Chapter 107: Animal


...was currently in front of the Academy gates with Harvey.

"P… please, Miss Victoria, we have strict orders not to let anyone out!"

"Don't you know who we are!? Do you want both our families to come destroy your whole family!? What's your name, eh!? What's your mother's name!?"

"Harvey, don't."

The people that were guarding the gate had no idea what to do. If it were any other student, they would have already forced these two to go back to their dorms, maybe even dragging them by their arms. But it just had to be the son and daughter of the most influential people in their country.

And they were insistent. They have been here for more than 2 hours now, asking the guards to let them out. They are used to Harvey's screams as they have already been drilled during their training. But Victoria's quiet and calm tone was almost too jarring to bear.