A friend from high school

A couple of hours later, the cameras were on the roll and the song recording started.

Maybe, it's because Jun realized that these counterparts don't seem that special compared to when he admired them as a fan, back in his past life.

Or maybe, it's because he spent four hours with them and got familiar. Jun doesn't know the exact reason but his heart didn't beat as crazy as it did in the morning.

He could even calmly stare at Tzuyu and speak as if she was some stranger A.

"Okay, Tzuyu-ssi, we'll start with you."

Tzuyu was neither the leader of the group nor was she the main vocalist. And yet, she was the first to enter the recording chamber and was even given the opportunity to open the song. That would mean she will be standing at the center of formation in the performance video at the starting.

Jun might be cool with everyone but he couldn't put away his bias toward his dream girl. A few of them were displeased by the fact that she got the parts where she can shine the most while some are better singers than her but none of them showed it on their faces as this song was only one of the tracks.

The recording took roughly about three hours with Jun making them sing the parts again and again until he was satisfied. YG didn't interfere in the process and just silently watched him while giving occasional praises so that the idols will leave with a feeling that they did a good job.

"Thank you. All of you did great." Jun also gave a compliment in the end as they were about to leave.

After they left, Jun started transferring all the recorded files to his Pendrive.

Once he was done with it, he looked at YG, "Hyung, I will work on it at the dorm and will hand over the finalized version, tomorrow morning."

Jun has a recording studio at the mansion. So, there's nothing to be worried about. Since he had given his word, YG nodded, "alright. But, don't overwork. You were given two days for this task. So, take it easy."

"I understand," Jun bowed to him and exited the recording studio. As it is already 5:30 in the evening, Jun knew that Yeongue and his group mates will return from school and might have started their practice. As it's been a while since he last saw him, Jun decided to check up on him and went from 37th to 33rd floor where the new trainees practice there.

Jun left the elevator and started walking towards training room no.4. As he reached the door, Jun heard a song was playing, and immediately, he let out a pleasant smile.

It was his song. "Clap" was playing.

"Hmm, it looks like they are practicing it."

Jun wanted to watch it. He first thought of knocking on the door but as it would disturb their practice, he slowly opened the door without making a sound and peeked inside only to get surprised again.

"Woah, this isn't self-practice but someone is teaching the choreo?" Jun's smile widened further. But then, very soon, the practice was interrupted as their mentor spotted him and called him out, "Sung-Jun-ssi?"

Everyone also looked in the direction, forcing Jun to open the door completely and enter inside, "Ah, I'm sorry. I don't want to interrupt but couldn't help myself."

"It's alright. Please come in…" Ryo Stephen, a Korean-American choreographer who is currently mentoring these future idols, stopped the music and invited him in.

As Jun walked inside, his eyes wandered around. He spotted Yeongue at a corner sitting with some other trainees. There are exactly 14 trainees in the room. So, he assumed they were divided into two groups.

Upon reaching there, the mentor stretched his arm for a handshake, "I'm Stephen Ryo."

Jun smiled as he took the hand, "Hello."

He then shifted his attention towards the four-eyed teenager and waved his hand.

Yeongue simply bowed from the same spot, feeling that the close Hyung-Dongsaeng relationship between them appeared to be distant overnight. After all, now, Jun is a popular celebrity and he was a trainee who was struggling to keep up with others. But then again, even siblings feel inferior to their celebrity brothers and sisters. So, he wasn't wrong to think that way. Fortunately for him, Jun didn't change a bit.

Just as Jun was about to call him, Stephen interrupted his attention, "By the way, congratulations on 75 million views. I heard that it will become the fastest kpop mv to reach 100 million."

"Huh? Ah, yes. Thank you." Jun was a little bit surprised by the information.

As Jun was busy in the morning, he didn't get the time to check on his mv. Mmmh, which achieved nearly 35 million on the first day, had an even better response on the second day due to extensive publicity.

There are still about 2 and a half hours left till 48 hours of completion but the video had already crossed 75 million views and would probably reach 80 million. In a sense, it had overtaken PSY's Gentlemen record.

From the first day's record, Jun had expected it would probably reach 50 million at best but didn't think it would achieve such results. It was completely out of Jun's expectations.

He fails to understand how people are crazing over such a video because even he didn't think it was too great when compared to the songs that are waiting in the inventory. Anyway, whatever it worked out for him, Jun was happy about the result and thanked Stephen.

Stephen then asked, "You aren't busy, right?"

When Jun shook his head, the latter asked to stay for ten minutes and give a demonstration of the original choreography.

Jun complied with his request and walked to the middle of the room. The trainees moved aside.

"Cue the music…"

Jun performed Clap and then, Mmmh, one after another, without taking any break in between. Ever since his strength reached 9, Jun also realized that his stamina grew a lot higher. Even after performing two songs, his breathing was completely stable. Of course, it goes without saying that he lip-synced because it isn't worth expending so much energy for this.

The trainees gave big applause as he finished the main track and looked at everyone who looked like they were awestruck, especially after watching Jun's body roll in the Mmmh song.

Of course, it goes without saying that some of them were envious of Jun's height, appearance, and dancing skills. They felt it was unfair to one possess everything. But, what can they do? They could only work hard to the best of their capabilities to reach Jun's level.

"Thank you…" Jun nodded to everyone and then, asked the mentor, "Mr. Stephen, can I borrow Yeongue for a while?"


After a while, Jun and Yeongue reached the cafeteria with the latter talking about his stories with the new teammates. Jun was a little bit worried that there might be bullying from senior trainees but Yeongue assured him that there's nothing of such sort.

"One Soy Vanilla Latte and a coke float…" Jun turned his head and asked, "Which flavor?"

Yeongue answered, "Vanilla, two scoops."

Handing the credit card to the employee, Jun added, "Vanilla, two scoops, please. Thank you."

Even though Jun wasn't wearing any mask or shades, the part-timer didn't recognize him and calmly took the card. It was a little bit let down, considering everyone is congratulating him today.

She scooped the ice into a tall glass. Then, poured the coke. After that, added whipped cream and finished with a cherry on top.

Yeongue was told to sit at an empty table while Jun continued to wait. He might be the elder one but he doesn't like to push menial tasks on juniors.

It was then, by pure coincidence that a familiar person arrived there. She was about 5'4", an acceptable height for females but standing beside Jun, she looked very short. Her doll-like face only made her look like a cute high school kid.

"Excuse me, can I have blueberry ice… Oh my…" She was suddenly startled as Jun turned his head towards her. "Han Sung-Jun?"

Jun was also surprised at the same time as a few memories from his high school triggered. He spoke in uncertainty, "Eunbi-ssi, right?"