Chapter 356: Lives That Were Lost

'Do you believe in god?' 

Perhaps that was a question that Van had been asked only once in his life. It was back when the Circle tried to visit his home back in the Relic Graveyard; and now that Van was thinking about it, they were probably recruiting people to test and turn into enhanced humans.

In truth, Van did not believe in any of those things, one might even say he abhors it-- for what kind of god leaves a child like him with a monster? But knowing what he knows now; that his father was just influenced to do the things he did; and that it was the doing of his own mother, one might even say that it truly and literally was the doing of a god.

How can he deny their existence, when two are right in front of him right now? And even he himself was on his way to becoming one.

"What… are you trying to say, Athena?"