Dr. Markus says "Who? I'm not driving, he is!" he says as he points to Donald in the "he is!" part.

Donald says "Hey, I'm Donald, don't forget that." To get Dr. Markus to respectfully use his name.


In the COMMUNITY CHURCH, PEWs line the Main hall.

It is DAY 25.

Mary is drinking alcohol, she's mad.

MARY yelled "SLAVES!"

Her guards run in, Mary hired Russian slaves to shock them and make them serve her. There are 6 slaves, and 10 guards.

Mary told the slaves "Hey, you, I assume you were enjoying your rest about now... I know but um, you'll die if you keep oversleeping."

Doddy asks "What?" In concern.

Mary yells "Guards!"

Two guards punch the Russian who said it twelve times and Mary laughs at the Russian.

Mary mocks her saying "Little Chernozhopy."

Doddy Slaps Mary, and Mary grabs his/her neck to choke him/her.

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP-- a call comes, Alex goes to get the phone in fear.

Mary snatches it from Alex's hand.

Mary seethes "Should be glad I let you Chernozhopies go."

The Russian slave named Marcie says "I'm sorry for-"


Doddy tries to pull Mary's hands off, Mary punches her in the stomach and says "You are an ugly animal, aren't you, no wonder you aren't pregnant."

Mary throws her to a guard, then the guard picks up Doddy and dragged her to another room to be tortured.

Mary says mockingly "Enjoy torture, Chernozhopy."

Alex tries to stop her from insulting them by saying "You shouldn't say-"

Mary cuts her off and mocks the Russians saying "Chernozhopy? Chernozhopy."

Mary has no respect for Russians.

Alex is terrified, Then one of the slaves says to another in whispers "she tried to tell MARY what do to," and that scares the slaves.

They care for Alex.

Alex yells out to Mary "Please, don't torture Doddy."

Doddy screams "Stop IT!"

Alex sobs lightly, "You look sad." Mary says mockingly.

Alex shakes as one of the slaves, 13, rocks back and forth sittin' on the floor.

Mary mockingly tells her Guards "That 13-year-old girl is rocking, carry her to her room, it annoys me."

The Guard named Lily takes the Russian slave that is 13 to her room by force, picking her up roughly.

The slave is sobbing in terror and fear and shock.

The Russian slave named Marcie says "Doddy was very kind to Alex."

Mary slaps Alex.


Mary told Alex "I'm tired of you talking, all you do is talk, nothing that comes out is useful, do you think I care about Alex? Or Doddy? Or any of you kacapas?! I JUST WANT ALL OF YOU TO DIE!!!"

Mary beats Alex mercilessly, we don't see it, we hear it, the punches and screams.

Mary laughed afterward, mockingly.



Loria is having a panic attack, Donald is trying to calm her down, Dr. Markus is giving tips Donald on how, Bonnie is scared for Loria's safety.

Dr. Markus shouts "Listen, leave her alone!"

Donald yells "Stop shouting!"

Bonnie screams "I'm scared!"

Loria yells "Calm down, Bonnie!"

"Months of planning, don't go to waste..." Donald whispers because Loria's panic attack involved SCREAMING, which will attract Guards.

DR. MARKUS yelled

"She's only getting more stressed, pray!"

Donald starts praying "GOD, PLEASE DON'T LET US DIE TODAY."

Bonnie says "And keep the baby safe in and out of me, in Jesus name, Amen..."

Bonnie looks up and down Loria, Loria asks "Why did you take me in?"

Donald says "Well, first, you were dying, if you're asking because you're black and we haven't had the best relationship with upper class-men, I have met good black people to only get killed or kicked out for protecting us."

Bonnie says "One tried to help me with the baby but got hurt because my baby is mixed."

Donald says "Yes, she told her friends to stop hurting Russians, her friend got mad, she had 5, one of a rebel, the sixth, she told Mary to...STOP. The friend got killed."

The culture of killing Russians came from....a bad event.

Donald repeats what the narrator says.

Loria says "What happened to the other 6?"

Donald immediately replies "They got kicked out."

Loria tries to ask "Did-"

Bonnie cuts her off saying "They didn't want to tell them where I was."

Bonnie sings "I got a baby in a front-pack, it's in my tummy, so it's a tum'bag."

Loria sings "She'll be your friend, if she survives, her mother will be her sister."

Bonnie sings "Um, I guess I will be her sister because of daddy."

Loria holds her hand in sympathy.


No mother would have their child murdered for no real reason if they loved them.


Bonnie says "I want her to live."

Loria comforts Bonnie saying "She will."

Bonnie says "I will fight for her if I can."

She placed a hand on her stomach, Loria's hand. Then she looks up as she says.

Bonnie says "I don't care if she's a he, I love them."

