WebNovelTime Runs48.00%


"Finding out that she was madly in love with someone doesn't hurt it just feels normal, a girl like her who woudln't want to fall in love with her. She's crazy, wierd, kind, smart she's just everything. And damn I'm crazy stupid for her, and thats for sure. I want to see all the good and all the bad with her, see the insane and the sane. be by her side when she needs me the most show her all the places that i can. Because when I'm with her.... Everything feels right and i know that even if i try hard somewhere else there wont be another like her, that would make my heart face each time I'm with her. That time does runs fast but I'm willing to run for her anywhere she goes, thats how crazy I am about you. I look at her like art, anything she touches makes everything brighter an better. She's the most beauitful thing that has ever touched me.. and i don't want to lose that... I'm thinking out loud again... but that doesn't matter because I'm with you old man." I put the bottle of tequila down next to my fathers grave as i let out a sigh and looked up at the stars. "I wish you could have meet her.. I just now that you've liked her a lot. One time i got really drunk and it was like 3 in the morning and i sent her a video singing to her of how much i love her and don't want to lose her. She told me and made fun of me for a while., I don't mind as long as i can see her smile with me. I..." I grabbed the bottle again and stood up taking a deep breath "I LOVE YOU GINNN!!!" I couldn't help but to scream it helped me see that there's nothing more important than her. 

Seeing the dark stary night i can't help but keep her on my mind, your stuck like gum on my shoe, I can't get you out even if i wanted to. Gin.. I don't know what i could do without you but my side. Your everything i could ever ask for, I hope that I make you happy like you do for me.

As morning came I found myself in my bed, with a head ace. Looking around it was my old room..I'm in my old house. I sighed as i got up getting my robe and walking to the bathroom for a shower. When i came out i saw Dorin sitting on my bed as i dropped on my bed looking at the celling. "Why did you bring me back?" I asked as he took his phone out and showed me a picture of Gin on my bike waiting in from of the Titanic, I got back up quickly angry. "now get dressed we have a meeting with your crew's second in camand. Dorin left with a smrik on his face, as i got up and headed to my closet. Looking around nothing has really changed everything is still in it's place, getting into my clean suits, I always like better black and grey.

"That boy doesn't desserve to be the head of this crew anymore!" "He's been out of control since they killed his father, we can't keep going on like this." As i waited behind the door hearing everything they said about me was true.. but keeping you on my thoughts makes everything seem so easy. I brust open the doors, showing my arm tattos and neck with my black suit pants and a dark grey marble botten shirt, with it's sleeves rolled up high enough. "Let's get to the point, I know everyone hate's me. But i could give less of a fuck about that. So yes, I'll be taking charge of the Monster crew, my father's crew. Who doesn't like it may leave now." I smriked as i sat on my father's big chair. Dorin walked and stood by my side as i waited for there responce. "Everything your father worked for.. you will do better, and I will follow you sir." The first in camand agreed with me, i smiled as i started to write. "Are you crazy!? He's been gone for a whole year doing who know's what, he's not ready to be big boss yet. Why don't you go play with your bikes, oh and that pretty chicana girl. She's does look very good to eat." I heard him talk about Gin.. i snapped as i pulled a gun out and shot his shoulder, as I felt anger take over me. I want to protect her, and i will. I wont anything happen to her. As he fell to the floor screaming from the pain, I pushed my hair back and took a deep breath. "Anyone who talks about my chicana will get the same, or worse." i smiled as i handed my gun over to Dorin, everyone started to leave as i got up to the window. 

"Gin.. Santos right?" I heard Dorin speak her name i layed my head on the window as i kept trying to control my breathing. "That girl is very intresting, I remeber when i first saw her, we had dropped a guy off her the entrence of her town, she was snopping around trying to get a close enough look to see what, that day I tooker to a close enough place to see the body. I thought she would've been disgusted or afraid, but she just smiled. It scared me.. I don't know why. Then I kissed her, she was surpised but she kissed me back. Since that day, i haven't gotten to see that much, as would always pass by with someone or she would always be alone, when i would try to get near her she tased me." He laughed as I heard talk about the woman i love, he knew her before i did. I couldn't believe it.. when i truned to see him, the look on his face was a smile.. i haven't seen him smile since my father passed away. "Did you like her..?" I asked afraid.. what did i had to lose from asking? Maybe.. he loves her. "I didn't like her not at all." Hearing that made me calm down for a few seconds.. "I loved her and she knew it." My heart fell to my stomach as I heard him say that, the feeling of being worse than hurt was terrable. "After she tased me she realizsed that it was she freaked out and started to help back up, after that day we've been going out, I always went to pick her up. Helped her with anything, I even bailed her out from jail. She had so many problems after her break up with David. She wanted to feel freedom an adventure. I would always take care of her and make sure nothing would go wrong." As i kept hearing him talk about Gin like she was his entire life. That she was the whole world that "That i would give her the world, and it is true i gave her the world. I would make her happy as much as i could. But then she left without telling anyone. I kept looking for her, asked around every place we went to. Even here friends.. they knew but not everyone. I loved her.. and still do." Dorin finished as he patted my shoulder and left. Hearing his story with Gin.. made me realize that I should keep loving her like he does. I.. want to be the one she stays with forever.  

I couldn't help but to get wasted hearing his sotry of being her, he had given her everythingand yet after leaving he still loves her. I love her too.. does that not count? I'm overthinking too much for my own good, do she still have feelings for him? He even know's about David that asshole.. who does she love? Does she still thinks about them? What does she think when she thinks about them?! I'm going insane.. I need to see her. As i got on my motor with my vison blurry, I just had to see her. I need answer's i need to know the truth.  Speading further and further I felt my heart go crazy as i kept thinking about her i needed to see her. I needed to talk to her, I need to know.. As i made it to her house i could barely walk, i felt dizzy i need to at least knock..I landed on the floor, I couldn't make it. 

When i woke up again with a terrable headace, this isan't my room.. it's pruple and calming.. wait.. I'm i in her room?! Her blanckets smell just like her, even her pillows.  "I'm glad your up, mind telling me why you were knocked out drunk in front of my house?" Gin's voice sounded like an angle. Ughhh i love it. "I wanted to see you.. is that so bad?" I felt embarressed as i hid under her blancket. She quickly took it away as i noticed i was in my breifs. "You don't need to be rough.." I opened my arms wide "You can have me!" She blushed and looked away, as she slowly came to me and layed next to me as i held her tightly. "I love you.. Gin." I could hear her beating heart go cray, "I love you too stupid." I felt happy hearing those words as i held her tightly. "Lukas.. you reak of alcohol..." she tryed to push me away but i held her even tighter. "Just love me.." she sighed and kissed my chest gently. Feeling her puffy lips on my skin was everything. I never want to lose her, I lover so much. Now i know that i don't need answers.. because  I love her.. and she loves me. Thats all i need to know. 

After a few hours of just sleeping together, i realised that i want to be with her my whole life. That I don't want to giver her up for anything in the world. That i love her than i could ever love someone else in this world. That i want to fight for her, that theres just nowhere that i dont want to be with, if it's not with her. Seeing her face all sleepy next to mine, i know that i wan to spend my life with you. "I love you m'laday." i whispered as i kissed her sleepy head. My love for you will never run dry, Gin Santos your the girl I've been waiting for.