Choosing the leader by Ramyeon?

"First of all, congratulations on surviving until now and entering the Fourth stage of the Treasure Campus.

Let me inform the basic rules here. You are currently at 'A' block of the building, which houses only a maximum of 5 contestants until the end. The rest of the male contestants have to go to Block 'C' and stay there.

Contestants in A-Block will be provided extra care with a special chef, Gym Trainer, cleaning staff, and mentors.

There are two refrigerators placed in the kitchen. One is currently full and the other is empty. The empty refrigerator is yours. Everyone can write a list of food ingredients they had in their mind and give it to your dorm leader who will be the sole person to get in contact with the staff. With the ingredients, you can cook it yourselves at any time. However, you can only submit the list at the end of the day.

Now, coming to the rules, all of you know that there are only two evaluations left before the finale. But, let me remind you of the details once again.

The first evaluation will be on Jan 11th, the second evaluation will be on Jan 18th, the final evaluation will be on Feb 1st. And the results will be declared on Feb 4th.

Contestants in A-Block will have an opportunity to choose their own performance but they can only pick a solo category or duo category.

Adding to it, the internet connection isn't provided, so, as a result, it is recommended only to choose the songs from the list available in our system or else, you are on your own. For details, go to the training room and check out the PC.

Now, let's talk about bonus points. Unlike in the previous rounds, this time, we have a maximum bonus point system, a total of 75 points, which is basically the assessment of the judges of your life outside the evaluation. Every little good and bad will be taken into consideration.

However, you can also earn a fixed fifty bonus points once in a while by winning in a contest. As for what that contest is about, you will get the details when the time comes.

Contestants from C-Block will also have the same rules, although can't be said the same for benefits.

Now to the main question, who will stay at A-Block and who will stay at C-Block? Naturally, the top 5 will enjoy A-Block, everything to themselves while the rest will move to the other Block.

But, there comes another opportunity for some of the contestants from C-Block.

The evaluations have two rounds. The first round is a normal one where everyone performs for scores. After that, the second round will be commenced where the contestants with rank-6 to rank-10 get one chance to challenge any top 5 ranker. The winner gets to stay in A-Block and enjoy the perks while the loser will stay at Block-C with others.

To be noted, the challenge can only be in the same category as the one challenged is in. For example, a rapper cannot challenge a rapping battle to a songwriter, vocalist, dancer, or performer.

And the most important thing, the judgment will be strict on how much you contestant did justice to the category you had chosen at the start. So, please mind that when preparing for the performance.

There's a two-week gap between the second evaluation and the final evaluation. During the results, only the top-11 from 42 contestants can choose the company of their choice. So, it will be a huge advantage for those who managed to stay in A-Block.

That's why, everyone, who wants to stay at the top, needs to level up their training by several times than before, especially if you are a former trainee.

Now that you have watched everything, very soon, the staff will arrive to take the contestants to C-Block. Get ready for it.

Good Luck."

As the video message ended, the screen went blank without displaying any channels or so whatever. But, no one is in the mood to care about them.

This huge load of information stunned every listener even including Jun. Like others, he was also stunned to hear that there is 75 worth of bonus points are on the line. Just winning a contest could change the rankings in an instant.

Jun thought that he also needed to step up his game. It's been a while since he last bought a song from the system store too.

Meanwhile, at B-Block, which is located adjacent to A-Block within the cube, a female staff member arrived through the door from the central block and spoke out a few names.

"Kim Min Jeong (Winter), Hong Euijin (Euijin), Im Soeun (NC.A), Choi Yuna (Yuju), and Choi Ye-won (Arin). Except for these five, everyone else please follow me."

The goodbyes were very dramatic in B-Block just like with the elimination. As if the girls going to D-Block are being eliminated, everyone is just tearing up and hugging each other.

On the other hand, A-Block was quite simple. It only consisted of handshakes, light hugs, or fist bumps.

The reactions of both of the genders might be different but their thoughts are the same. All of them who were leaving the place is swearing in their heart that they will dethrone the top-5 and replace them.

Yeongue was separated from Jun and went with the group to C-Block, located in the southwest of the cube. C-Block neither has a separate kitchen, custom-made clothes room, nor a playroom like A-Block. However, he didn't face much unfairness as he thought it would be.

Their bedding might be narrow with sixteen beds in a room, eight on each side. However, their training space wasn't compromised.

Including the ground floor, three floors were dedicated to their training space and the other one is Gym. It only has treadmills and exercise bikes, definitely can't be compared to A-Block which looks like a top-class Gym but still, he was satisfied with it.

Of course, this doesn't mean Yeongue wanted to stay at this place.

C and D Blocks lack any form of entertainment and have nothing but training. He later learned that they also have a fixed menu, fixed performances, groups, and all. So, he wanted to leave the place as soon as possible.

7:20 P.M., A-Block, Genesis Cube;

Jun, Daniel, Shonwu, Jongho, and Vernon were sitting on their beds and are discussing how to elect the dorm's leader.

Should they go through rankings? Should they go through voting? Should they go through ages? Should they challenge each other with skills? Should they play a game of basketball or something on the second floor? Or should they just decide with rock, paper, and scissors?

There were several ways and each of them even including Jun wants to have the power of dorm leader. However, before they elect the dorm leader, they need to pick the way, first.

After listening to several suggestions, Jun put forth his idea, "How about we let the Ramyeon pick the leader?"

"Ramyeon?" Everyone stared at Jun, asking for an explanation.

"There are instant noodles in the kitchen cabinets. We can make a Ramyeon and pick the noodles with chopsticks. Who picks the longest noodle will win." Jun presented the idea he saw many times in Running man.

Considering it has more to do with luck and all of them have an equal chance, everyone thought it might work and agreed to it.

Little did they know, it was actually a trap by Jun who joined this competition because of an emergency quest.

Emergency Quest: Become the Dorm leader of A-Block and maintain the position for three weeks.

Description: As a future Global Idol, you should learn to lead your team members so that you can become a good leader to your future Idol Group and later, even a company.

Rewards: +0.5 attribute points, 1 random talent.