Loria tells Bonnie to "Stop looking at the top of the car, sweetheart." laughing.

Bonnie says "I'm not looking there, I'm looking at God."

Loria says "What?"

Bonnie says "God hates what they do to us, I know it, we will keep us safe. I know there's more than 20 of us."


Loria looks confused, then sad.

Then, a roadblock.

Donald tells Loria "Go out, if we go, we may get caught, okay?"

Bonnie says "I'm scared!"

The car strops.

There are two secretly mixed black-looking dark-skinned guards.

Loria walks out and says "What's going on?"

One says "What are you?"

Loria says "Mixed...?"

Loria thinks "Something tells me....they aren't fully black."

The guards let her pass.


Loria gets in the car saying "They're gonna let us through, drive."

Donald thrives in saying "Why am I doing this? I can't control myself!"

Donald is being controlled by God.

He ends up near a large bunker, one of the guards of the bunker opens the bunker, comes out 9,000 Russians, 10,000 blacks, 7,000 mixed black and Russians.


Their babies look at the car curiously.

Donald and Bonnie, etc. are forced out of the car by God.

God says "There is NOT only 20 left."

Oh, there isn't...


Bonnie shouts in pride, glee, hope "God DID IT TO SHOW US!"

God informs the group that "We will fix this land."


A man named Borus who is black and white mixed says "We will fix this land with God's hand! They will never be able to take us down, we will demand freedom, peace, safety, WE WILL NEVER BACK DOWN!!!"


A figure glowing bright, Jesus Christ, rises up above the dirt and above his head.

He looks down at him saying "I will free the people of this land. Christ will be returned to the land I will call agápe."

Bonnie tells Loria "agápe means God's love."

Brightly shining Angels fly down from heaven and over 60,000 of them land on the people over them not killing them but landing gracefully on their heads.

All of the people there raise their hands to God praising him saying "Hallelujah!!!"

God says "I will rescue you, the government will realize their great crime against the lord, for harming you is a sin against God."

In Mary's church.


Mary says "God says murder is a sin but the need to kill is required to get rid of them."

She says this in front of 60 black male men and women who are guards and mixed guards in secret who hate their other Russian side and one Russian slave.

One secretly mixed Guard says "We have all of them."

One of the fully black ones named philía that guard that got suspicious looks from Lily, says "Of course." in a mocking way.


philía says "I am sure we have them all."

Back at the bunker with all the other Russians.

Borus is in a room that looks like a church, they are planning an escape.

philautia is walking to him, she's a Russian helping them get out of oppression.

philautia tells him in a Russian accent "We need to protect the children, including the unborn."

Borus says "They are the legacy and much more than that."

philautia hugs him tightly saying "We must keep our son safe."

philautia walks away to tend to her newborn son, Charlies who is laying in a wooden crib that has no decorations, looks more like it's only for sleep, the only convenience for the baby's safety and charm, with well-carved wood but no cute balloons or anything.

They love their baby.

She hugs him gently.


Borus tells Bonnie "Go to the nursery."

In the nursery...

After they planned the escape to get to the gov. of the town outside the community...

Bonnie is taken by Loria to the nursery.

Loria tells her "Be careful."

Bonnie: "I'm glad they finished the plans..."

One of the children ran to her saying "I'm 12, how old are you?"

Bonnie: "I'm 7."

The child says "You're pregnant?"

Bonnie: "How'd you know?"

The child says "They rescued me from a slave trade where I got pregnant..."

Loria: "Are you okay?"

The child says "I'm storgē."

Storge (στοργή storgē) means "love, affection" and "especially of parents and children". It is the common or natural empathy, like that felt by parents for offspring.

storgē stares as Bonnie says "What gender?"


storgē says "It's a boy, they do ultrasounds to see if our children are okay, the children are very fragile, they think they'll come out small."

Bonnie asks storgē "What do you mean?"

storgē informed Bonnie that "The babies won't be able to get larger because of our bodies, but they can be well developed."

Bonnie says "Well they-"

storgē cuts her off saying "Yeah, we need C-sections. Birth isn't for children."

Bonnie looks sadly at Loria and says "Will the baby be okay, are we gonna die?"

Loria starts to cry.

storgē takes Bonnie to a bed.

storgē says "When they are born, other people will take care of them."

Loria states "I hope I am able to care for her child."

Loria goes to see Donald asking "Why haven't you asked for abortion of that thing?!"

Donald replies "It's not like we have options!"

Dr. Markus complains "Now, I know one thing, it's that abortion... In these cases, the children, will not make it."


Donald looks at him horrified saying "What did you do?"


