Beautiful Memories (Two)

Bryan gapes at this beautiful lady inside his arms. He is tempted to caress her smooth skin but looking at her eyes twinkled from innocence, there's a knife stabbing his heart. His guilt and conscience. 

He presses his mouth, tightening his jaw. He let go of Hailey and messed up her hair instead. 

Deep down inside, he is fighting against the monster that grows stronger every time he sees her. Bryan numbed his head from crazy thoughts. The boys greetings him with a happy birthday, which helps to avert his attention to something else. 

It was one in the morning, but the table in the dining hall was filled with different cuisine. After eating the food they prepared, the boys start drinking. 

"Andre, can I have a taste of that?" Hailey asked while her palms clasped together and her chin rested above it. 

Andre and Geoffrey look at each other. Hailey was still a minor. Even if it says she'll be eighteen soon, still she's a baby for them.