Jun meets Somi part-2

"Hey Jun…" A bright glow appeared on Somi as soon as she saw Jun.

"Sunbae!" Although he wasn't that surprised about meeting her, as she spotted him earlier, he didn't expect to meet this quick.

He only went from the ground floor to the fourth floor and voila, she's already here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her.

Now, Jun has no choice to but act out. He hoped she would buy it.

"I'm an intern here." She replied while maintaining her smile.

He walked along with her towards the private ward. On the way, he told her about the reason for his visit. Jun hoped that she would realize his stance towards the relationship.

However, even after hearing that he was aiming to be an idol, her expression stayed the same.

Maybe, she wasn't that interested in the entertainment world? Maybe, she was too busy to care about it? After all, she's a doctor and as an intern, she would rarely get a break…

Then, why bother to repair the relationship with him? Why can't she just choose someone from her own hospital?

With a lot of thoughts going on his mind, Jun continued to answer her questions. "Yes. We have an evaluation tomorrow. So, I won't be staying long…"

"How about a coffee?" She didn't give up. "Surely, you can afford that much time, right? It won't be long, either way."

He halted his steps and stared at her.

Earlier, he saw a group of young doctors, probably interns with her. Surely, they must have come down for lunch. So, he concluded that she probably didn't have lunch. As for breakfast, he doubted whether she had it either.

"Hmm, what?" She asked him.

Jun shook his head, "it's nothing. Anyway, if you have enough time, I can afford an hour."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up in excitement. "Okay, give me a few minutes. I'll back quickly. I'll take you to an amazing restaurant around here."

Not intending to waste any time, she darted off quickly.

Looking at her back in a daze, Jun mumbled, "I probably shouldn't have agreed to it." He immediately regretted saying that he has an hour to spare.

Didn't he just swear that he would avoid her? Why did he do that, then?

Jun can't help but curse himself for being too stupid. Taking a deep breath, Jun resolved to cut off all the ties with her after they had lunch. He decided to tell her directly that he doesn't have any plans for dating her once again.

It didn't even take five minutes for her to return in her casual wear, wearing makeup and all…

"Sorry for the wait." She smiled even while apologizing as if she was late on their date.

Jun didn't know that she was actually expecting him to leave for the private ward to see the patient.

Jun waiting for her means, it is a positive signal. At least in her eyes…

In response to her words, Jun didn't say anything but giving a plain nod before walking towards the reception.

There, he saw a couple of nurses doing some kind of paperwork.

"Hello…" Removing his mask, he greeted them.

All of a sudden, a nurse who was passing by stopped and greeted the girl behind him. "Somi-yah…"

"Unnie…" She greeted back with a bow.

"Is your shift over?" She asked with surprise.

Somi shook her head, "just going out for an hour. I will be back before lunchtime."

The nurse glanced at Jun, and then, she gestured her to come near.

As she walked a few steps and, the intern nurse whispered, "He is the same guy from the pictures, right? Your ex-boyfriend…"

Somi looked at Jun and then correct her, "not exactly… Officially, we never broke up…"

"Didn't you mention that he doesn't remember anything about you?" The nurse asked her neighbor who lives in the same apartment building.

Upon hearing it, Somi can't help but sigh, "Yeah. I just hope everything goes well today…"

"Well, your boyfriend looks a lot handsome than the one in your past pictures. How should I say… Hmm… more matured? Anyway, don't miss this guy… Good luck… I need to get going.

Don't forget to tell me the details, later…"

Nudging her, the nurse said goodbye to her and went on her way.

Meanwhile, Jun asked the senior nurse about Yeongue. He wanted to know whether it's okay to visit him.

After all, he doesn't know what kind of viral disease Yeongue was contracted to.

"Oh! You are here for the patient Kim Yeongue? Nothing serious. We suspected it was influenza but it turned out that Hypoglycemia. Due to low resistance, he also had a high fever."

"Eh? Hypoglycemia?" Jun was taken aback to hear the strange name. He knew that Influenza means flu as the term was common in the news section but never heard of the other medical term.

Somi answered from behind, "His glucose levels are low."

"Eh? Is he diabetic?" Jun wondered.

As if she read his mind, Somi further said, "It isn't that uncommon for 12-year-olds with low immunity."

"Oh!" After thanking her, Jun then asked the nurse whether it is okay to visit.

"Sure… But, you can't wake up the patient…" The nurse patiently said to him.

Jun nodded and went to the private ward. Somi followed from behind.

As he entered the room, Jun saw Yeongue was sleeping as the nurse claimed. However, there was a young woman in a suit, sitting nearby and was reading some magazine.

Jun knew her from the pictures showed by Yeongue… She's his elder sister who works as a stylist in PSY Company. Currently, she was working with Hyuna.

As soon as Jun entered the room, she looked at him and stood up. She looked at him. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her face. It looked like she too knew him.

Before he greeted her, she spoke, "you must be Han SungJun..."

"Eh?" Jun was taken aback. "Ah! Yes. Hello."

He greeted her with a bow.

"I'm Kim Eun Song, Yeongue's elder sister. This kid was just talking about…"

She then saw Somi and stopped talking for a second.

She was surprised that Jun came with a girl here who looked like she's also a contestant at the camp… She wondered whether they are dating. After all, as someone from the entertainment industry, she knew it is common at places like boot camps.