His Mom's Invitation

Hailey woke up early the following day since Vince had stayed in the penthouse. At the moment, she was making breakfast in front of the cooking top.

Her class starts at nine o'clock today, so she has plenty of time before she goes to university. She took the Hotel and Restaurant Management course, and she has enjoyed it so far.

In Vince's case, he always left for work at 7:30 in the morning. Since his company is just fifteen minutes away, it sometimes depends on the traffic situation, and it took him twenty minutes to arrive.

Anyway, he has plenty of time since his company began its office hours around 8:30 in the morning. But Vince has a habit of arriving at his company before everyone else. And he also started working before everyone else could.

That is why, before seven in the morning, she has to finish preparing his breakfast. At exactly seven in the morning, Vince came down.

She just thought about it. Hailey hears Vince's bedroom door opening and closing, followed by faint sounds of his footsteps descending the staircase. 

"Good morning." Wearing a gray suit and black leader shoes, Vince casually greeted her.

"Hi, good morning!"

Without turning around to face him, she returned the greetings cheerfully while arranging the lettuce, tomato, and cucumber in a bowl.

She loves a vegetable salad dip with apple cider and mayo, which Vince also liked. 

Vince pulled the dining chair, and he sat down. He takes out his phone and taps on his keyboard. Done with the transaction, he put down his phone on the table, picked up the fork, and then ate in a minute. 

"I transferred your allowance for this month, including the food budget," said Vince to Hailey. 

She was about to say something, but Vince was already eating, so she closed her mouth. 

She wants to tell him she barely touched the money he wired last month. And for the food budget, the amount he gave her is enough for half a year since only the two of them are having meals when Vince is barely coming to the penthouse.

He only comes over if he has to work overtime. For the rest of the week? She was alone, living in this vast penthouse, which she loved.

However, lately, Vince has frequently come over.

Anyway, this is his house. And this penthouse they're living in is owned by the Shen Group. So typically, he comes home to his place.

Hailey shook her head and focused on pouring the coffee into Vince's mug and then hers. She puts down the coffee pot, and next, she fetches Vince a glass of water. Now that she is done serving him, it's time to sit across from him and eat her breakfast. 

It's a typical scene whenever Vince comes over. And then, after he finished his breakfast, he picked up his mug and walked toward the sofa, facing the busy city scenery.

He will sit there for ten minutes to drink his coffee while browsing his phone for headline news. And when she finished her meal, she quietly gathered the plates and washed them.

"I'm leaving for work," Vince announced while he sat up from the sofa, reached for his coat, and slid his arms on the sleeves.

"Okay. Have a good day."

Once the door shut, Hailey would sigh with relief. Finally, she could now care less about moving around the house.

Well, undeniably, their arrangement is odd. She would rather be a butler than a mistress. When Vince comes to her, she will prepare his meal, wash his clothes, and wait for his commands and instructions.

And the ironic part is that they have separate bedrooms, and they never sleep together. People who knew she was Vince's mistress would have thought they had this kind of intimacy.

But if they knew the truth, no one would believe it and instead say that it was a lie; they did not make love. 

Well, it does not need their opinion. It was convenient for her to have no physical contact with him. 

No. There's nothing wrong with him. She is sure that Vince is a hundred percent straight and possesses such a physique that any woman would drool all over him and dream of having him, winning his heart. 

'But my purpose is not to fantasize about him and feel lucky that his eyes set on me and I offered to be his mistress. The reason I accepted the contract is something I only know.'

Days passed, and as the weekend came, Vince stayed in the penthouse to finish his work. Hailey guessed a minor problem occurred in his company, which was the reason for his early comeback. 


Vince stayed in his study all day, and Hailey brought his lunch before she left to buy a few ingredients.

"I'm going to the supermarket," she informed him so that he wouldn't wonder if he noticed she was not home. 

Vince didn't raise his head and look in her direction, but his voice was gentle when he replied, "Okay."

However, it was such a wonderful day to bump into Vince's mother. Hailey was entering the mall and just taking a few steps when she crossed Hilda Shen. 

Hilda's assistant walked toward her, carrying Madam's message. Madame Hilda Shen is inviting her for a coffee. 

Of course, Hailey has already guessed about the sudden invitation. 

Facing each other in a private room of a famous café inside the mall, Hilda sipped on her teacup with elegance while Hailey remained staring at her milk tea.

After putting down the cup, Hilda lifted her gaze and looked at the woman seated across from her. Scrutinizing her son's girlfriend, Hilda admits she is too beautiful.

'But a pretty face is deceiving,' she thought.