Dr. Markus looks down saying "I didn't do anything. My little young sister... She was older, but she was so young, and so she was sent to one of the doctors Our previous ruler set up to get rid of Children from the rape of Russians, the child was 10, but the abortion merely consisted of measures...dangerous. They pulled a part of her womb that killed her, her child was 9 months old in pregnancy by then, the baby was cut out and killed it seemed, but I was desperate, I did something, I took her body and the child and escaped, I tried to revive her but she didn't wake up."

As he says this, we see a flashback of what happened.

In the rest of the flashback...

Dr. Markus narrates "I raised her son."

We see him walking to a small shack. HE is 5 years old. He is crying.

HE has his nephew in his arms.

In the shack, he feeds, burps, changes, etc. his nephew.


Markus says "I loved him so hard, but he was lost. Cancer stole him along with racist doctors."

Bonnie walks to Loria who is yelling at Donald "I don't know how she can give birth!"

Bonnie says "I'll be okay, the baby will come out of my stomach."

Loria almost punches her stomach but stops midway to her stomach, Bonnie grabbed her hand in shock.

Bonnie says "The heck are you doing?! You'll kill the baby if you-"

Loria says "What are you gonna do as a mother?!"

Bonnie tells Donald "Daddy, she tried to hit me!"

Donald says "It's okay!" as he hugs her and says "What do you think will happen?!"

Bonnie tells him "I'm leaving, I'll never come back to this community or town, don't act so nice daddy, you called my baby a monster when you found out! Now everything hates us, my race, my family, my baby doesn't have a chance here!" and ran away to the nursery.

Bonnie sits alone in the nursery crying, blood comes from her body through her vagina, she looks at it and screams.


One of the children named storgē ran to Bonnie yelling "What's-"

then saw the blood, picked her up, and carried her to the base.

The leader, Borus, placed his hand on her stomach while yelling "GET THE MEDICS!"

He started praying "Lord, help us this day... In Jesus' name Amen." Bonnie was horrified.

women are four times more likely to die in the year following abortion than women who give birth. Similar findings were reported in a record-based study of California women. This is why Dr. Markus was so scared for Bonnie. There were risks all over the place.


Yeah....it's...dangerous for children.

storgē says "Bonnie, it's okay, sometimes blood comes out, it's doesn't mean the baby is dead but um, you need help!" She was terrified, she was worried as heck for her and her child.

storgē told him "Something happened, I can feel it, she's stressed out!"

Bonnie was freakin' out yelling "Help!"


A doctor came in and felt her stomach, a kick came through.

The Doctor told them "It's alive, let's get her to the infirmary!"

In the infirmary, Bonnie was terrified and prayed "Please let them hurt us, please don't us die! In Jesus' name Amen."

God was listening and kept them both alive.

The next thing we see is...

Bonnie was in the room, she was laying down, calm.

Her baby is fine, she is fine.

Bonnie prays "God, please let us get hurt."

Loria and Dr. Markus and Donald walk in, Bonnie says "I'm sorry for making you try to hurt the baby."


Loria says "What do you mean? That was my fault, not yours."

Bonnie says "Why did you try to hurt her, then?"

Loria says "Because I was scared you'd be hurt by having a baby you'd think of a rapist because of."

Loria is given a dirty look by Bonnie stating "What?"

Bonnie says "I love her, I didn't think of it until you said that, Loria."

Bonnie literally cries, she looks away and pulls her pillow over her stomach and the cover over her face saying "I don't like you!"

Loria cries then ran out of the room.

Donald takes the cover off of her, and pulls the pillow saying "Are you upset? I'm sorry for what I said."


Bonnie cries saying "I just want you to love her."

Bonnie lets it all out, no matter the feelings of others.

"I'm trying to get you to love her, I love her so much, I want her to have a happy life, I love my baby, I won't let you hurt her no matter what, I love her!" she says holding her stomach.

A random man walks in asking "You can love a rape baby?"

Bonnie screams "She's not a rape baby! What's that?!"

The man's name was predubezhdeniye, he was mixed between Russian and black.


predubezhdeniye says "You can't love that baby, it's not a part of you!"

Bonnnie yells "Huh?! Yeah, it is! It's in my tummy!" in deep confusion.

predubezhdeniye means prejudice in English.

Bonnie yells "Make him go away!" because he makes her feel uncomfortable.

Donald pulls the man out of the infirmary yelling "Okay, man, listen. Like the Russians were coming at the blacks and harming them, then the blacks turned around, kidnapped the children, and killed the ones harming them, do not do what the blacks did and harm the children, the newborns, none of them were over 7, you know, the Russian kids."

Donald cries saying "I used to hate that kid, I did, then I realized, we were blaming the kids for the sin of their parents, I didn't want to do that, I wanted to change things, I want to be different."

predubezhdeniye says "What can be different? My father was black, he's dead for marrying my mother, my mother is dead, Why bother doing anything you told me when no one loves us either?!"


