Chapter 334: Rightful Place

"Evangeline… the Allmother?"

The confusion of Van's voice almost permeated from Muspelheim's atmosphere, growing with each second that passed through the silence they now found themselves in. Even Gerald, who initially held a sort of amused expression, was starting to furrow his eyebrows.

Van was sure that Evangeline had a hand on what was happening to this world, since she started this whole thing in the first place. He just didn't know how active of a part she was playing.

"What do you mean by Allmother?"

"It is as I said," Surtr just nodded his head, "Although even I am unclear as to her true identity, but what I do know is that she received that title not because she gave birth to the very first Aesir, but because she was the one that guided them for years to come. She taught them how to live in this world, molded them into what they are today."

"Is she--"