Treasure Campus Day 1 part-3

"I'm interested in a five-member group," Jun spoke as he finished his performance. Jun is also interested in the seven-member group but that would make him give up more parts for other members. So, he decided on a five-member group.

As for the duo, he never thought of it because he doesn't know how to rap and there should be one more to take care of choreography and teach him.

While the remaining five vocalists felt pressured, the other former trainees decided to poach him into their team.

But, then, he dropped a bomb, making them hesitate in their original decision, "but if I wasn't able to work with the group, then, I will choose to register as a solo contestant. I hope everyone understands…"

Jun bowed and excuses himself to back to his position.

Some of them dropped, not wanting to take risks while those who are confident didn't waver in their decision.

After all the performances are over, Jun stood beside Daniel, who decided to stick with him from the start.

Since they were acquainted before and he saw Daniel's performance before, Jun has no problems with it.

As both of them stood together, they were quickly approached by a young man in his early twenties. There was someone unfamiliar who followed him.

Daniel's attention quickly stole by him.

Sohn Hyunwoo. He was also someone Jun kept his eye on from the moment they reached the second floor. A popular idol who goes by the stage name Shonwu, leader of MonstaX in his past world but now only a former trainee of Star Entertainment.

"Hello, wanna form a group with us?" Shonwu asked Jun and Daniel.

But what surprised Jun is that he is a little bit different than his counterpart. This Shonwu is far from being awkward as he even takes the initiative to form a group and started a conversation.

"We decided on a five-member group. I wonder if you are alright with that…" Jun asked in return without mentioning whether they will join or not.

He nodded without any hesitation. "Sure."

As four of them formed a group and moved into a corner, most of them felt that

Daniel then asked, "We need one more. Anyone to recommend?"

As Jun glanced around, he saw two teams already formed with four and two members respectively. That leaves only 8 members who are undecided.

Shonwu then spoke, "I have four people in mind but two of them are already gone. That dancer Im Jihoon and vocalist Minsu."

Daniel quickly said, "The latter can also dance well. I saw his performance in the third round."

"Choose the dancer," Jun didn't go with Daniel's opinion. Before they misunderstood his intentions, he quickly gave an explanation, "if there are two vocalists in a group, you don't many choices for the song."

Right then, the dancer they have their eye on was approached by the group.

Shonwu also didn't waste any time and called him out. "Excuse me, Jihoon-ssi."

Just as they were about to talk something, Shonwu's words grabbed everyone's attention including his target.

Under everyone's gazes, he walked towards him and spoke slowly for a while.

Strangely, their competitor also participated in the discussion.

Shonwu returned to the group and the man returned to his teammate with Jihoon.

Meanwhile, a seven-member group is already formed with Minsu joining them.

"What happened? Did he refuse?" Jun asked him.

"I wonder if you are okay with a seven-member group, instead?" Shonwu suddenly asks Jun and Daniel in return instead of answering Jun's question.

"Seven-member?" Both of them frowned in response.

He explained himself, "yeah, with Jihoon and those two included. Their performance is also decent. Moreover, one is a rapper and the other is a Vocalist. So, they are needed for a dancer.

They promised him to make a center as well as their leader if he joins their group. I guess they are desperate to get him. I asked whether it was possible to form a seven-member group.

Should we form a seven-member group with them or should we just look for another?"

Jun glanced at the remaining four of them. Two of them are vocalists, and two of them are rappers.

He doesn't know the skills of others. But, since all of them passed the final audition with strict requirements, they must be good.

But, then, Jun thought about whether it is okay to depend on luck. After thinking for a long time, he turned towards Daniel, "are you fine with it?"

The other two also stared at Daniel.

Daniel nodded without hesitation. He isn't a guy who thinks too much about the problems.


Room no. 207;

Seven members gathered in the room. Because the group is considered big, they claimed the room for their own and don't have to share with others.

They sat in a circle.

As the person who gathered everyone, Shonwu spoke first.

"Okay… Uhh… Let's introduce ourselves once more?"

"I'm Sohn Hyunwoo. Please call me Shonwu. I'm 22 years old. I trained for 2 years in Star Entertainment but left because of training absences. Before a trainee, I was part of a dancing group called X4 for 3 years and was also a backup dancer for Lee Hyori-nim's 'Bad Girl' and 'Going Crazy'.

As for position, mainly a dancer, and a sub-vocalist…"

Jun still didn't get used to these changes. For someone who was nicknamed Robot Shonwu, he's fluent with his tongue.

He wondered whether he's awkward only on cameras or whether this Shonwu is different. Cuz, if he is, then, other idols might also be their different selves.

Jun could care less if it others but if the members of Twice are also like that, he would be worried indeed. Thankfully for him, Dahyun isn't much different from what he knew.

As he sat down, one by one, gave their introductions.

"Hello. My name is Na Songmin. I and Shonwu are friends from middle school. I'm also a member of the X4 dance group and I followed Shonwu out of Star Entertainment after two years of training. Position's dancer."

'Shonwu's follower'. Everyone had the same thought in mind upon hearing his introduction.

Next, it's the dancer that was roped by Shonwu.

"Hello. I'm Im Jihoon. 19 years old. Have one year of experience as a trainee at Cube Entertainment. My main position is a dancer. I consider my rapping skills decent."

After him, the other two introduced themselves.

"Tong Joowon. 21 years old. Have 3 years of experience as a trainee at Woolim Entertainment. My main position is a rapper. I'm not good at dance."

"Kim Hojin. 18 years old. Have 1 and a half year experience as a trainee at FNC Entertainment. My main position is the Vocalist. I'm decent at dancing."

Jun finally stood up as his turn finally came up.

"Hello. My name is Han SungJun and I'm 20 years old. I spent 3 years at ZC Entertainment as a trainee. My main position is the Vocalist. I'm also a songwriter."

'ZC' Everyone except Daniel was stunned as soon as they heard of it. ZC is after all a top company. Then, they thought, 'no wonder he's good'.

Originally, he doesn't want to reveal it but what Jun need is the trust of others for better cooperation.

Shonwu also revealed it for the exact same reason so that they will trust his judgment. But, he didn't expect a guy from big 3 to show up. Even if Jun's a former trainee, he too knew that surviving for 3 years at a company like ZC, not everyone can do that.

"I'm Kang Daniel. 17 years old and I'm from Busan. 2 years of experience as a trainee at MMO Entertainment. I left the agency for this program. My main position is a dancer and I can also sing fairly well. I mean, not as good as Jun-Hyung though…"

After the introductions are finished, Shonwu asked, "anyone with ideas to pick up a song?"