Chapter 223: I Accept The Result!

"No chance of winning?"

King Badru terribly wanted to rebuke. But seeing as how the other party was the White Imvubu, he chose to keep quiet instead. He had watched Adia grow throughout the years ever since their parents died, and she worked hard even amongst the special forces and the warriors they had in their army.

To say that Adia had no chance of winning against her protege was truly a bit hurtful to his feelings. But alas, Badru could only look towards the commotion below, towards the event that will decide the fate of this nation's grandchildren and future. Some might consider King Badru's thoughts an exaggeration, but for him, this was truly the most important event in decades.

If Adia wins this match, then she would have the chance of becoming Charlotte's protege, probably the greatest honor this country can achieve.

Badru could only hope that the White Imvubu is wrong in her assumptions.