Donald says to predubezhdeniye "To love is not to be loved alone, just because they hate does not give us the right to hate, we love when no one wants to love us!"

predubezhdeniye says "I wish the Russians and blacks of this town didn't have that war."

Donald gets on the floor saying "I'm hoping to change things, how many of us are there? Is the town in on this? Because there looks like enough to take out the leaders, why else would a town put culture over lives? What is THERE BIAS?"

They hear screams yelling "FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM!"

Borus runs to them telling them "We need a diversion."


Borus goes to sleeping pregnant Bonnie's room and says "Loria, you need to come with us."

Borus pulls Loria to a room saying "I need you to help the others divert the guards at the entrance if this plan fails."

Loria is taken to a room full of Blacks with Russian babies, they are taking them to baby rooms.

Borus takes her to a basement and says "Meet Blonka, Porus, Gender, Justar, and Ronald."

Blonka is a Russian girl, Porus is a Russian man, Gender is a Russian woman, Justar is a Black man, Ronald is a Black woman.


Ronald says "Okay, we go to the front, inform them of a false sighting of Russians near the river."

Blonka says "We sent black people to scare off the Russians from actually showing up there unplanned. We don't want to actually lead them to real Russians."

Blonka hugs Porus then says "We keep our kind safe, once we move the gates, we'll let them escape."


Ronald then speaks "Plan A, we lead our people to the escape underground leading to New Jersey, Plan D, whether or not Plan A or B fails, we go for the enslaved Russians, there may not be many but we cannot leave our loved ones and other people behind."


All of them pray holding hands with Loria who isn't praying and each other saying "Father God, please help us escape and fix this town. In Jesus Name, Amen."

They let go of each other and get down to business talking about plans.

A minute later, Loria is being brought to the front of the bunker saying "We have no time." by Borus who replies "I know."


The people are put in a tunnel, they go in, it's not that big, there are many tunnels. and many people go into different ones.

The babies being held by children older than 5 years of age in the middle, parents in the back and the front, men in back, and women in front.

Elders were helping children carry babies.

the ones who were too weak were carried by adults, the ones who could walk but were too weak to long-range or short-range, etc. carry a baby was with the women who were and were not pregnant and men being helped by them to walk.


The pregnant were behind non-pregnant women.

One of the women went to Donald and grabbed a piece of gauze and wrapped it around where his face was burnt up.

Donald felt pain saying "Ow what-" as she did it.

Donald used his left hand to feel the gauze and then says "Thank you, ma'am." When she was done, she went to help an old woman walk in the tunnel.

Once they made it through the tunnels, the people were led to a border of sorts. The Russians went out first, then the black people, then the mixed people.

Dr. Markus was happy saying "But what about the ones-"

Donald said, "They have a plan, but I'll talk to the leader to see what he had in store for the lost ones."


Donald went to Borus saying "Hey, listen, back home, we have like...a whole bunch of Russians being stuck in hiding and slavery. We need to do something." Borus thought about it for a minute.

Borus said, "We are going to send you in."

Bonnie runs to Donald saying "I want to name my baby milaya!"

It's a Russian word, милая in Russian writing, in English writing it is milaya and it means cute in English


Then Bonnie yells "Or milyy, it means the same thing!"

It's a Russian word, милый in Russian writing, in English writing it is milyy and it means cute in English


Donald says "Oh yeah? If the baby comes, we'll name her that."

Bonnie was in confusion, "Of course the baby will come! They always do!" Donald sighed and then said "Bonnie..."

Borus pats Bonnie on the belly and then says "Bonnie, we need to give you a special treatment, it's not gonna take the baby out by vagina or gonna-" Bonnie asks "Are you gonna make me have a miscarriage?"


Borus asks Donald sternly "How many times have you tried that with her? She is too young to be put through that on a consent basis, you know? I mean, she's too young for this. How did she get the idea from me saying those things that I-"


Donald cleaned up the situation by saying "I've never tried to make her have an abortion, I have talked about it, I've vocalized my hate for the kid in her stomach but I never made her have an abortion or tried or even took her to get one or pushed her down the stairs-" He's frantic in worry about how Borus will think of him or what Borus will do. He's worried Borus will take away Bonnie.


Borus says "You told her how you felt and she got an idea. Why would you even bring that up in front of her?"


Donald was kinda sweaty then said, "She was- I mean, she has been through a lot, she's young, this may kill her or the baby itself because she's so young, I didn't think the baby would live through her pregnancy anyway!"


Borus said "It could kill both. You need to pray or think about what you want to do for your daughter."

Borus walks away saying "MEET ME IN PRIVATE AT 3:55 PM!"

