
Dear readers, please, spend some time with this small introduction.

Several notes on the text:
- some situations or behavior of characters may seem contradictory or controversial at first glance, but I assure you, this was done deliberately. These are the characters, that were conceived from the very beginning. Their behavior is not taken from the ceiling but carefully thought out by the author. I will try to reveal each character so, that there are no controversial points and questions left, but still, if any arise, I will be happy to answer all your questions.
- the text was conceived quite heavy, I want to put all my favorite topics in it: BDSM practice, psychology, body horror, psychological pressure, soulmates, fantastic. That is why this text is very important to me. This is a kind of challenge to me, and I want to see if I can handle it. I can say immediately, that the ending will be positive, but if any of the tags or topics, mentioned here, do not satisfy your interests, I think, it is better to refrain from reading this work. I welcome everyone without exception and am grateful to everyone, who will stay with me along the path, which I have planned. But, to be honest, it is very unpleasant to receive negative or unsubstantiated reviews of a text, that you are seriously working on, just because the reader does not share the author's interests.
- I have only recently become interested in Korean culture, so I may not be fully aware of the information. I have done some research on the culture, learning, and communication of Koreans, but still, if you encounter any errors about this topic, please, don't judge too harshly.
- in this text, a special role will be played by BDSM practice and the psychological state of the characters. I am well aware of both topics of this question, but I would like to remind you, that this is not a course of introduction to BDSM practice or a medical manual. Therefore, please, do not treat certain parts of these topics too strictly.
- the story will be conducted through two-time lines, each of which I will mark with dates, which will not confuse the events and, therefore, understand the age of the characters at one or another.
- each chapter or separate timeline will begin with a small quote that, in my opinion, briefly expresses the essence of the entire text presented. If these quotes will hinder or will not have a specific meaning for the reader, please, just leave them without attention and skip. This will not change the essence and meaning of the text.

If you have read the entire introduction and still decided to stay with me, then I am immensely grateful to you!!! And I will be even more grateful when you devote your precious time and attention to my work. I welcome all, who decide to join. Thank You!!!

Marking temporary lines of text:
The first timeline (2018 South Korea) – the past of Jonghyong and Jungsuk.
Kim Jonghyong (nickname John) is a twenty-years old, first-year medical student at Busan National University. Direction - surgery. In "theme" specializes in masochism.
Park Jungsuk is a twenty-two years old, third-year medical student at Busan National University. Directions - psychology, child psychology, psychotherapy, child psychotherapy, neurology.
Kim Muyong is twenty-two years old, a classmate and best friend of Park Jungsuk.
Kim Chaebom is twenty-years old, a classmate, and the only best friend of Kim Jonghyong.
Kim Yumin (nickname Blake) – twenty-seven years old, engaged in music. He has been a Master of Kim Jonghyong for two years. Bisexual, in "theme", specializes in sadism.
Kim Junghyun is thirteen years old, the younger brother of Kim Jonghyong.

The second timeline (2028 USA, New York) is the presence of Jonghyong and Jungsuk.
Kim Jonghyong is thirty years old, engaged in painting.
Park Jungsuk is a thirty-two years old, Deputy chief physician in the field of "child psychiatry"

Glossary of Korean communication features, consoles, and suffixes:
Hyong - the appeal of the younger to the older (only between guys). This address is only used between people, who are familiar or fairly close in communication. An ordinary passer-by or stranger is not treated like this
Maknae - the youngest. This is the way to address a person, who is the youngest person present. In our case, of all the listed characters, Jonghyong is the youngest, so this word will only be used in relation to him.
Donsen - appeal to a person, usually in a certain structure or activity, from another person, who is more experienced in this very structure. Not always limited by age.
Sonbae - appeal to a more experienced person, usually in a particular structure or activity, from another person, who is more inexperienced in that very structure. Not always limited by age.
Ajossi - respectful treatment of another appeal, usually, a much older man.
Aegyo - meaning "cute", "pretty", "charming", "lovely", "friendly". In Korean it refers to an expression of affection, that is often expressed including through a cute/childish voice, facial expressions, and gestures. This behavior is very popular in South Korea and used to show affection for loved ones, family, or friends. Used by both women and men.
The endings "a" and "e" after the name - a diminutive-affectionate form of addressing a close/loved one.
Suffix "ssi" after the name - a respectful form of address. The analog respectfully "You".
Suffix "nim" after the name is another more respectful form of address, used together with the name, title, or position of the person, being addressed
Aish - an expletive, something like a "damn" or "shit".
Aigoo - an expletive, that the speaker uses, to express their dissatisfaction more emotionally.
Ya - exclamation of irritation.

Thematic concepts regarding the BDSM universe:
Master/Top/Dominant - a person, who occupies the top position in BDSM themed games. Fully controls the actions and reactions of the submissive, taking into account the limits allowed. After the session, it is his responsibility to take care of his partner, both physically and psychologically. The position of Top is not always related to the role in sex. In this case, when a person is Top psychologically and not constitute active in sex - this concept is called a dominant passive.
Submissive/bottom - a person, who occupies the bottom position in BDSM themed games. A submissive position isn't always about sex. A person can play the role of a submissive, but at the same time be an active partner. If Dominant feels bad for some reason, submissive should also take care of him after the session.
Subspace - a special trance state of the bottom, that occurs during the action and is accompanied by the release of endorphins against the background of emotional uplift.
Domspace - this is a special feeling of Top, which is characterized by an increased sense of control, responsibility, and self-confidence. In the process of being in such a state, Dominant can perceive the environment very-very sensitively for some time, up to catching air vibrations, the slightest sound waves. Time slows down very much and the score goes by fractions of seconds. The top partner in this state experiences the deepest inner connection with his partner, up to the ability to hear the heartbeat, anticipate thoughts. Unfortunately, after the aggravation passes, the dominant, most often, "float", which is why many stops practicing or sessions. The recovery period may vary from a few minutes to several days.
Subdrop - a condition of a submissive, in which he feels depressed, alienated, and there are syndromes of various spectrum disorders. This can happen immediately after the session, or after some time for various reasons. Most often this is due to the emotional state of the submissive in certain actions of the Dominant.

This text was writing as a fanfiction 03/14/20 - 02/18/21 on platforms (names of the characters was changed):

Russian ver.

English ver.