Only Spankings


At the river's edge stood a large hunter's hut which also served as a wood store. As his present strength hadn't allowed him to crack the door, he had sneaked in through the dusty, cobwebbed old window facing the river.

The place smelled of animal skin, dried meat, and old wood. Large pieces of meat, sausages, fish, and chilies were hanging from the ceiling by strings all over the room. He took some of them with him and put them in a hessian bag containing potatoes.

Some animal skins were also hanging like linen in front of the door leading to the hut's main room. Micah wrapped the largest piece of rawhide around his waist, making it look like a skimpy skirt that falls mid-thigh, and tied it tight with two strings—his first piece of clothing.

Since he already knew no one was there, he opened the door leading to the living room. Almost everything was dilapidated, but the fireplace was still littered with ashes, and winter clothes rested on the chair backs surrounding the small table; sadly, they were too big for him and smelled like sweat. The only thing of interest was a massive axe in one corner of the room near some split logs. It was heavy, but he still could use it to defend himself.

—It should do... A can't rob everything anyway. It wouldn't be very hero-like of me.

Aware there was nothing more he could do, he threw the bag out of the window through which he had entered and did the same with the axe before jumping away.

He immediately ate a piece of dried meat; the urge was too strong.

"I thought I was gonna die without being able to eat meat again..." he mumbled, stuffing his mouth with food. He wasn't hungry, thanks to his sperm, but it was like a buzz; he needed to eat. "I still need to keep some for a few days... I'm behaving like an idiot."

After eating so much, he was ready to nap, but something caught his attention. The clatter of dead leaves became louder as if something was stepping on it. He immediately stood up, watching his surroundings, his back to the hut's wall.

It couldn't have been an animal. None dared to come close to a human; he knew that much after these few days in the woods. A beast? No. He'd have seen it by now.

—Maybe it's the dude living in the hut...?

He readied his axe and slung his bag of food over his shoulder. On closer inspection, he saw something like a green leaf near a tree, too green to be a leaf in the middle of fall—the top of the head of a creature trying to hide.

—This is...?

Fortunately for Micah, goblins aren't known for their intelligence. Understanding his situation, he attacked, knowing it would catch them off-guard.

"Aaarh!" he exclaimed, arching his arm back with the axe in his hands.

The weapon mowed down the shrub in which the creature was hiding. The goblin tried to parry the blow with its small rusty cutlass, but it broke on impact as the axe continued its path toward its head. The goblin's skull took the edge right in the forehead and split open without much resistance, scattering the little being's brain and blood all around.

〖-35 STA〗●〖70/105〗

The two goblins, still hiding until then, started to shout as they charged him, realizing that fooling him any longer wouldn't work. They were ugly and ran quite fast despite their size, but that's not what Micah was worried about; he was more worried about being mobbed from two angles as he was already having trouble swinging the axe.

"Gobo chaaaaarge!" shrieked one of them as he readied the two daggers it had in its hands.

—The fuck...!

Instinctively, he kicked as fast as he could the green monster in the stomach as it approached, one of its daggers grazing his juicy thigh. A second one tried to hit Micah with a mace but failed miserably since its weapon was too big and heavy to handle.

Seeing an opportunity to escape, he put down the little being with a violent downward blow of his axe to the collarbone. The goblin wailed for a second but died shortly thereafter.

—It... It went better than expected...

"Human killed two of Gobo's gobo... Waaaaaggh-"

The last goblin, still alive, attempted to get up with a squawk, but before he could do so, Micah used his leftover strength to swing the potato sack over his shoulder in a heavy blitz, sending the goblin flying into a tree, its head slamming into the trunk, knocking him out.

It was a lousy way to win a fight, especially since he was delusionally striving to be a hero, but the axe required so many〖STA〗points that he was out of steam already. Moreover, carrying the bag over his shoulder aggravated his〖STA〗consumption as well, something he didn't even think about. His lousy 10〖STR〗points didn't accomplish anything.

He hadn't considered the weapon statistic before, but now he knew why it had been so hard to manipulate.

〖Unusualy Large Axe〗

〖Weapon Type〗● SLASH

〖STR〗● 50

〖DEX〗● 30

He lacked both the strength and dexterity needed to handle it properly. Now that his stamina was looking something like this〖STA〗●〖-55/105〗he was utterly clueless about what to do next. Since he struggled to walk and his stamina regeneration was slow, he considered taking a nap like he wanted to before getting attacked, but if three goblins were there, some others were probably rampaging the rest of the forest right now, so he discarded the idea.