Donald was in deep despair as Bonnie said "I'm sorry for being pregnant."

Donald told her "If I have to make you...Miscarriage, I might." Bonnie was disgusted saying "What?! No! Why would you do that?!"


Dr. Markus ran up behind him yelling "No! Do you have the doctors to save her when she bleeds too much? She's not a grown woman, abortion is not universal, there are precautions, it is not that safe, I lost loved ones!"


Donald says "I don't want to talk about this!" Dr. Markus said, "We have to, it's happening right now."

Donald says "If she had an abortion, how likely is it she'd die?"

Dr. Markus said "It kills women more than childbirth, I've had men bringing their wives in. It's lost, women."


Donald says "So, she's too young?"

Dr. Markus says "Too young to carry, too young to lose. I might have to perform a C-section but I don't know if she can handle it, either, but it's the one I'd trust more with her life than the other options. We have to do it on the baby Prematurely."


Donald says "Hold on, prematurely?! I'm gonna be a...devil's advocate, exactly when is the child able to come out alive and live on their own?"

Dr. Markus says "At about 7 months. I don't even know if Natural birth is safer than a C-section because I've never handled it on a child before. I've never handled C-section or birth, I've handled C-sections on 12-years-old, but that was because I found natural birth too unsafe because of how other doctors believed. causing miscarriages DO sound borderline idiotic when it comes to causing them in children."


Dr. Markus sits on the ground then says "Causes of hemorrhage that can lead to pregnancy-related death include Problems with the placenta, including placental abruption, placenta previa and placenta accreta, increta and percreta. The placenta grows in your uterus aka. your womb and supplies the baby with food and oxygen through the umbilical cord."

Donald says "Maternal mortality caused by severe bleeding and infections are mostly after childbirth. Indirect causes are malaria, anemia, HIV and AIDS, and cardiovascular disease, all of which may complicate pregnancy or be aggravated by it. Sometimes if you deliver a baby but you don't clean your hands or yourself, the bacteria from your hands can get into the woman and kill her."


Dr. Markussays "I'll remove the baby at...how many months is she? The babies may be born prematurely, so I'd like to get to it quickly. I don't want to abort the child, just remove the baby."

Donaldsays "You'd make a decision That quick? She's 3 months along."

Dr. Markus was being honest, he said "I've been performing C-sections for 1 week, frankly, I know not much, most of the women were teens and adults. I don't know what to do! I've only done about 21."


Donald looks at him in awe, he hasn't done this but for one week? Only 21?! "Is that a good amount?! What?! You want me- Are there any more doctors here?! I can't let you touch my baby!"


Dr. Markus said "A woman can get pregnant and have a baby as soon as she begins ovulating or producing eggs. This typically occurs about a year after they first begin menstruating, which for North American women, usually happens between the ages of 11 and 12. The early onset of menstruation is called 'precocious puberty.' Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado --"


Dr. Markus says "...born 23 September 1933) is a Peruvian woman who became the youngest confirmed mother in history, giving birth at age five years, seven months, and 21 days. Another man said she gave birth at six years and five months old."


Donald looks at him and says "I don't believe that."

Dr. Markus says "I don't either but we are talking about situations for a pregnant 7-year-old. C-sections are generally considered safe, C-sections do have more risks than vaginal births. Plus, moms can go home sooner and recover quicker after a vaginal delivery. But C-sections can help women who are at risk for complications avoid dangerous delivery-room situations and can be a lifesaver in an emergency."


Donald looks at him intently and says "What. Are. The. Risks?"

Dr. Markus says "Although very rare, some women die from complications with cesarean delivery. Death is almost always caused by one or more of the complications listed above, like uncontrolled infection, a blood clot in the lung, or too much blood loss. ... The rest are caused by other problems, like heart trouble or high blood pressure."

Donald says "The other causes?"


Dr. Markus says "Some possible complications of cesarean deliveries are as follows: postsurgery infection or fever, too much blood loss, injury to organs, emergency hysterectomy, blood clot, reaction to medication or anesthesia, emotional difficulties, scar tissue and difficulty with future deliveries, death of the mother, harm to the baby... Fortunately, serious complications from cesarean deliveries are rare. In developed countries, maternal death is very rare. Death of the mother is more likely for women who have a cesarean delivery than for women who have a vaginal birth, but this is probably related to complications with the pregnancy that make a cesarean delivery essential."


Donald says "Why didn't you tell me this?!"

Dr. Markus says "Many complications of cesarean delivery are unpredictable and very rare, but there are some things that make complications more likely. These risk factors include obesity, large infant size, emergency complications that necessitate a cesarean delivery, long labor or surgery, having more than one baby, allergies to anesthetics, drugs, or latex, maternal inactivity, low maternal blood cell count, use of epidural, premature labor, diabetes. This isn't an easy option, I choose to birth by a c-section for safety."


