Troublesome rap

Training room no. 406, Genesis Old Training facility;

Yuju and Jun were sitting silently in the corner with a tablet in Jun's hands.

"Are you sure you can't do it?" After a brief silence, Yuju asked him once again as Jun proclaimed that he can't sing this song just after watching the video just once.

"No. my rapping skills are really terrible." Jun shook his head seriously. "I'll be frank with you. It's easier for me to recompose the entire song than perfecting these rap parts. "

With a mere 2.1 skill points in rapping, even without trying, Jun knew that he was worse than a casual guy on the street.

While he intended to work hard, he doesn't want to give her hope. So, Jun outrightly told her that this unfamiliar song will be tough for him.

Seeing how serious Jun is, Yuju turned speechless. She didn't expect such words from a guy that received an individual score of more than 400 points, not just once but twice in a row.

At the same time, she started to worry whether they will receive a less score. Although she can rap too, she was a vocalist. So, even for her, the song will pose some challenge to perfect it without any mistakes.

Upon remembering Jun's opening performance, two weeks ago, Yuju then thought Jun might be confident in recomposing it if he had chosen the songwriting division.

She then asked, "Will you able to recompose it by Saturday evening?"

"Hmm…" Jun was surprised that she even asked such a question. Does she trust that he was able to do it or something?

In reality, it was just a figure of speech. His songwriting was barely above 5. Even if he tried recomposing, Jun knew that the song won't be completed within a week.

As realization dawned onto him, he can't help but curse himself for not trying to improve his songwriting skills. Jun thought that he should have atleast complete Kyuhyun's "A million pieces" and gain experience.

Now that this girl is asking an impossible thing, Jun simply shook his head, "I can but we don't need to take a risk. I'll try singing the original parts until evening. If it seems impossible, I'll try recomposing. We have enough time to prepare.

Until then, Yuna-ssi, you can focus on memorizing the lyrics on Lee Suhyun sunbae-nim's part..."

As Yuju nodded in agreement, Jun gave her his Tablet. "Here… You can use this."

"This…" She hesitated to take it while wondering why he gave it to her when all she can just get a printout of the lyrics. There's a printer beside the desktop anyway… Moreover, he also needed to practice.

Looking at the hesitation on her face, Jun just placed the Tablet on the floor and said, "I already memorized the lyrics and the composition. I just need some practice to get into a rhythm. So, I don't need it."

"Eh?" Yuju can't help but get shocked by his explanation. How is that possible? She wondered.

Only a few minutes ago, she heard Jun mentioning that it was his first time listening to the song. Then, how come he's already memorized everything after listening for once? Is he trying to show off? Or is he trying to hit on her? Or maybe, he's just kind enough to look after her since they were acquainted before?

With various thoughts going through her mind, she took the tablet, thinking that it won't be good if she rejects it once again.

Jun didn't know what's going on in her head. But, since she took the tablet, he felt everything is alright, and he decided to work on the issue.

Taking out a notebook from his bag, Jun started to write lyrics while a video is playing on an exclusive holographic screen in front of his eyes.

Yuju, who was sitting beside him, was surprised to find Jun's words were right. "Was he just lying that he never watched the song before or something?" "Then, does that mean is it also a lie that his rapping skills are terrible?" "But why would he do that? Impress me?" "Ugh… What's going on with you, Yuna… Why do keep having such useless thoughts? Forget everything and just focus on current work"

Turning slightly away from Jun, Yuna quickly grabbed the earphones and plugged in to concentrate on the song.

Evening around 7 o'clock;

"Neoe daehan geon sasohan geotdo

Gieokhae nan mania

Amuri nappi gureodo

Neon naege i sungan manhwaya

Sunjeongmanhwaya juingongeun maennal maennal…"


"Ugh…" Jun stopped rapping and collapsed on the floor. Looking at the ceiling, he spoke, "This isn't going anywhere..."

Yuju who was sitting next to him also had a worried look as she was watching Jun's terrible rapping. She felt like he has no sense of rhythm even after imitating the original artist's style.

Is this the same person that scored more than 400 points twice? Is this the same musical genius that many of the teenage rookies have a crush on? All she was seeing a miserable guy who was struggling with the rap.

She felt like she never saw such a guy.

It really confused her how an artist has a magical voice when singing vocals, suddenly turns into a terrible mess when the rapping comes in. She expected it would be decent at the very least, but it was like the polar opposite.

In her view, all he had to sing just faster.

Not to mention, the rap's tempo isn't too fast and Chanhyuk's style isn't difficult either. It was easy to imitate, at least for her. She wondered whether she expected too much from Jun. Such thoughts only increased her disappointment.

After watching Jun's practice for several hours, Yuju did feel that he had improved a bit but she wasn't confident that he would be able to pull it off.

Even YG, who was watching it from the control room, was in the same condition as hers. He cursed himself for letting his curiously go to his head and gave his most prized teammate, a death sentence.

Looking at them, YG mumbled, "I thought SungJun would be able to rap this much but it seems he had no talent for it. There's still time. As lyrics aren't a problem for Sungjun, there's only one choice left."


"I think it's better if you try recomposing the song rather than trying the original." Watching Jun's pitiful state, she can't help but be blunt about it.

He suddenly turned his head, looking stunned, not because of her words but because of the holographic screen before him.

*Ding! You received an emergency quest.

Description: The host is being looked down on because of low rap skills. A future Global idol should be skilled in rap too. Rap for hundred minutes in total within 12 hours.

Rewards: Rap God skill – Enhances the rapping skill points for a limited time

Failure: 1 skill point will be deducted from Rap stats.

*Ding! Quest is detected as mandatory. The emergency quest has been accepted.

Remarks: Good luck, host.


"Sung Jun-ssi?" Looking at Jun who seemed to be in a daze, Yuju called him out a couple of times.

"Ah! Yes… Sorry, I was thinking about something else. What is it?" Jun looked at her.

"Do you want to recompose the song?" She asked him again,

Jun shook his head in response, "No, I'm getting the hang of it. I think I can do it…"

"Hwaiting…" Letting out a smile, she encouraged with double fists gesture before she stood upon her feet to leave for dinner.

The other boys in the room couldn't help but look at Jun enviously.