My Queen

He isn't sure if the idea is okay with his other boss. It looks like he is putting himself in an ugly situation. He brought it up, hoping they'll join them in having a meal, but who would pay for their food as these men are rich, unlike him? 

"Let's go, Bruce!" 

He had no choice but to follow them when Pitt was already dragging him toward the elevator. All he could do was cry in silence. 

'Boss, please spare my life!'

Meanwhile, Vince is pressing his ear to the door. And he immediately closed the door because he saw Pitt walking toward them. 

Listening to the conversation outside made him happy that Bruce mentioned the card he gave Tim to pay for his meal. 

Finally, he successfully gets rid of Hailey's knights for at least an hour.

Now he could have Hailey to himself without a bother who would barge in just like that whenever they felt so.