He Has A Thick Face

After Hailey brought Vince's light snacks into the study, she went to her bedroom and took a shower. 

Under the running water, she could not stop thinking of what excuse she would give to everyone for why she had to ignore their calls and messages.

Hailey put on her pajamas and dried her hair.

She got off her room and headed outside.

She was now at the pool area eating her salad while debating within herself.

Restless, Hailey sat up, pacing around the pool area.

She halted near a pine tree and watched the city lights that dazzle her eyes. She could see the heavy traffic was still going on.

Seriously, those flyovers need to finish soon to lighten up this problem.

She learned that was supposed to be Vince's project; however, another builder company won the bid. But then, several issues she heard about this company delayed the project's completion.

And after Vince lost on the bidding, he focused on building tall skyscrapers, such as space buildings for lease, penthouses, and condos.

Hailey heaves a long sigh. She shook her head and prepared to turn off the airplane mode on her phone.

And she was right! She almost passed out to receive hundreds of messages from the boys, including Kelly. They also contacted her. Not only that, countless voicemails keep coming in.

She tried to read everyone's messages, but it was too much. Hailey could not finish it in just a short time.

At the moment, she didn't know who was first to reply. But she must call her dad before anyone else. Hailey heard a sigh of relief after the call connected.

"Hailey! My goodness! Why did you turn off your phone?"

"I'm sorry, daddy!" she apologized. Hailey's heart is breaking at the moment. She is missing her dad badly.

"Princess... Do you know how worried I am that I can't reach you every day? What is going on?"

"I am very sorry about that, Dad. I'm working on something lately."

"What is it?"

"It was for Dream City, Dad."

"Okay… But please, come back home."

'I want to, dad! But I signed a contract, and you will have a heart attack once you know I was living with a man and acted as his mistress!'

Heaving a sigh inwardly, she was careful not to let her dad hear it. She uttered, "I'll come home soon, Dad."

"When is it, Princess? Everyone is worried about you!"

"I didn't mean to make you guys worry."

"We don't want you to feel sad or think you are alone. We are all here for you!"

Hailey pushed a thin smile across her beautiful face. Everyone still thinks that she was heartbroken until now.

"Don't worry, Dad. I am long over Bryan. Everything I do now has nothing to do with him or the past." 'I only wish for the future.' Hailey wanted to add this, but she kept it to herself.

But what will be her future? She cannot look past through yet when she has to focus on her dream project.

"Anyway, Andre is here for a vacation. He wanted to talk to you," said Jacob Davies.

"Okay, dad!"

Not long, Hailey heard the voice she was missing all this time. She held her tears from welling up.

"Hailey? Why didn't you answer my call?"

"Andre! Hi! Your home?! Are you going for a long vacation?" she dodged the question.

Andre could tell Hailey was avoiding answering his query. But he let it be and answered back, "Yes. And I am coming to Dubai to get you."

"What!? Seriously?"

On the other end of the call, Andre creased his forehead. "Why are you so shocked? You don't want to see me?" There is a hint of pain in his voice.

"Nah. I'm just surprised and happy!" Hailey laughs nervously. At the moment, she is freaking out.

'Oh, my goodness! What am I going to do now? How can I explain to Vince that I must fly to Dubai? Ah! What chaos!' Hailey is pacing back and forth around the pool area.

"Hailey, are you still there?" Andre asked afterward when the other line fell silent.

"Ah, yes, I am! I have something in mind. Anyway! You don't need to come to Dubai. I will go home next week! So… I will see you by then!"

On the other line, Andre fell silent. He ponders whether to wait or take the flight to Dubai tomorrow as he had planned.

Hailey prayed that Andre would not insist. She didn't foresee that he would be home. And now he wanted to follow her to Dubai, as she suddenly left Australia without informing anyone, especially her dad—who was too worried about her. 

It's been six months since she flew to P Country to check out all the Shen Group projects that changed the entire Metro City in only two years.

'Now what!?' Hailey sat down on the lounge chaise chair near the pool. She needs to contact Pitt and Kelly for a plan!

"Okay. I will wait for you then." Soon, Andre speaks on the other line, causing Hailey to breathe with relief. He added, "Don't take too long but come back soon. I missed you so much. And I want to talk to you about something." 

Hailey's eyebrows curled up. It seemed like a serious matter for Andre, and she need not guess. It is about Bryan.

Andre and Bryan were already playmates even before she was born. They have been classmates from kindergarten until Senior High, so they treat each other as brothers.

Their friendship built a great brotherhood with the other boys for over two decades until it ruined everything because of the breakup and calling off the wedding.

Sometimes it makes her heart sad that it also affects their brotherhood. But she could not undo everything and go back to the days she and Bryan treated each other as siblings.

"It's cold out here."

Hailey freaks out when someone speaks behind her. Her eyes wanted to pop out from her face. Gladly she is using her ear pods. Andre would not hear Vince talking to her.

Hailey settled down her heartbeats before she turned around to face Vince. She smiled and said, "Hi! I'm fine!"

She then pointed to her phone, gesturing that she would get inside after the call.

Vince nodded and said, "Okay. Or do you want me to light the firewood?"

Hailey cannot control her heart from fluttering with delight. Vince gets used to her chatting with the girls in the pool area. And now, he is even more and more thoughtful toward her.

And him, acting like this, only makes her miss him badly, living under one roof.

Hailey shook her head and refused Vince with a sweet smile curled on her lips, "Thanks! But you need not bother."

Vince didn't leave yet. He seems in deep thought but then chooses not to share his mind.

"Then, I'm going back inside," said Vince after a moment.

Hailey nodded. She sighs with relief after Vince leaves and goes back to his study.

Meanwhile, Andre keeps asking her in the other line when Hailey doesn't speak.

"Who did you talk to?"

"Ah! I'm sorry about that, Andre!" Her lame excuse. "Another guest passed by my table and greeted me."

"Okay. Are you having dinner now?" 

"Yes, I am!" Ah. She had to lie as Dubai is five hours different from Australia!

"Then I should hang up now. By the way, what time should I call you again tomorrow?"

"Oh. Let me be the one to call you tomorrow!"

"Alright. Please take care of yourself, Hailey," said Andre.

"Yes, I will."

Hailey wishes Andre was in front of her to hug the guy. She already misses everyone, especially her dad.

After the call ended, Hailey dialed Geoffrey's contact.

"Hail! Thank God! What happened? Why can't we contact you?"

"I'm sorry about that. I have a few things I need to take care of." Her lame excuse again. It was getting harder for her to hide her situation as days passed. She wondered how long she could keep it from everyone, especially Vince, about her identity.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm totally fine!" Hailey replied to Geoffrey's query. "So, Bryan is back?"

"Yes. And he has a thick face to ask for your number."

Hailey could tell the anger in Geoffrey's voice. She wondered if the two had fought earlier.

"Tell me... Did you punch him?"

It took a long moment before Geoffrey replied to her. Hailey heard him heaving a sigh. "Geoffrey?"

"Yeah, I did. I beat him up."

It made her rendered in silence for a long moment. She could imagine now; both have bruises on their faces. 

"Geoffrey, did you do that because of me?"