Chapter 250: Alive

"I was right, Evans. This is not the Afterlife."

Charlotte and Angela could only watch as Artemis's Soul slowly faded away. This was the first time the two of them were seeing an ephemeral soul, yet they could not comment as doing so with this kind of atmosphere was truly not appropriate.

They could see the obvious melancholy building up in Van's eye. Of course, they could not truly understand why, as they had only met Artemis almost just an hour ago. Perhaps there was some kind of connection they had? Van even went so far as to call her a family, which he didn't even with his own mother; which is understandable, of course.

"Please, use my powers for peace…" Artemis once again repeated her words as the edges of her lips faded. And soon, the light that previously flooded the entire Portal was gone, along with her soul.