Chapter 157: Hermes and Destruction

Van once again found himself in a dream, but this time, he was no longer surrounded by darkness. Instead, he found himself in the sky.


Van tried to cast his [Air Step] but was unable to do so as his System did not even work in the dream. But he did not need it in the first place as he was not really falling, he just remained floating; his body rotating and gliding like a feather in the air.

And so, realizing that he was safe, he let out a long and deep breath as he focused his eyes towards the ground below. It would seem that he was… back outside? He could not really tell since there were numerous buildings that towered almost to the skies.

Buildings that were similar to those he could find in the Deadzone, but instead of being in pieces, they stood tall and proud-- almost hundreds of them as far as he could see, and even taller than the Wall itself.