Chapter 148: Chosen Sides

Latanya Boss marched into the City with her remaining men. And as soon as they got there, the people that guarded their City quickly showed their hostility. Their walls were almost as tall as the Wall.

Their so-called City was a far cry from what they have. People lived lavishly, children had their mothers and could walk freely on the streets; Latanya and her men did not care for this, however, they just wanted to be heard.

And so they did. They shouted and they screamed their lungs out that they have vital information that could allow all of them to live freely. They spent days standing outside, garnering the attention of people well-dressed, looking at them as if they were savages…

...Looking at them the same as how they looked at the Prisoners within the Wall.

Once again they didn't care, and their efforts bore fruit. To their surprise, they were allowed an audience with the City's leader-- the one they call President.