Who's Calling?

Hailey immersed herself in eating the crab, setting aside her uncertainties and worries, which she should not consider important.

She came to this country for her Life Project, not a LOVE project.

She must not let herself be bothered every time her heart acts strange. Because once everything is over, it will only be bittersweet memories.

Hailey was in deep thought, and her silence was apparent to Vince. She is focused on burying her feelings; she fails to notice that Vince is watching her earnestly.

Seeing her silence, he coughs to get Hailey's attention. "So, how was your training today?" he asked afterward.

Honestly, he can not think of any topic to start up for Hailey to feel comfortable around him. Sometimes he could see how she was distant or seemed to put up a wall between them; at times, she turned down his gestures, like what happened a while ago when he was about to take off her shoes from her foot.

Her refusal upsets him. But she was dissolved after Hailey held onto his shoulder to get support not to out-balance.

Lately, he was figuring out what he better do that Hailey won't feel too civil toward him.

Somehow, it gladdens him she is obedient in public, not refusing their intimacy. But as she is just following their agreement, it makes him a little sad.

He always had this thought. Sometimes, he wishes for the situation to be different.

Pondering, Vince sighs inwardly and then withdraws his gaze from Hailey. He picked up a plate of Italian pasta and offered it to her.

Meanwhile, Hailey lifted her eyes to glance in Vince's direction. She could see that he was trying to lighten the mood now they were alone. If they remain quiet, it will be more awkward between them.

Tearing a sweet smile on her lips, she thanked Vince. "Thank you."

She was putting down her spoon and setting aside her soup bowl. Vince then placed the plate in front of her.

She removes the disposable plastic glove on her left hand and reaches for the water; she gulps half the glass.

Is it a wonder she was eating with her hand?

Indeed, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she grew up learning table etiquette strictly. But traveling in Asia teaches her a lot of exciting new things.

At first, it amazes her. Now eating with her hands has become a habit of hers. But it depends on the dishes she's dining, such; as crabs, lobsters, or giant prawns.

She started living in Vince's penthouse the first few days, and he came over for dinner. It surprised him when she used plastic gloves to eat with her hands.

Now that Vince is used to her usage, he prepares one for her to enjoy eating crabs more easily.

She saw that he was becoming considerate toward her, which pleased her. And having a candlelight dinner in his yacht out of the blue is a romantic gesture for her. However, as usual, this is just one of the acts she must play.

Hiding the sadness in her eyes and the bitter smile on her lips, she

answer Vince's query with cheer.

"It was so interesting today. Mrs. Gomez and Mr. Kirk, the Event Planner, gave us an activity of making a backdrop, and everyone was so creative! It blew me away at how lovely they are! It was like, wow! It amazed me! I always love seeing an enchanted reception, especially wedding ones! I'm always ecstatic to know someone is getting married! Not only that, but I love those flowers hanging from the entire ceiling with wonderful lights! And the table arrangements filled with flowers and..."

Hailey stopped talking after Vince stared at her with amusement in his eyes. She didn't realize that she was blabbing without a pause.

But honestly, it excites her to learn how to make flower arrangements. She grew up having people to do everything she wanted, and sometimes she doesn't like the results. But she was shy to complain. And so, she let it be even if it disappoints her.

She is keen to learn how to organize different events, themes, and decorating.

And her stay in P Country came to fruition. She's learning and enjoying it, and meeting amazing people is a plus that becomes her prospect to employ them in the near future.

It added to her excitement to open her city very soon. Traveling these passing years taught her to have a better assessment of everything and gain an understanding as to how she should act like a boss and not a spoiled brat to everyone.

She wanted to be hands-on even though she had everyone on her back. Her friends are very talented individuals who contributed to making her dream come true.

But having full knowledge of how to run Dream City is a must. She wants to understand every field that needs attention once her city is open to the world.

She is targeting celebrities and wealthy families to purchase residences in her City.

And so, she must offer the best accommodation and a world-class job to satisfy them.

But first, she needs the best builder companies and architects to design and complete her city.

And she is already eyeing SHEN GROUP to work with at the very start before she meets Vince.

But how crazy when she signed an agreement to act as his mistress?

"So, what happens next?" asked Vince after Hailey's long pause.

Hailey then gets back to reality. She didn't notice that she fell into deep thoughts once again. Vince is keenly listening and staring at her.

She lowered her gaze as her face flushed pink. She picks up a fork to distract herself and begins curling the pasta.

She resumed, "At the end of the day, they teach us how to make a cocktail drink. My classmates are making fun of doing tricks. I was sitting close by, and the wine spilled all over me. So, I have to use the suite and meet Howie Gu in the lobby."

Hailey coughs. She should not bring up the matter that upset Vince, but she had promised to tell him everything if people had mistreated her. She glances at Vince, whose face frowns upon hearing that guy's name.

"How about if I make a cocktail drink? Would you like to have it tonight?" She proposed. She wanted to distract Vince from recalling the resort incident.

But hearing her suggestion, she saw the meaningful stare in Vince's eyes. She caught him glancing at her exposing cleavage, which was displayed generously.

Vince withdraws his gaze and coughs. He said, "You still have class tomorrow, and I have to stay overnight to finish some work." He sipped on his champagne before he continued, "Anyway, you have another dress in the closet, right?"

Hailey understands the message Vince conveyed to her. He thinks her dress is too daring, and if she mixes the liquors to make a cocktail, her breast will bounce in front of him.

Why didn't she think of that? Oh, goodness! She's not being careful!

She would love to slap her forehead for being reckless.

Hailey then dropped the idea of making cocktail drinks for Vince. Instead, she explains why she chose this dress instead.

"Um, well… When Howie Gu insulted me at the Reception counter. Several girls were laughing at me in the lobby. They must criticize my appearance when my hair and clothes are drenched with red wine. I look like trash. So, I wore this dress instead."

Hailey cast a glance at Vince. She could notice his jaw tighten and furrow his brows. She could determine he was mad, but later, Vince raised his head and smiled at her.

"Alright, let's enjoy the food. How was the pasta? Is it good?" he asked. But he was more like distracting himself to whatever ran in his head at the moment.

Hailey, who sees that Vince is trying to make a conversation, responds happily.

"Yeah! The pasta is perfect! I love it!"

"I see. So? You prefer flower themes in an event?" he casually asks Hailey in between stuffing his mouth.

She replied, "Yes! It always feels like a fairy tale!"

And because she's obsessed with this fairy tale setup, she stupidly accepts Bryan's proposal of marriage with the idea in her mind to first get married at her Glass Castle Garden, that filled with various flower vines and trees.

She always dreams of fairy tale garden weddings that she wishes to experience.

However, she never falls in love in the passing twenty-four years of her life. And by next year, she turns twenty-five.

But she had already decided. She will finish her dream city before any stupid love or wedding.

And speaking of Bryan... Hailey stared at the phone screen.

Bryan is calling on her mobile phone!?

'Where did he get my other number?'

It surprised her because only a few people knew about it, and she knew they wouldn't give him her contact as to how they wished to beat him up again.

So, who among them gives Bryan my secret contact? Hailey mused. 

"Why don't you answer it? Maybe it was important." Vince notices she is only ignoring the call. He asked further, "Who is it?"

'Huh?' Hailey stared at Vince with a perplexed look on her face. 

"Um… the one calling is..."

It was my ex-fiance, your wife's boyfriend! Ugh! Should she answer Vince this way?