Synopsis 2

5. It is 6 AM.

6. Synopsis of a Girl.

8. Gotham Simone

9. HHH Do Me.

10. The strange Village Of Subcips.

11. The World Jack.

12. 12 Doors.

13. Swap Joss.

14. Sara Etends.

Valeria letter.

My Princess is my girl is my daughter Sara I love her very much I had her at 24 and now she is 18 she is my queen of the house I love her she is my girl, sometimes I tell myself everything I do for my daughters will have its benefits we were talking about her In the future she wanted to be a cheft and a singer so her nickname would be Valeria Swift.

But she always makes me smile. She is my daughter and I love her very much.

Letter to Lucia.

My aunt always watching out for me, she and my dad's sister who left when she was 6 years old, we live beautiful and bad times.

She has been my CEO She always helps me and she is very beautiful for me I love her

We also spend a lot of moments on the beach in rivers and especially in the cinema with my daughter and my niece.

Letter to my mom.

My mother was always even in the bad moments of my life, she supported me, I grew up, she gave me a lot of love, my mother has always been a beautiful, exemplary, exceptional person and humble opinion with me, she always gave me everything until the day a queen left with me and me. Daughter, we are 12 brothers, we only have 4 so for them it is very important I am ...

My Reliable Old Woman

Something uncomfortable has always happened to me at any time I avoid it but sometimes I can't understand things and that makes me doubt myself a lot ...