Chapter 319: Welcome to the...


Gerald immediately went and rushed towards his brother as soon as the growing white light dissipated. He thought for sure that they were all going to die, but to think that Charles was able to teleport them to another place before they got swallowed-- it truly was the right decision to force him to do so.

"I… I'm fine, brother."

"Where… are we?"

The others all woke up from their momentary stupor, all clumsily standing up at the same time as their eyes moved all over the place. They were in a very warm place just a few moments ago, but now, they could feel the moisture of the cold dew wafting through their faces.

"Where did you take us, father?" Victoria then approached Charles as soon as she fully recovered herself.

However, Charles, even with all of the stares that had landed on him, did not answer; the only visible answer they got was the confusion in his face.