Chapter 378: Itsy Bitsy

A beauty that could probably topple cities.

Hair that was smoother than the cleanest of rivers, and a skin that would shame even it.

A glorious pair of breasts that jiggled with even the slightest of movements, rivaling that of Latanya's-- or perhaps it was better to say that Latanya's breasts rival them; as these pairs were the original.

But most importantly;

8 Legs, 2 Arms. And a whole lower body that could probably swallow Van whole.

An existence that brought Van the reality of his situation as a System Holder; an existence that made Van completely hopeless; a being that he had fought in the inception of his powers…


"Oh my, oh my. So you still remember me?"

Arachnaea quickly crawled from side to side as she touched her cheeks, humming promiscuously while wiggling her whole upper body, 

"I thought that after thousands and thousands of years, you've completely forgotten about this big sister..."