Donald says "You sound like you've been doing these things for longer than 21 times."

Dr. Markus says "Most of this I learned on the internet when I had a computer for work when I was going to do one. I have to do everything JUST RIGHT. This is nerve-wracking."

Donald says "I guess, but why haven't-"

Dr. Markus says "I considered natural labor? She's 7, I don't trust it."

Donald says "You haven't even tried it!"


Dr. Markus asks "Why would I if I thought the child could die! The fact that girls under the age of 15 are five times more likely to die in pregnancy than women in their 20's, and that babies born to younger mothers are also at greater risk. I never allowed a natural birth. I knew there'd be a birth, but I never allowed a natural one."

Dr. Markus was nerved up right now, he had no idea what to actually do.


Once the people snuck through the gates, Borus went to Donald asking "Are you still up to save those few?"

Donald says "I wondered if I should go back for 'em, what were they going through? I did have to, you know why? Because those few are people too and they were going through hell."

Borus says "Good, philautia will company you. We will have Loria watch over...who?"

Donald: "Bonnie."

Borus says "Yes, the pregnant 7-year-old."

Donald sighs in disgust.

Borus tell Dr. Markus "You should go with him."

Dr. Markus was disgruntled, in shock, "How could you ask me to do such a thing at my age?! I'm old!!"


Dr. Markus was old.

Borus laughed then said, "You are WISE, THAT'S WHY YOU NEED TO GO."

Borus gives Donald a spear and Dr. Markus a knife, then says "You'll need it. philautia has a sword."

Dr, Markus looked at his knife, then yells "And you gave me a little knife?!" Dr. Markus let out an undesirable groan, his walks was that of an old man trying to find his sanity, he walked away with the knife in such a grudge back to the tunnel.


Donald followed Dr. Markus as he quickly scurried through the tunnels, Donald wasn't sure about his descent into that realm of death but he went to save those who needed it.

Donald asked Markus exactly "Why are you going?"

Markus said that "If I don't you surely will die without my help."

Donald cringed because he was old.

Markus said "What? I'm not too old."


When they made it into town, they found their car, Donald got into his car and puts his spear in the backseat, Dr. Markus went in with his knife. philautia showed up as they were about to drive off yelling "I'm here!" they stopped what they were doing to yell in sync with each other "What took you so long?!"


philautia got in the backseat with a katana. Markus yells out "A katana?! And I a small knife?!"

philautia said, "You were old, he didn't trust you with one."

Dr. Markus: "Tell that to samurais." then she told him "Also, you were inexperienced."

Dr. Markus said, "Now, that's more like it!"

Donald says "Seriously?! Let's go!"


Donald puts the car into drive and drives to the church community.

Donald says "Put a cloak up." philautia put up black cloaks on the windows.

14 hours of driving later, Donald is in the community.


He has a black sock with holes cut in it for eyes to see, he looks like a robber, philautia and Dr. Markus has the same.

Donald says "We're here."


philía is being interrogated by Mary, philía is being stabbed by Mary who has a Flail.

A flail is a weapon consisting of a striking head attached to a handle by a flexible rope, strap, or chain. The chief tactical virtue of the flail was its capacity to strike around a defender's shield or parry. philía is laughing saying "You knew?" then philía is struck with fear when she looks at the flail.



We see a flashback to the war...

Black people and Russians are getting killed, The Russians 1000 years ago used to oppress the blacks in the community.


Mary narrates

"They oppressed us, you are helping them? 1000 years ago, we were abused, 1000 years later, we are free but their kids are here ruining our lives."


Black people stabbed the Russian soldiers as she says this, Russians and Blacks are mourning loved ones.


philía narrates "You also mean the ones who were helping us fight the war? My father was Russian, took me in when my real parents left me on his doorstep, I don't know why. He and my mother cared for me."


As she says this, we see a Russian man picking up a black baby and bringing the baby to his Russian wife.


Mary narrated "The Russians raped our women and killed our babies, children, I don't see how you defend them!"


As she says this, we see Russian guards attacking a black family.


philía narrates "We can't just take it out on their kids, who were born after the war was over."


We see Russian kids being attacked by Black guards. Toddlers and babies are wailing. Children are screaming holding onto each other as black guards kill the babies and toddlers.

One of the little girl Russians yells "No, my sister!"

The baby she's talking about is terrified and wailing.

She grabs the baby and pulls the baby close to her yelling "Save us, Lord!"


Mary narrates "We had to, we had no choice!"


As Mary says this, the guard takes the baby away from the Russian girl and kills the baby, then drops the baby to the floor crying, the black guard was crying, he never wanted to kill the baby.

