From that day it happend i felt stronger then ever like i was on top of the world...
But then i felt alone after a while like i dont belong no one like me, i geuss that's the other part of being human always a part missing never just happy with what you got, that's the saddest part once you lose what you got you miss it more than anything but if you have it its never enough...
I figured that's why they wanted me to forget because i geuss that was the only energy i had left... Because i forgot who i was... So i geuss i couldn't find more energy or forgot how to...
From that day i was only human... I stubbled once again in the dark.. I felt tired of walking. I felt weak... I never understood how humans be so brave i geuss because of God they know they going to heaven so they got a reason to risk their lifes for others. Most beautiful thing ever... . When i lost my abilities i felt it.. One moment i feel as strong as a god the next nothing so i just lied down for days i felt hunger like i never felt it before i tried getting food i was talking in the woods.. Weak then i heard something behind me and heard a roar. A bear...
I run and stubbled on the ground.. I never felt sooo afraid i tried making peace to die.... Then i heard a gun shot the bear made a hard noise and run hear 5 more shots the bear roared and i heard it fell on the groumd i heard someone say theirs someone there...
5 hunters savedd me that day... A beast. And they didn't even know it. They fead me and i stayed there for yearss... They got older i didn't. He hunted... And drinked together...
As age slowed them down... I stayed as fast... They maded jokes one of these days you are going to slow down age is going to catch you old red they said i was old red. First i was red. Because then they found me i was full of bloood. But it never did... They always wrote how their hunts was going to track how the animals is moving and they day to day life so i geuss i started also...
30years later i looked like i was still 30 and they were laying in bed couldn't breath...
Billy asked me whyy aren't you old and ugly as me.
I gave him the book. The others were dead of the same reason. Everytime i showed one of them... They would read it and confusing will set in... And then sadness... Everytime they would grap the pistol and shoot me lucky for me they old so they slow as fuck.
It broke my heart but with billy it was different. He knew about me. He did try killing me but aftwr he said something that gave me back everything....
He said you are morosia. I asked him what. He told me the story one of his friend told him how his family and many others swear to protect and hold a secret but he was drunk so he told him anyway...
This story was passed down from generations to generations. About a man who came from lighting and looked like a man and a sybertooth cross. A monster came to correct humans brutally...
The monster wiped out many coast cities...
When the monster slowed down. And rested a few clans hunted it the men who survived.
For months they hunted the beast... From mountain to mountain. Finnalllyyy they trapped the beast...
They heard a storm coming and light struckk just behind the beast.... As they approached the beast slowly they saw hes face and then a other beast ripped off the beast head and kicked it against the men.
It roared... And lightong came out and struckk the men down. As the beast left 5 men survived. And they made a promise they will find the beast and kill it...
Manyyyy yearss later world war 2 they found the beast... Once again... This time they were readyy they had a army... The beaat was wiping out a American bunker on the coast line.
Killing and sucking the life out of everyone he saw. They stopped infront of the bunker seeing the beast monster wayss... Lighting coming out of hes hands.
They gave the beast all that they havee.... Bullets flying... Grenades...
Big ass guns... Then they hurt a laugh... A deeep dark laugth. And then the words is that all you got. They saw green eyes opening... And then white teeth slowly revealing them selves.
The men started the jeeps ligths coming on the beast roared and felt on the ground... The men released he is down and shot the beast once again.... The beast tried to escape to run dieper he escaped the ligths but he was blinded by the ligths... The man rushed in with jeeps. And spot ligths. Shining im the beast eyes.... They shot him if some super poisen that made the beast sleep they only that enough for one bullet...
They tied him up.. Chained him to the wall with tank chains.
He woke up... Wayy faster he punched a guy and then ge tried running the men nalled the chains to hes back... The beast roared and the ligths burned it eyes so he run back and felt in the corner...
The just lied there... Many years later... He started to patrol less and less because he was just sitting there... The all time the ligths just laid there...
One day lighting storm came and one more beast came with it wipes out 20armed men.
Smashed the ligths... And walked out... On of the men survived and waited until it was dark...
And run to the nearest town to get a phone.
When he got back he sae people going in... And he screameddd....... Don't stoppppp... He run toward them then heard screams. For a short while and then it stopped.... He was to scared to move... He called hes buddy and told him the story. The buddy was the friend who told bily this story hes name was dave.
Dave told hes friend who's name was ricky just to stand wait and watch the beast...
He said call me asoon as the beast went out.
He called and say theirs someone else coming.... Dave told ricky just look don't get killed... The beast came out and the one guy who was the other beast just gave the beast a time to reat and come out to figth ricky told dave.
They talked but the one who cane out looked confused... But then the beast who helped him punched the oyher beast who came out of the bunker... The beast headed hes head and falled down... Ricky saw that beast was pissed was not a long battle... Beast stood up with hes claws drown and in a sec faster then anything he saw hitted the other beast on hes neck the bloood pored on hes face and body.
And then the beast just talked away... For years they tried finding the beast again... Dave was to late to find the beast sleeping ricky felt asleep and the beast got him....
Just as davw was on a hunting trip ricky called and said.. They found him... And hanged up...
He never hurt from ricky again.
The beast was nicked named morosia.
The last family who was supposed to keeo hik locked up ricky was the last morosia... Family member.
The other was there because they were working for ricky...
As he ended hes story i remember everything..... I said billy thank you for giving me back what i lost then i slit hes through... With my Claws. He was any about to die i heart hes hart beating fastwr and faster he wanted to grap the pistol or he knew hes life was about to end with the story.
I walked out.... And i felt it again.... The powerrrrr..... I wrote this story... And im going to post it in the mail... And in the news...
Just so people can know im coming... Helll is coming... You may think its just a story... But im coming. What the hell im i. Am the end
My name is somoro... The God of terror.
And the only one left i killed the rest. And know im coming for you all.