Chapter 288: Too Small

"Run! It's going to eat us!"

The hurried steps of two children drummed through Van's ears as they ran away from him. They seemed to be unusually curious about him, but as soon as he stood up after being hit in the head once more, the two turned around and ran away, dropping the thick branch they were poking Van with.

Van could only let out a sigh as he picked up the branch, using it to support his still throbbing body. The last thing he remembered was being swallowed by the ball of light that devoured everything in its path. And when he came to, he was being smacked in the head by two oversized children.

If he survived the light, wouldn't that mean that the others did too? Was it actually some sort of wide-range Portal that transported all of them?

Considering there were 8 weird-looking moons in the sky, without a doubt, this is another world.