Chapter 248: ...A Child (2)

"The humans of my universe developed strong enough…

...that they were able to kill Father."

"Able to kill… your Father?"

The golden trails of light that still traveled across Hermes's body slowly waned. He had not rested even once, even before their war in his world. From delivering the souls to the Afterlife, to defending his universe to the foreign army that wanted to conquer them, to battling it out with the last remaining Seraph, never once did the light fade from his body.

But now, after thousands of years, he rested.


"But that is… impossible."

"In your universe, yes. Your world is what? An eon? Ours is a thousand times more than that. What you deem impossible might just be rational in ours."

"This one you call the Father, is he your creator?"

"Father is not a He, Father is Father."

"...That makes Father a he," Hermes's form slowly shrunk as he floated near Azrael.

"What is Chaos to you then?"