I spray perfume for the finishing touch and walk towards the mirror.

Even though I'm not comfortable with these clothes and makeup, it's for Lauren's sake so I'm willing to do it.

God, this is so embarrassing! The clothes are literally glued to my body and what's with the belt on my thigh!

I slowly tiptoe out of my room until I reach the main door but before I could open it I see a hand on the handle.

"What are you wearing!"


I answer while turning to face Kai. He looked tired, I could see trails of eye bags underneath his eyes.

I stare at him as I push his hand away from the handle. I turn around to open the door when he aggressively pulls me to faces him gripping on my waist tightly. I force him out of my face but he wouldn't budge. I often forget how rock hard his muscles are.

"What do you want Kai? Let me go!"

"Why? Isn't this what you want?"

"What do you mean?"

He smirks as he's face moves closer to mine. I hold onto his chest with both my trembling hands. I could feel his breathing next to my ear, I tried to push him again but my strength seemed to be fading when he suddenly started nibbling on my right ear...

"H...ey, st...op!"

"Why are you complaining? Isn't that what you wanted? Dressed up like a slut, weren't you planning on seducing men like this?"

"What! I don't go around fucking new people every day like you! I have morals unlike you. The way I dress doesn't define my character unlike shitty people like you! Don't compare me to the sluts you fuck all the time, I wouldn't sell my body to people just for the sake of money! Even if I were to starve, I will rather die than let people like you touch me!"

I shout with all my anger as he goes quiet.

There's a dead silence between us when like a miracle the sound of a bell goes off, I take the chance to finally move away from Kai and open the door.

"Hey, babe...Woah u look so god, damn sexy!"

I give her an awkward smile as I walk out; she starts going in circles to see every inch of my body...

"Yup, I knew it! It fits you like gold!"

I slap her on the back and we both start laughing.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To the nightclub! With her BOYFRIEND!"

Lauren exclaims coldly and leads me to her car leaving Kai shocked as he looked at us from the distance.


We're finally here, my first time in a nightclub...hope everything goes well.

As soon as I step inside, I could feel a whole new world, the loud music, the dark surroundings, the flashy people...everything just seemed so perfect.

"Amazing right!"


We walk to the bar and sit on the empty stools.

"Are you ladies alone?"

A man approaches us looking half-drunk. I sense danger!

"No we're in each others company, are you blind or just too fucking drunk!"

That's my Lauren!

"You slut! How dare you talk to me like that!"

The man was about to slap Lauren when someone appeared from nowhere.

He was holding the drunk man hand and just like how you see in action movies, he made the man fly away and hit the hard ground with a loud BAM with a single kick!

"Umm, thanks!"

I thank him as soon as he faces us.

"It's dangerous for pretty girls like you to be here alone, how about joining my friends?"

I was about to decline his offer but Lauren just accepted it and now we're sitting with five boys.

"Hey! I'm Daniel!"

"I'm Luca!"


"Hey, beauties I'm your man, Alessio!

All four of them introduced themselves but the guy next to me, the one that saved us earlier was just staring at me...

"Umm and what's your name?"

I ask him hoping to break the awkward silence and eye contact.

"I'm Mark, you?"

"Oh, I'm Y/N!"

"And I'm Lauren!"

I look at Lauren who was already friends with Daniel and Alessio.

Few minutes pass and everyone seemed pretty close beside Jade who was always quiet and Mark who was still staring at me...

"Umm, can I help you with something?"

"Oh, you must be feeling uncomfortable because I was looking at you this whole time right? I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward but your just so pretty that I couldn't take my eyes off of you!"

I could feel my cheeks burning while I looked at the ground, how can he say such embarrassing things with a serious face.

"Would you like to dance?" (Mark)

I look at him and nod, I always wanted to try dancing in a place like this, they say that the music can suck you in!


What time is it? How long have I been dancing? I was having all sorts of thoughts while letting my body move to the beat...did I drink too much?

I felt addicted and couldn't stop my self...not long after I felt Marks hand on my hips, I didn't stop him as he came closer and our body was now touching each other...


I say his name unintentionally as he smirks...

"You know, it's really hard to stop my self from you when you're looking like that!"

As soon as he finishes his sentence, I felt my body being lifted from the ground, was I flying or was someone carrying me?

"Mark? What are you doing?"

He doesn't answer and continues walking.

"Hey, Mar..."

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!"

I hear a familiar voice coming from the entrance...

"Let her go!"

Those were the last words I remember hearing before my head started feeling dizzy and I lose my conscience...