Jun accepts the agency's decision

For a while, Jun couldn't speak anything. Deep down, he was already expecting this moment to arrive someday but didn't expect that it would come this early.

It was a fact that when he signed up with the company, he was already giving them the right to plan his career to their wish.

Of course, if he doesn't like something, he can express his displeasure regarding an event or a commercial, but since the group hasn't even made it to its debut, the group contract will turn invalid. So, there's nothing for him to argue about.

And if he still insists, he will only get on the bad side of the agency. He just started his career as an idol. Why unnecessarily create trouble for himself when he wasn't even that much uncomfortable by this news? Not to mention, he didn't even have any deep friendships with his housemates. So, there's no reason for him to put his bright career at risk.

Hence, after deeply thinking about the pros and cons, Jun agreed with the agency's decision and asked them whether he will be leaving the dorm in such a case.

CEO Hwang was happy to hear his agreement with her decision and gave an answer instead of YG, "SungJun-ssi, we can accommodate you by renting an apartment in an affluent neighborhood if that's what you wish. But, you won't stay in Genesis Town. It is against the company's policy to provide Independent houses to solo artists no matter their popularity. And if you want to continue living in the same dorm, you can do that as well. Manager Seon will inform your housemates. Nothing to worry about."

"I will talk to them and will inform the agency," replied Jun. CEO Hwang nodded with a smile.

After a while, Jun was sitting beside YG in the backseat as the latter insisted on dropping him at the dorm as he wanted to talk on the way.

As the vehicle hit the road, YG then spoke, "I talked to Shin Doyeop-ssi earlier. He promised that he will take care of you during the shooting, although I need to remind you to make sure to keep your lips tight regarding anything that leads to controversies.

We will inform the hosts to not ask such questions but if somehow, the issue of dating suddenly pops anytime, just don't comment on anything at all. We can't trust those producers who don't hesitate to air such segments for the ratings. After all, Amazing Saturday is fairly a new program that requires fame. There's no harm in being careful about it.

And you don't need to try to act all funny during the variety shows as others do. You just need to be yourself and we will plan accordingly."

"What about displaying other talents," asked Jun in response. He added, "I saw the rookie idols do that on the variety shows."

YG replied with a question, "I know that you are good at cooking and have an excellent memory. Are there any others that I wasn't aware of?"

After a bit of thinking, Jun answered, "well, it's not a talent but I'm ambidextrous. I can write with both of my hands, although not at the same time. I'm practicing voice imitation lately but needs more practice and time. And I can speak multiple languages fluently. I can also do 200 pushups with ease. What do you think?"

"Hmm?" YG grabbed his chin and pondered on it for a couple of seconds before telling Jun to use his ability to be fluent in multiple languages and showcase his ambidexterity in the upcoming set of programs.

He also promised Jun that he will personally make a call to the producers to talk about it. Jun didn't try to be humble with YG and thanked him in advance for the help.

Later that evening;

Jun gathered everyone in the living room and told them the company's decision without intending to hide it from them.

Surprisingly for him, Jun found that none of them were surprised in the least.

B.I. directly mentioned how they already expected him to drop from the group a while ago as it was the most obvious thing to do.

Except for Daniel, the others appeared to be quite cool about it. Only this dongsaeng expressed his disappointment openly, Jun wasn't sure about the others.

Maybe, they came to terms with it as Hanbin mentioned earlier, or maybe, they just don't care. Whatever the case, Jun felt quite relieved after talking with them and lay on the bed peacefully.

When he was about to sleep, Jun suddenly remembers something and he takes out his phone. He opens the messenger app.

"Hmm, it appeared that she is offline. Maybe, she is at practice. Her album release date is near anyways," mumbles Jun as he put aside his phone and proceeded to sleep.

Meanwhile, in one of the training rooms at Genesis HQ, a group of seven girls was practicing some choreo as if they had no time to waste.

"5, 6, 7, 8"

"Again" "Again" "Again". . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Again"

"Okay, perfect." As the choreographer announced the end of the practice session and left the place, the girls collapsed on the floor while being covered in sweat from top to bottom.

"I'm going to die at this rate," complained Eunha as she cutely rubbed her legs, which were quite reddened. Massaging her shoulders, Kim Sejeong then commented, "Aigoo, you were such a baby. What should I do with you?"

"Unnie, not everyone is tough like you. See… even Chaeryeon-ah was also in the same position." Eunha pointed out a silent girl who was sitting in a corner while spraying a pain reliever on her arms.

Sejeong took a glance at Chaeryeon and then at others who appeared to be very tired. Intending to act as the leader, she clapped to gain everyone's attention and spoke with full of energy, "Girls, we have to leave at 4 o'clock in the morning. So, we don't have much time to rest. Let's go back to the dorm."

Roughly about 15 minutes later, they returned to the dorm with their manager. It lies on the first floor of a three-story building where three more idol groups also live, although on different floors. It is definitely not a luxury mansion like the one Jun and others were living in. However, it is still a decent 3BHK for the idols to live in.

Sejeong and Eunha went to the room they were sharing and the latter collapsed on her bed without bothering to wash up as she was too tired and had body aches due to heavy practice.

"Hey, you are stinking. Go and wash up." Sejeong forced Eunha to go and have a shower.

After a while, as the latter came out, she suddenly thought of something and casually spoke about their next-day program, "Eunha-yah, our shooting location is at Yeongju, right?"

"Yeah," answered Eunha with a sleepy nod. She collapsed on the bed again, this time, not intending to wake up until the next day.

Then, Sejeong commented while looking at her phone's screen, "I heard that Amazing Saturday's shooting will happen in the same building."

"Eh?" Eunha suddenly sat up on the bed with widened eyes.

"What? Why were you so surprised about that? Is it your favorite program or something?" asked Sejeong, putting up an act as if she was ignorant of the matter.

"Nothing." Eunha shook her head and lies down again, although she would reached out to her mobile phone instead of going to sleep.

Sejeong then let out a mischievous smile as she asked, "What are you doing? Texting your boyfriend? How about you directly meet him there and surprise him? I will get that covered, don't worry."

"What… what are you talking about? I was texting no one. I don't have a boyfriend." A reddened-face Eunha hurriedly put away the mobile phone and covered herself with the blanket.

Sejeong grinned as she shook her head. She proceeded to switch off the lights before speaking to herself, "tomorrow's day going to be fun."