—I guess they're trying to stock up on supplies and find slaves for the coming winter...

He snatched the goblin's two daggers; although they were battered, they were still usable, besides they were among the only weapons he could use without risking burning up his entire stamina supply. The goblin also had a small bag of coins-

"Ah! I knew I'd heard some ruckus- Dayum! As low as looting corpse!"

An androgynous and husky voice startled him; it came from the rear of the cabin, about ten meters behind him. Turning his face around, still crouching in front of the knocked-out goblin, his eyes scanned the woman behind him. She was unusually tall and well-toned, which contrasted with her voluptuous boobs. Her red hair was styled into braids that fell on each of her shoulders, and she had green eyes, freckles, and pointy ears. The minor issue that Micah was having was that her attire didn't quite contain her... specificities. Her breasts had trouble staying in her plaid blouse, and... her flaccid horse-like cock dangled between her legs, her nuts barely held by her skimpy jeans mini-short. Her thing was covered by a sort of leather pouch that covered it and was equipped with a zipper to remove it quickly; the base of her cock was the only thing really apparent.

"Cat got yer tongue, cutie?"

"That's... I..."

"Whatever. I caught ya red-handed." She sighed with a smile. "Green hair, huh? So ya're the infamous thief who's been running rampant around the area fer a while now."

"W-What? No, I... Errh..."

"Ya must be desperate to steal my dinky little cabin... So, what have ya got there? My winter supplies AND my axe. Ya'ra a ballsy one."

"T-That's not what you think...! Well... I guess it is... I'm sorry. I was starving, so I needed this food. I... I was overwhelmed by hunger..."

"Oh, yeah, most certainly, but theft is always dirty business, cutie, doubly so when it's recidivated. Ya know, if you'd come knocking on my door later, I'd have accommodated and fed you for a night or two."

"I... didn't recidivate anything... It's my first time stealing anything, I swear!"

"And stealing these poor goblins was, at the very least, the second time."

"They tried to attack me!"

"Well, of course, they attacked you. The villagers, traders, and the mayor paid a few goblins tribes to look for raiders and thieves in exchange for a non-violence treaty."

"But... I haven't done anything wrong..."

"Are ya sure you didn't steal anything coming from crops? Like fruits, mushrooms, vegetables? This whole area, I mean the whole forest, is a place for hunting, scavenging, and farming. If they saw ya do that, it's pretty much why they attacked ya. Even more so after they saw ya stole my goods."


Realizing his mistakes, Micah widened his eyes, staring at the ground absent-mindedly.

So he'd stolen from people since he got isekai'd here; it should have been evident that this area was used for and by the people, mainly thanks to the mills he saw back then. Now, he even robbed from this... futanari almost all her only goods.

Moreover, he got caught red-handed slaughtering two goblins and looting them afterward— goblins that were only doing their work as some kind of guerilla or police. Now that he killed them, it could lead to disharmony and endanger the non-aggression treaty. As one of them wasn't dead, just knackered, he could report Micah's actions. Making both the humans and goblins who signed the treaty furious at him, wanting justice, especially since he will be portrayed as the "infamous thief who's been running rampant."

Judging by the futanari's stature in contrast to his own, he didn't have a hope of defending himself if he decided to run or attack, not to mention his lack of stamina.

"Please... Listen, isn't there a way to solve this problem between us?"

"A way? Hmm... There aren't a lot of ways. First off, you'll give back what you stole from me. Then we can compromise so that I don't tell the mayor and the police everything, yas, that's possible." She said, approaching Micah as she towered over him. "That said, I'm still going to take ya there to the police. Ya stole a lot of stuff from ma ranch and farm, after all."

", what's your compromise?"

"I can buy this goblin silence. They're easily bribable."

"Alright... That would be... great, but what do you want in exchange?"

"Nothing much..." She replied, facing Micah straight in the eyes before taking his wrist in her hand to finally put his hand on her horse-like cock. "Ya see... despite my heat, I didn't have the opportunity to breed during the whole spring and summer. So if ya would be so kind as to let me explore yer beautiful bottom just once..."

Taken by surprise, he stepped back and pulled his hand away from the strange garment that covered the futanari's cock, which started acting very friendly. Maybe too friendly.

"Whadda fuck is that...?!" he said, looking at her cock with utter befuddlement.

