Unexpected new groups

The following morning;

Everyone from Team YG gathered on the fourth floor.

Jun felt a lot of eyes on him. The first is because of his enhanced appearance that increased his attraction, especially from the opposite gender and some envy from the boys. The second is because of his performance from the earlier day.

Even though JYP gave harsh comments, only Jun felt like he received a low score.

In everyone's eyes, his team still scored above 350, which is the fourth-highest score if one excludes girls, and seventh highest overall 33 groups.

Such a score is more than enough for almost everyone who was only here to be scouted by these top companies.

Meanwhile, the top scorers, who had the eyes on winning, instead of just getting past the first round, were also looking forward to teaming up with him as they think they are a lot better than Jun's past teammates.

Since the rules of the program also mentioned possible mixed groups during the camp, more than half of the boys were excited to team up with popular girls like Yuju, Hong Euijin, Kwon Eunbin, etc… (Author: Not to be confused with Kwon Eunbi)

Most of them are just adolescent teenagers studying in middle school or high school. Not only the boys, but even girls in those age groups were also the same as they formed crushes on popular candidates like Jun and Daniel.

In those bunches, there are still a few amounts of people who are praying inside to avoid Jun. They felt that Jun is a huge tree that will block sunlight over a wide area. So, they don't want to be planted beside him.

With everyone having their own plans in mind, they continued to wait for YG. Soon, they saw YG came up with the list in his hands.

After responding to everyone's morning greetings, he spoke, "It's been three weeks since all of you have been training here.

I saw some of you guys, especially rookies grew up and fairing a lot better than the experienced trainees. You only have two weeks left till the elimination. So, the experienced trainees should work hard and gear up or else, you will be surpassed by the rookies, understand?"

Jun and the others nodded seriously. Some of them already knew the improvement of these young talented kids.

"Anyway, last week, five from boys and five from girls; a total of 10 groups participated from each team. Of which we won in only 3 of them and came in second place. This week, we should aim for the first place. So, everyone should work hard, especially you, girls. A lot of you have gotten low scores…"

As the girls nodded while looking down, YG continued, "This week, all of you will be divided into 15 groups. For boys: 1 solo; two duos; 2 five-member groups; and 2 seven-member groups.

It is the same for girls too… 1 solo; 2 duos; 2 five-member groups; and 2 seven-member groups. Lastly, 2 duo mixed-gender groups; and 1 four-member mixed-gender group.

After discussing with the other judges, we put a hold on the performance category. So, either you will end up in a singing group or a dancing group. Those who were selected for solo have the choice to choose their own performance.

All of you will be given your respective songs. You can choose to arrange the music or change the choreography in any way you like. We will only see the result.

If it's good, you will receive a high score, and if it's bad, then, low score. It's as simple as that.

Whether you risk it or play safe, discuss with your teammates and decide it. Now, I'm assigning the groups and your training timings. So, please listen carefully.

First, Girls…"

A few minutes later, the groups are sorted for everyone except for four girls. Eunbin and Yuju, who were a crush of many boys, were also left out for the mixed group. It made some prayed in their hearts to team up with this natural cutie and the long-legged beauty.

"Now, Boys… First, Solo: Nan Yejun."

Jun was taken aback by his announcement. He expected to perform solo as soon as he heard there's a solo category. Not only Jun, but many people also expected the same. After all, one can't deny his skill.

Meanwhile, 18-year-old Yejun was high on clouds. YG's statement just made it clear that he had enough confidence in him.

YG continued, "First duo- dance: Kang Daniel, An Young-Soo. You two will perform Perfect by Shinhwa."

"Second duo-duet: Kim SeongMin, In Jihae. You two will perform One man by Kim Jong-Kook."

While everyone was surprised that YG isn't calling Jun's name yet, SeongMin and Jihae were all smiles as they paired up together. Not to mention, there's no Jun to take away the attention from these 15-year-olds either.

So, it's like a second chance to them. In reality, YG already understood their worries and teamed up with them. With both of them familiar with each other, he hoped they will have an edge over their competitors.

However, both of them didn't realize the true problem, the song itself. It is a ballad that was released in 2004 when both of them are just 2 years old. With limited practice time, they might not able to pull it off by themselves.

"Okay, let's continue to the first five-member group: Dance…"

Slowly, he named the members of both the five-member groups. While Jun's name doesn't appear yet, two of the four girls who were having a secret crush on Jun, started to hope that his name will not appear in the seven-member group either.

Well, as if the god listened to their prayers, Jun's name wasn't called.

"Now, only three groups left. Two-member mixed duo and four-member mixed group.

First, Mixed duo- dance: In Sang-kyu and Park Ji-Yoon. You two will perform Don't Recall by KARD."

Jiyoon can't help but feel saddened that she wasn't able to pair up with Jun. However, she still kept her face straight as it's understandable that Jun is a vocalist. For this song, putting the dancing skills aside, one needs to know how to rap.

"Second Mixed duo- duet: Han Sung-Jun and Choi Yuna. You two will perform Give Love by Akdong Musician." This time, several of them sighed inside as two popular crushes were grouped to form a visual couple.

At the same time, Jun and Yuju were taken aback as they didn't expect to be grouped together.

It's only been three days ago where they were scolded and were penalized by YG for walking together outside. Now, he grouped them together? Why? Both of them fell into confusion.