The Russian girl runs to the baby and put her hands on the baby's neck and started Praying "Yeshua, no, please bring her back, I don't want her to die!" The baby comes back to life and the baby's wounds heal up.


The baby looks up at the guard crying. The other babies that were killed and the toddlers were brought back to life.


The guards run away at the sight in fear. God says "I made them run, now run yourselves!" The Russians take the babies, the other babies that died were brought back to life as well so the children took them too. and runs.

They took the toddlers too.


philía narrates One of those babies, the first to live again was my mother.


The baby is an adult and is playing in her yard with philía as a child as philía narrates this, her father screams in the back.

Her mother named "Weary? Mommy?" Her mother's name was Weary.

Her father yells "WEARY, take philía to the bunker!"

Weary took philía and carries her to an underground bunker for her protection and safety.

Her father fight back.

The black guard named Thomas versus philía's father

The black guard Thomas has a sword while philía's father has nothing.


The black guard named Thomas cuts and Severed philía's father's Right Hand at his Wrist.

philía's father punches the guard and Bruised Left Forearm to The black guard named Thomas for 2.

The black guard named Thomas deals a Shallow Cut on Neck to philía's father for 4.0.

philía's father deals a Bruised Back to The black guard named Thomas with a punch from his only hand left.


The black guard named Thomas deals a Severed Right Hand at Wrist to philía's father for 9.0.

philía's father deals a Bruised Right Shin to The black guard named Thomas with his kicks. He used Capoeira to fight when he had no hands.

The black guard named Thomas deals a Shallow Cut on Left Forearm to philía's father with the guard's sword.


philía's father deals a Bruised Back to The black guard named Thomas with a kick.

The black guard named Thomas deals a Shallow Cut on Left Shoulder to philía's father.

philía's father deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to The black guard named Thomas with a kick.

The black guard named Thomas deals a Stabbed Through Heart to philía's father

philía's father deals a Gash/Bruised Right Femur to The black guard named Thomas by hitting him there with his forehead as his last attempt to save his family. philía's father yells "AHHH!!! WEARY, take philía and RUN!!!" as he hits the ground in pain, gasping for breath.


philía's father died.

The black guard named Thomas's damage: 15%

Weary gets out of the bunker with philía who yells "DADDY!!!" Weary says "QUIET!" philía says "Oh my gosh, mommy!" philía is crying. philía is in the forest, her mother named Weary running like the wind carrying her through it. The black guard isn't chasing, he's still with the dad, Thomas yells "I killed one."


Weary looks back to see if anyone is chasing, no one is behind her. philía says "I want my daddy!"

Weary tells her "It's okay, philía, no one is going to hurt you."

philía says "I'm scared! Mommy, I'm crying!" philía cries out in tears and crawls to her mom in painful desperation.


philía says "Mommy, why are we here?!" Weary says "Because we have to run away from the mean man."

philía says "I want to go home..."

Weary says "It's okay, we'll be okay..." hugging philía as tightly as she could.

Weary looks up and sees a black man saying "Are you okay?" Weary screams saying "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

philía looks up then says "Mommy!" The black man says "I'm here to help."

philía says "I don't want your help!" Weary says "I don't, either!"

The black man says "I'm really trying to help, I'm not tricking you, believe me, I'm not like them, I know what it is like to be hated for a race, just trust me! They have beat me up and scorned me those Russians, I understand! Not all but most have run away from me!"

philía says "Are you okay?"


Weary says "How do you expect us to trust you?"

The black man says "If I was lying, I'd have hurt you by now, no men came, my own hands are free of weapons, so my intentions are clear!" He said getting on his knees.

He stood up saying "It's okay, dear."

Weary hugs philía and says "Okay."


Weary stands up holding philía, the black man says "My name is Tyrone." Weary says "My name is Weary."

Tyrone looks at philía and asks "Your adopted child?" and Weary says "Yes." Not many Russians minded adoption because of the problems, they had too many things to worry about other than their child being adopted.


philía narrated "Not many Russians minded adoption because of the problems, they had too many things to worry about other than their child being adopted."


Tyrone helps Weary and philía through the forest.

Tyrone brings them to his cottage saying "My house." philía yells "It's pretty!"

Weary says "I need to go find my husband!"

Tyrone holds philía saying "Okay." Weary claims "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

Weary leaves watching them, sneaking a hidden phone in philía's pocket, and Weary having her own in her pocket to check on her.

Tyrone cuddled philía saying "It'll be okay."

philía asks "Why are you helping me?"

Tyrone says "Not all Russians are evil, I had a lot of nice friends where I lived, in Russia."



philía is sad saying "My mother Weary left her home with a broken heart."

