Chapter 176: Do it, now!

"So, just enough for you not to die, but be weakened enough to be killed by Van?"


"Why is it so important that Van needs to be the one to kill you?"

Van, Latanya, and Hercules have completely covered Van's room. The windows and terrace were barred by the curtains, and the doors were locked and secured. Now, their only source of light was the lanterns that sat on a lonely table at the corner of the spacious room.

"I have told you, Witch," Hercules let out a short breath as he looked down at Latanya, his head almost slightly bent down due to him being higher than the ceiling of the room, "He is my brother and I wish to die by his hands."

Latanya could not help but furrow her eyebrows as she once again heard their reason, "...So you are torturing your brother the thought of killing you?" Latanya said, "You want him to carry that kind of burden?"

"Hm…" Hercules could only let out a sigh and slightly look to the side in response.