Chapter 348: ...Oh

Heven Academy.

One of only three institutes that could be considered a school in Asgard. Given the growing population of the Aesir, perhaps three schools were no longer enough to sustain them-- this, however, was not a problem.

Most Aesir do not go to school and prefer the life that they have been used to since time immemorial. They were hunters, adventurers, and gatherers that explored the 9 Realms and beyond if they were capable-- and most would treat them as their superior.

And right now, there was a young man, small in stature, floating in the air and overlooking the Academy in its entirety. Van's estimate was right, this place was not as big as NYSA. However, since it was on a completely separate island of its own and surrounded with nothing but the sea for miles, it seemed bigger than it was.