Before they set out for the region of dark fantasy, Azure and Tim included one of the gifted werewolves there. She and her sisters had taken an elixir that could make them weave anything someone thinks of, using twists of leaves they carried along with them. Only Lynnie was picked for the journey though.
There were now six of them on the course, led by Azure and Tim, who kept receiving intermittent signals from the region of dark fantasy.
They spent almost an hour, traversing the hamlet and the adjoining woods, before getting to the mouth of a large river, which dowsed everywhere with cold, watery silence. Sly and Fry looked far to see if abridging the river with their illusionary skills could be possible, but the river seemed very large. Then they looked around.
"You guys don't have canoes here?" Luke asked Tim, gesturing to the river.
"No we don't, we saw no need for that," he replied.