It is for the Best

Grace island, Greece

Zion Dawson straightened up his back at the door when a Maserati pulled over on the porch. He descended the stairs and met the young man who exited the car.

"It's good to see you, George." 

"Zion, thank you for having us."

"It's a pleasure to serve you, your excellency."

"Please, cut the formalities."

"You are right." Zion agreed.

Prince George Robertson ascended the stairs, following behind Zion. It was not the first time he was here. In fact, Zion's chateau is the European Knight's meeting place for an important discussion relating to the princess.

"Who was here, Zion?" asked George.

"Only central, western and southern Europe were here. The north and the east are in Russia to plan out their contribution to this mission. Mikhael hosted the meeting."

"Good. It's better this way."

"Brent and Mark are also preparing if the Empress needed them."