The Tutor (4)

Luke looked at her flabbergasted, which made her laugh, loud and hard.

"Stop laughing. People are looking. I didn't know it had flavor," Luke responded while looking at her with feigned indignation.

Shana kept laughing, to the point that she already had tears on her eyes. After wiping her tears, she opened the small spot of the condom pack. She took out the rubber, tasted it slowly.

His throat suddenly dried, as he felt his penis reacted to that action. "Wh-What are you doing?" He asked suspicious.

She smiling said, "I just want to know what flavor you like Luke" Shana looked in all directions and no one seemed to be hear her. While looking at the small container she said aloud while smiling, "I've never used one of these."

Luke still could not believe what she was doing. He then watched her took another packet and placed it on her hands. He did not take long to guess what the girl was about do and before he could say anything she already got closer to him, her hand touching the front of his pants under the table, as if to check if he was hard.

And damn, she is right. Luke is unbelievably-fucking-hard.

It got worse to the point of pain, when Shana squeeze it sudden. "You… Can you not-Arg!" He tried to speak but it ended in a groan.

He could not help but glare at Shane. Yet, he could not complain. What? He is not a hypocrite. As a man, will he stop someone from harassing him, if that was what he had been thinking all along?

There was no time to further think, as Shana took his hard dick out of his pants and began to play with him.

Luke was in shock as well as in bliss. For a minute he thought he was going to cum there and there, just because she was holding him, pumping it playfully. However, the terror that people might saw what she was doing under the table kept him focused.

The young woman did not stop playing with his dick. More so after she covered it with condom.

Shana hummed, "This is… Rasberry flavor," she said softly, smiling. She moved closer to him and breathed close to his neck, then whispers, "I would love to taste this, if we are not in public…"

Luke was losing his mind and without warning he came. Thankfully, there is the condom, else it would be messy.

Shana laughed loudly until she couldn't while Luke embarrassed as he put his penis back in his pants.

The annoyed man decided to take his things and prepare to leave he got up.

When he walked, the girl looked at him still laughing and said "Don't you forget this?"

"I don't want it anymore!!" Luke said abruptly and left.

The girl was watching him go and smiling authentically, she thought that he was cuter than she remembered.

Luke hurried home, angry at what had happened. He thought about how crazy Shana was but the more he walked the more he remembered the feeling.

A perverted smile was drawn on his face. With that, he could not help by chastised himself, Hypocrite!

When he got home he couldn't stop thinking about all the strange things that had happened to him that day.

He took the phone and called Shana.

"Ahm… Sorry I left that way," He started, after all he should be grateful for the extra attention, right?

"Don't worry horny teacher," Shana replied brightly, "You made me laugh today. Thank you!"

He cleared his throat, before he says carefully, "I can do more than that-"

"I already told you… I have a boyfriend." She cut off.

He chuckled forcefully, "I know... I meant, I will help you with your grades."

"For that we have to study more, horny teacher!"

"Yes. We will do that..." He replied softly before hanging up.

And so several days passed, Luke and Shana saw each other often to study and her grades began to improve. The young woman could see her success in college getting closer and closer and her desire to continue studying further increased.

Many times her boyfriend continued to make her sad. She was discouraging and she turned to her new friend and teacher for support.

He understood her, did not judge her and was always able to get a smile from her with his tender clumsiness or his sense of humor, more and more she felt comfortable with Luke and the classes became her escape from the reality of her life.

The days continued to pass and one afternoon Shana was particularly depressed. Her date had been a disaster. The distant gaze of her boyfriend who drove his wife in his car had almost destroyed her.

Who could blame her?

If she would have better grades, or probably graduate in college with high marks, will he look at her more?

Her boyfriend was an older man, almost fifty years old and successful. Despite his age, he looked pretty good and was popular with women.

She was attracted to him in many ways but her love was born from the way he treated her. He was a true gentleman and that treatment had captivated her but in the recent weeks that behavior paled and only rudeness came from his direction. She never asked much, but she was already treated unfairly.

Shana lying in Luke's room had already finished her studies and was listening to the music that was playing. It was supposed to be peaceful but even that had not been able to lift her spirits today. Her gaze lost, and she did not focus on anything in particular.

Luke looked at her and with curiosity asked, "Are you okay? You seem in another place. If you don't like the song I'll change it, no problem."

Shana looked at Luke. For several days, the boy could be considered a good friend. They had fooled around a couple of times but each time he could control himself better.

She stared at him and said calmly, pointed out, "You never get hard anymore."

He looked at her strangely and with a sarcastic tone he said, "Do you want me to get hard?" If he won't control himself, he would end up doing something really bad.

She sat on the bed and smirked and asks, "Don't you like me anymore Luke?"