Jayden stood thinking to himself.
It had been almost two weeks since the day I had met with the judge and been accepted into my boyfriend's home and family. I say boyfriend like he was a stranger, but more like a newlywed signing their new name over and over with pride. Benny and I hadn't had much alone time, in the house, at all, and Benny's parents were going out for the entire day on Saturday, it was Friday, and Benny was taking me on our first date.
"Where are we going?" I whined at him for the umpteenth time.
He pulled me close to him by my hips. "You are cute when you pout." He rested his forehead on mine, and slid his hand to my butt, and pulled me close, I squeaked a bit, and jumped. "Now that was sexy." He said smoothly.
"Hand check boys!" Tom chuckled.
"We have them dad!" Benny let me go and chuckled.
"I'll get you two a baby sitter." He jokingly threatened. We followed him to the living room, Tammy smiled at us.
"You two look so cute!" She smiled.
"Mom, we aren't little boys!" Benny, grumbled.
"Are you sure you don't want a ride, to where ever you two are going?" She asked.
"Honey, relax, he has this planned perfectly." Tom smiled at her. "Now go have fun." He slipt Benny a bit of cash. "Just a bit extra." He smiled, Benny thanked him, and we walked to the park.
"You brought me to the park?" I asked, confused, and a bit annoyed.
"Yea." He stopped at the gourmet ice cream truck, and got us two medium cones, and took us to a tree, we often sit under. "Remember the day last year, when it poured, and we raced to the tree, to stay dry?"
I remembered.
"I told you we should've stayed at my house!" I shouted at Benny as it started to pour.
"Baby!" He shouted. "Race you to the tree!" He shouted, and sprinted off towards the tree.
"Cheater!" I shouted. and sprinted off after him.
"You always claim you're faster!" He laughed. "Prove it!" But he was actually much faster than I was, and I thought he knew it, but I tried as hard as I could. I bolted past him, by the time he got the tree, I was already leaning against it waiting to mock him.
He ran full speed at me, using his arms to slow down at the end, pinning me up to the tree. "Guess your faster, after all." He grinned leaning into me."
"I almost kissed you." Benny smiled, snapping me back to reality.
"You did?"
"Yes, I had it planned, get you in the rain, let you win a race to the tree, and kiss you." He grinned, "Do you still have those white shorts.." He smirked as he leaned against the tree, pulling me by my hand next to him. The tree was massive, providing shade for fifteen feet around it, the cool breeze on a warm early summer day, made the leaves, leave their own songs to echo in their wind-fueled dance.
"You let me win?" I pouted.
"Yes!" He smirked. "You were so cute too."
"What else did you let me win?"
He stuck a finger in his ice cream, took a bit, and put it in my mouth, chocolate and mint dripped off the end of my nose. "My heart!" he smiled. I gulped, he pulled me in for a kiss, and slowly slide his tongue in my mouth, and nibbled on my lip when he pulled away.
"Uhh uhh!" I nodded dumbstruck.
"And I got yours." He smirked. I nodded. "Yea I know, you can't speak." He smirked.
"I.." I stammered. "I. I can."
Benny pulled me in for another kiss, as one hand pulled me closer, his other hand slid behind me into him, and 'himself.' I felt myself get aroused, I pulled away from him, he let me go, I was fire engine red. "What? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"Nothing." I looked away from his face.
"Yes, there is, I know you too well." He scolded me.
"I want you." I sighed. My eyes begged him to understand.
He looked down at my crotch. "Oh..." He smirked. "I 'want' you too, but we have all day for that, tomorrow." He leaned back against the tree, took, my hand, and smiled at me. "I love you Jay-J."
I glared at him. "What you're not going to whine at me?" He smirked.
I took a bite of my ice cream. "Why it's going to make you pleased with your self."
"So does this." He smirked. "Step one is to get you to tolerate something you hate when I do, step two get you to get used to it, 3 then you like it."
"Hey!" I whined. I took the last finger worth of ice cream from my cone and went to boop some on his nose, but he snapped forward with his teeth, caught my finger, then slowly sucked the ice cream off my finger. "Huh?" I stared at him and grunted in confusion, not quite sure why this felt so good, why his fake orgasm face he was giving me made me want him more, but I ended up moaning.
"Mmmm." He moaned as he slid my finger out of his mouth. He took my cone and joking tossed them a said. "I'll get you a nicer one later." He smirked sitting and pulled on my arm so I would sit next to him, He was leaning on the tree, he tugged my arm, and I leaned upon his shoulder. "My good little boy." He said as he put his arm around me.
"I am not a little boy." I protested.
"It's not a bad thing, it's hot." he kissed me.
"I am...." Then I realized he wasn't talking about being seven inches taller than me. I was a little boy compared to him, his manhood was thick and long. I was the opposite of him. I got angry at him, for liking something I hated about myself.
"There it is." He smirked. I didn't want him to touch me, I pushed him away.
"Let me go." I Whined, but he was much stronger than I was, so it only made me feel weaker. "Benny!" I gave up my physical struggle.
He smirked leaned in bit my lip, then pushed me over, the mostly empty cones crunched under me. Benny fell on top of me, the last few bites of cold, oozed through my shirt on into my side. I pushed up into him. "Mmm" he moaned pushing back. "I love it, and everything else about you." He whispered, and pushed into me.
I moaned a little, we were in public, I felt my face turn red, which he loved, but it felt too good, to ask him to stop. Jayden, I love you." He looked into my eyes and whispered.
"Benny I love you too, but we are at the park."
