Loving Hailey

At the table, everyone turned their heads when Hailey showed up in the pool area, and Bryan was walking just behind her. 

A few men shared a glance, but Geoffrey darkened his face, gritted his teeth, and shot a glare at Bryan. 

'Did something happen?' It was what was playing in his head.

Hailey was unaware of the tension between the men; she rushed to the table with delight, then seated between Andre and Geoffrey. 

"Ah, my favorite lobster!" she exclaimed. 

"Here... I know you were like in heaven when you ate a lobster." Andre placed the lobster platter with fried potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and spices around it. 

"Thanks, Andre!" She was ecstatic that she had dined with everyone again. Although a few knights weren't here, she is happy tonight. 

While Hailey heartily ate her food, Geoffrey, silent on her other side, poured her a glass of champagne.