Mary says "My father's wife was killed, so what? You Russians- Your parents took any happiness I had, the Russians killed my mother!"


Cut to Donald, philautia, and Dr. Markus.

Dr. Markus is just outside the main Church where Mary is.

Dr. Markus says in a cold stare of sadness "The church the Lord our Savior looks at in anger and wrath. They kill people here."


We pan over the church and show it's somber tones with editing.

Dr. Markus opens the door slowly, Donald goes in with his spear, Dr. Markus has the Katana while philautia has the knife saying "I want my katana back."

We cut to Loria and Bonnie with the Russians who escaped, they've gotten far, they are in the town, the town's folk are shocked at how many people are there and it's making the news.

Loria sees the helicopters, Loria then remembers the plan to see the town's leaders so that they can change things.


Loria says "I want to go to the town's leaders." Bonnie says "Really?"

Loria says "Of course."

Bonnie: told Loria "I want you to fix the community so it can be Christian. It's not Christian."

Loria knew the community was full of fake Christians pretending to be holy, so she said "I know, it's a town full of fakes pretending to be holy with no actions to back it up. A butt load of fake Christians so unholy they haven't even seemed to meet lukewarm yet."


Back to the Church with Donald, Dr. Markus, and philautia...


They are all sneaking through the church in fear.

They hear philía yell "AHHH!!!" Mary yells "A creature sick as you should be killed but I want you to know what I really hate about you!" Donald yells "HEY!"


Mary looks out the caged door in the church, she walks outside and says "You stay here." but once she opens the door, philía jumped up and runs out the door pushing away Mary.

philía says "Your name used to fit when you were an innocent baby, a child even, but now, you are nothing but a Judas!" Mary enraged attacked philía and flailed her three times in a row. philía steals Mary's Glaive.


A glaive is a European polearm, consisting of a single-edged blade on the end of a pole. It is similar to the Japanese naginata, the Chinese guandao and pudao, the Korean woldo, the Russian sovnya, and the Siberian palma.


philía armed herself in a fighting stance, Mary was super happy to try to kill her... Mary said "I kill lots of Russians, but I'll love to kill you the most, you slut!"

philía versus Mary


philía tries to deal a Shallow Cut on Right Bicep to Mary with the Glaive but Mary Blocks philía with the Glaive.

philía deals a Deep Gash on Neck to Mary. It isn't too deep, Mary bandages it, and philía runs off, Mary calls for help. Some guards come to help her.


Donald finds his way to the imprisoned slaves, he frees them opening the cage yelling "Let's go!" the Russian slaves run away. Mixed slaves look at him and say "Hello." They are all children. Donald goes in and helps them and the toddlers and babies run away. The children pick up the toddlers and babies and run.


Dr. Markus bumps into philía who says "Help, it's Mary!"

Markus yells "Why'd ya' screw that crazy old witch over?!"

Mary sneaks up behind her, then stabs her in the leg and Markus screams along with philía, Markus uses the katana to cut Mary's arm off at the elbow.

Mary deals a Broken Right Wrist to philía screaming while using her remaining arm to harm philía

Mary tries to hit her with her handless arm but misses due to lack of arm parts.

philía tries to knife her but Mary dodged her.

philía tries to deal a Shallow Cut on Mary's Left Forearm to Mary with the glave but Mary dodges it.

philía tries to deal a Shallow Cut on Left Calf to Mary but Mary dodges again.

Mary deals a Broken Rib to philía with her flail then philía deals a Severed Left Hand at Wrist to Mary with the glave.


philía fell to the floor badly injured and then died.

Mary was badly damaged, Mary said "How dare she?" Markus picks up philía and runs to help her away from Mary because he knew she'd kill her, he says "I can revive the girl but Mary will chop her to bits once I do! Mary is deranged!" Then Markus thought "Why didn't Borus send a horde! He has all those men!"


philautia is fighting a guard named Lily, the one who looked at philía suspiciously.

It's The Black Guard, Lily, versus philautia, Lily has a glaive while philautia only has a mere knife.

Lily deals a Deep Gash on Right Forearm to philautia.

philautia deals a Shallow Cut on Right Shoulder to The Black Guard Lily.

Lily deals a Shallow Cut on the Stomach to philautia.

philautia deals a Slit Throat to The Black Guard Lily.

Lily has died!


philautia's damage is high on her arm, philautia goes to help the slaves and Donald, Donald is looking for more slaves and then a black woman comes out saying "One of my daughters is mixed and here, where is she?!"

One of the mixed little girls brings her baby brother and her other toddler brother in her arms and runs to her mom with them in her arms. Her mom holds the toddler for her because of the baby's weight saying "He's heavy, let me hold him for you!"

The little girl held onto her remaining brother with her mom carrying her other brother.


To be continued...