"Sitting on the far end of the park, where no one comes, and no one can see us...." He smirked dioubsouly, I almost asked him why... "I bet right here, I you would let me..." He blushed. " Wouldn't you?"I blushed and nodded. He pushed into me hard. I whimpered my moan, thrill and desire spread across his face, changing him to an animal. I felt stalked and hunted, and I liked it. If Benny wanted me, even here I wouldn't stop him.
I laid back, and relaxed. "Really, like when we wrestled when we were kids?" He smirked at me. "You just give up?"
"Uhh?" I stammered Benny, flipped me around, using moves he had learned from wrestling in middle school. He had since stopped, but why I could never figure out, he was good. He had me pinned under him, one arm above my head on the ground, holding my arms, one to slid under my stomach.
"Benny..." I whined. "Please."
"Really?" He asked surprised. I nodded. "I was just fooling around...."
"You don't want to?" I asked confused.
"Oh yes, I do." He chuckled and kissed the back of my head. He took a deep breath, and we made love under the tree. Benny was a gentleman and helped me finish.
We walked through the park, and to the little shopping mall, we walked around until we walked into a little jewelry shop.
Jayden walked over to the chains, then to the ones that came with little hearts. "Perfect!"
The clerk perked up. "Can I show you something?" She asked, a college kid.
"Yea, This one." Benny pointed, at one. She came over.
"Which one?"
"This one!" Benny pointed again somehow his points seemed annoyed. I strained to see which one, but he blocked my view, turned, and chuckled at me so I knew it was on purpose.
"Are you sure?" She asked Benny, to make sure like there was something she was missing
Benny looked at it, then at me, then at her. "Yup!"
Then she must have figured out that it was for me, whatever it was, she was amused by it. Benny looked at it paid for it, and left. "Do you want to see it?" He asked utterly amused.
"I am not playing this game" I pouted.
"Aww come on!" He protested as he took my hand.
"Can I please see it?" I asked sounding unamused.
"Sure!" He said as he handed me the box.
I got excited and pulled back the lid. "Hey!" I pouted and pushed him away from me.
"Hey now." He smirked, as he pulled us behind an entrance to a parking garage, he spun me so he was behind me I felt cool a touch on my neck, and then a snap. "There." He grunted.
I looked down and saw it was a silver lock, shaped like a heart, that read 'boy' on it. "Benny!" I blushed.
"If someone is close enough to read it, then they should know you are taken." He put his arms around me and hugged me.
"I guess!" I sighed. We walked to the nice Italian restaurant had dinner, and got gelato for desert. "Much better than earlier!" I agreed with Benny from earlier.
"I would never lie to you, except maybe about Santa Claus." He said coyly waiting for my reaction.
"Thank you, daddy!" I said jokingly.
"I like that." He smirked.
"Oh really?" I laughed, then stopped he was serious? "You're my age."
"I know but it isn't about our age, it's about you being..." He struggled for the words. "Obedient like my son."
"Obedient? I cut class and smoke pot." I protested proudly.
"Only once and you didn't inhale." Benny laughed.
"Neither did you!"
"But you do what you're told most of the time, that's all I ask." Benny paid, his words stewed in me.
"So you get to do whatever you want?"
"Did your dad do whatever he wanted.?" He asked as we walked to the boat rental in the park.
"Most of the time." I sighed. He frowned.
"Well, my parents always tried to get me interested in whatever they were doing." He frowned. He rented a boat and we rowed around the lake long enough for us to get another two hours. The sun went down, and we walked around the park holding hands, planning our first stream, as speedrunners of Halo. We got home around 9:30.
"Let's go sit in the back yard on the swing." Benny suggested. We walked around the side of the house.
"There are the little romantics." Tom said from the swing as soon as he saw us.
"How way the date?" Tammy asked.
"The swing is popular." I sighed.
"Where do you think he got the idea." Tom chuckled, as he put his arm around Tammy.
"Sit tell us all about your first date." Tammy kicked at two chairs near the patio swing.
"Benny was so thought full, He got me ice cream at the park, took me to the place he first wanted to kiss me...."
"That was not the first time I wanted to, just almost..." He corrected.
"Sorry. Almost kissed me." I chuckled. " Then we went to the Italian place on the other side of the park, rented a boat, and walked all night." I lied when appropriate.
"Very good." Tom smiled. "Then this will probably add to your happy day." He slid an open envelope from next to him and handed it to me.
"What is it?" I asked, Tom, nodded at me, as if telling me to open it. It was from the court, I was nervous. I read it aloud.
Case: 2019-6-1423329
Ruling: The court finds in favor of the State, and deems reasonable and acceptable that Tom, and Tammy...." I stopped reading.
"Don't stop!" Benny whined
"...That Thomas and Tammy... Be granted custody and guardianship of Jayden Wrights, until which time the courts deems it hazardous, or he reaches adulthood (18 years). Finding that Jayden already trusts, and loves the family, he has known since birth, further finding that, Mr and Mrs Tylers partially raised him, and already view him as son. The 7 day objection period has passed with, no objections, the Courts ruling is final." There was more, jargon mostly.
Benny jumped up, dragging me to my feet, and held me close to him. "I love you." He sighed contently. "You are safe now, you'll never have to go back." I started to cry, realizing for the first time in two weeks, I felt like I could breathe.
Tom and Tammy, stood and held us, one big massive ball of joy and happiness, like your Christmas tree at three, am Christmas morning, full of presents. The joy and excitement I felt were just like it, excited for what I had to open, But more excited for the future, to see what dear treasures I would get. I had never allowed myself to feel that happy.