"Oh, ya mean the cock sleeve? I guess it's strange for most humans, but here it's quite normal, ya know."

No, he didn't mean the cock sleeve. He meant the thing inside it, but he didn't have the courage nor the shamelessness to say that out loud. This thing would freaking hurt; no way he would agree to do that; plus, it didn't plan to get butt-fucked; til now, he thought it would be the other way around, but after seeing this futa and comparing his cock to hers, he...

Well, he wasn't optimistic.

"N-No, why would I accept getting anally done...? Even more by a total stranger... Plus, I'm straight."

"I'm Baylor, a ranch and farm manager, 28 years old. Here you go, so I'm not a stranger anymore."

"I said no."

"Really now? Well, I won't force you into it, I'm not a beast, but that's yer loss, cutie." She sighed, closing her eyelids. "I don't think ya fully comprehend what ya did, but whatever."

Wasting no time, she took him by the pelvis with ease while taking the bag of food and the unconscious goblin with her, as if all this was nothing more than cardboard boxes to her, and brought them to her cabin. She laid him on the dusty couch in front of the chimney before dropping the goblin on an old mattress in another small room he hadn't seen when he came in earlier.

"For everything you robbed, and for not lending me a hand, I'm going to avenge myself and the others a little bit, though."

"Hey! W-What the fuck are you doin'?!"

"Nothing to be all agitated about." She giggled after sitting down, forcing him to lie on her lap, his pelvis on her knees, so as to raise Micah's buttocks. "Oh... I hadn't noticed, but that piece of leather you're wearing as a skirt, that's mine too. Leather that's usually used only to make cock sleeves. It's a precious leather, tough to process. I'll take that back."

Now forcibly naked and lying on his stomach, he struggled again and again, blushing and turning on himself to return to his feet, but he got blocked as Baylor looked at his puny dick. A wave of shame washed over him as he felt her piercing eyes gazing intensely at it.

〖Aroused〗▪〖Status Applied → Baylor takes 50% more flirting, teasing, and sex damage.〗

"Hehe, isn't it an adorable little thing?"

This was the worst.

The actual fucking worse.

He wanted to disappear from this plane of existence.

"But it won't make me go easy on ya, as tingly as ya make me feel. We have all the time we need for this; the caravans will only come around here in three hours, after all."

Just then, regardless of Micah's lament, she lifted her hand to the sky and swung it furiously down towards his plump bum. A sharp spanking sound echoed throughout the room, like a shockwave, loud enough to cover the sound of his complaints. His left cheek felt like it was on fire, feeling a dull pain and a tingling ache. Without a second to breathe, Baylor sent another spank toward Micah's right cheek, creating ripples on the surface of his glutes.

〖-105 STA〗●〖-67/105〗

"S-Stop it! You crazy-"

Another one. On his left bum this time. Another one on his right. Then on his left. Then right. Left. Right. Again and again.

The force of the spanks wasn't wavering and sometimes even increased.

Over time, Baylor's dick had become erect and pressed against his pelvis, making the scene even more humiliating for him, but he didn't even try to complain anymore; the only thing he could do was cry, but he still held on to his last shred of pride and ego to refrain from that. He didn't even know how much time she spanked him; that said, more than a hundred times for sure. Maybe five hundred. Maybe more.

He managed to know her stats at some point, too, probably after being "intimate" with her for some time.


〖Baylor Dgiovani〗

► Level 23

〖MANA〗● 100

〖STA〗● 1320

〖STR〗● 413

〖DEF〗● 120

〖AGI〗● 8

〖DEX〗● 35

〖MIND〗● 6

〖CHA〗● 18


Right here, now that he thought about it, his skill〖Bouncing Airbags〗probaby saved him from even more pain; his bums were somehow shielded, so imagining if they weren't was a gruesome thought. Somehow, Baylor hand wasn't knocked back like the beast-bear that attacked him back then.. or maybe her hand was, but she managed to counteract the effect.

As the sun descended toward the horizon, the futanari seemed hell-bent on smashing his booty once and for all. An aura surrounded her arm before she once again brought her hand crashing down on his glutes, but even more brutal than the previous times, leaving reddened hand marks on his skin.


A strange sound escaped his lips as a translucent liquid dropped from his little cock. Another hellish spank.


Was that him... moaning?

He had no idea. He was on to a〖-18.073/105〗streak, only awake thanks to his skill and exhausted by the pain, so, gradually... as his mind wondered what would happen to him, he slowly and surely, fell unconscious.