Chapter 426: The Difference of A Higher Being

"My name is Diniel."


The female systellion had already been wanting to get out of her confinement since she saw her friend's figure slowly being materialized right in front of everyone watching. She was sure he had been killed earlier, so what exactly was happening now?

Of course, it wasn't only her. Everyone was shocked to see what was happening-- was it some sort of hologram? Even Apollo was confused as to what was happening first, but as soon as he realized that the one that Van just… summoned was a systellion, his eyes started turning wide.

He didn't even see any signs of the Bracelet of Souls, and yet Van was able to call forth one of the Souls he had just collected. Truly, a being of mystery.

"Diniel…" Van then whispered as he stepped closer to the soul. He was about to try and touch Diniel's shoulder, but stopped an inch from doing so as a part of Diniel's soul started to stretch out, as if it was starting to get absorbed by him.