Chapter 234: Get Ready to Rumble

[Detecting the Influence of the Goddess of the Hunt]

[...Overwriting the Influence of the Goddess of the Hunt]




[Success… Influence of Tranquility is now canceled]

Van stared at the words that were floating in front of him. Influence of Tranquility? Was that the thing that was making the monsters docile? Van quickly put his guard up as his eyes scanned the area.

This time, the area of the Portal was not an open field, instead, it was similar to the first-ever Portal that Van had entered. But unlike the cave of the arachnes, the cavern they were in right now was extremely spacious, with the ceiling almost reaching around 20 meters, Van surmised.

Van continued to scan if there were any monsters coming to attack them, but even after a few seconds, the cavern remained quiet.

"Lamias… quite a tricky opponent," one of the Silver-ranked Explorers spoke, "It's a good thing that none of them seem to be attacking us."