The female idol who has a crush on Jun (part-2)

At first, he thought it is best if she rest but as he went through the shooting, Jun felt bad for her. After all, Noze was very determined to risk her health during his debut live stage. He wanted to request the director to postpone the shooting by a couple of days but he knew that problems would arise if he gives the truth.

One, she's a backup dancer, not his teammate. Two, it wouldn't look good for the one who replaced her and probably was filled with so many expectations. And three, people would suspect that something is going on between him and Noze.

Jun was too conscious of other people's opinions and he should also be. It's because he's not just any other idol. Earlier in the morning, he even checked his official fandom site, which is created by a woman named Kim Gayun, an editor at Webtoon Entertainment. The number of registered people is roughly over 160k at present.

Because of the high amount of registrations, the company recognized it as official and attempted to buy it. Fortunately, she generously gave away the website without taking any money for she was happy that the fandom she created had become official.

After discussing with her, the company not only let Gayun give an official name to the fandom and also acknowledged that she's considered the first fan of Sky. That was how the name 'Gaia' took birth.

The fandom site was currently managed by the PR department of Genesis Entertainment but as one of the admins, Kim Gayun also got the rights to edit or add new content.

Jun was happy and sad at the same time when he saw how the fandom group was very organized compared to the past life. There's only one global official website for the fans, filled with content, and every other fansite that was created by fans will be taken down by respective agency PR departments.

This way, there can't be any lies spread unnecessarily. And on this same website, they will sell the official merchandise; post the videos like unseen behind-the-scenes footage; the rest of the photographs that didn't make it to the album, spoilers about the upcoming albums, etc...

However, since it was completely controlled by the company, the content will be purely professional, and mediocre agencies can manipulate the content, and membership count, and delete the comments as they wish.

There can be good and bad.

So, Jun wasn't sure whether he liked it or not but one thing for sure is that it displays one's fandom strength, especially if the fandom group belongs to an artist of the top 5 companies because it is publicly known that they won't resort to manipulation, well scandals are always an exception and everyone wanted to cover them up until it cannot be covered up anymore.

With over a hundred thousand fans, the pressure on Jun is only high. So, atleast, when he is in public, he will have to be careful about his actions.

Keeping everything in mind, Jun accepted the situation as it is and completed the shooting for both of the songs.

Once the shooting was done, he went to the CEO's office and handed the Pendrive to her as YG was unavailable due to some reason.

In the evening, he visited the X-academy and practiced Mmmh's choreography atleast three-four times before he was satisfied and returned to the dorm.

At around 9:30, Jun decided to go to bed, intending to sleep for 8 hours. Of course, he didn't forget to check on the music video. The third-day views aren't as high compared to the first two days but still, more than 25 million views are recorded, making his mv becoming the fastest kpop video in history to reach 100 million views.

At present, the total was at 107 million. Jun knew that it will slow down further. So, he didn't care about 200 million views or higher. With a great look of satisfaction on his face, he lay on the bed.

However, just as he was about to close his eyes, his phone buzzed.

He looked at the notification. A trace of surprise appeared on his face. "Eunbi-ssi?"

He thought for a bit, about whether to ignore her or click on the notification. Because, once he clicked on it, the app will be opened and her Hello message will be shown as read.

Jun doesn't know what went over him. He decided to open the Kakao talk app in the end and reply to her message.

Star Jun: Hello.

Meanwhile, at a certain dorm, which is located only 100 meters away from Jun, Eunha was sitting on her bed. Her roommate Kim Sejeong is sleeping. She was also tired from the practice but felt an urge to send a message upon remembering him.

After gaining courage and sending him a greeting, she waited anxiously, wondering what the other party might think.

Eunha actually had a crush on Jun back during the school days. But, it is pretty much short-lived as he stopped coming to school one day. A couple of weeks later, she found that he had met with an accident.

Then, she dated someone else during her second year for a few months but eventually broke up with the guy as she became too busy with her practice once her debut has been confirmed.

Years passed away.

Now, within a couple of months, the Andromeda group's third year will be completed. As a result, she and her groupmates will become free to date, albeit in secret.

And when he saw her crush once again, coincidentally meeting after several years, she doesn't know why but she felt happy, actually a lot more than she should feel normal in this situation.

It wasn't that she wants to date him or something like that. She was probably attracted to him just like other girls as he became manlier and more handsome compared to before. However, she was too shy to approach. That is why took her more than 15 minutes just to decide on sending Hello.

And to her surprise, the reply came quite fast. She doesn't know where and what to start.

"What should I say? Should I ask him about mv? No, I have already done that. Maybe, about the music show? I also talked about it already. How about asking him what he ate for dinner? Shouldn't I seem like a foodie when I am on a diet? Ugh… my throat is feeling dry, all of a sudden…"

As Eunha was a little bit nervous and wondering what to ask, Jun sent the following message.

Star Jun: Eunbi-ssi, what are doing right now?

Star Jun: Did your shoot go well?

Jun knew that she was unlikely to be in practice because she texted him but just for formality, he asked her.

The messages were read but there was no reply from her. After a minute of waiting, he sent another message.

Star Jun: Eunbi-ssi, are you there?

When this message also didn't have a reply despite being read, Jun kinda felt annoyed by this behavior. After all, he was trying to be nice here and she was the one who first sent him. If she intends to play hard, he isn't interested to play the game.

Star Jun: Okay, I guess you are busy. I'll talk with you later. Good night.

Jun closed the app and he was about to turn off the internet service, almost on the verge of deciding to ignore her from the next day. It was just then, that his phone buzzed once again.

Eunha: I'm sorry. I put my phone aside and went to drink the water.

There was no reply from Jun for like ten seconds. Seeing that the message was still in unread status and he was offline, she was crestfallen a bit and let out a deep sigh, "I guess I had to sleep, now."

Star Jun: Ah, I see.

Star Jun: Anyway, how did your day go today?

All of a sudden, Eunha's face brightened when she saw the messages from the other party. With a smile on her face, she typed the messages.

They chatted for like atleast 30 minutes straight, exchanged over a hundred messages, talking about this and that, before finally, Jun realized that it is getting late and cut off the conversation, telling her that he needed to get back to exercise for a night of better quality sleep.

However, once he closed the app and turned off the internet, he just slept.

On the other hand, Eunha scrolled up to the messages and started giggling to herself.

"Hmmm… what are you doing?" A sleepy voice was heard from beside, all of a sudden.

Eunha hurriedly put aside the phone and covered herself with the blanket, "nothing. Good night…"