Chapter 11

Jayden sat at the table finishing Breakfast...

It was Friday again, The first full weekend with our new mower. Benny thought he got the hang of it on Sunday, and the plan was to practice on a normal mowers speed, the first yard, and try it faster the next. Which worked. "I beat you trimming." He chuckled.

"Good the broom is leaning on the mailbox." I stuck my tung out at him. " Besides I'm almost done." I finished, he was down sweeping the front, I sent him to the next yard, while I swept the back, thinking I'd to the stuff on the sidewalks first, so he could sweep the back while I was finishing the trimming.

The two inches bigger deck made a big difference in how long it took him, and it was powerful enough so he could cut with more of the deck. The mower could do this, and at a speed that would give most power walkers hesitation.

Benny had already done a third of the front yard on the next house.

"Jaaydeen!" I heard the voice, I dreaded. "You forgot your money again." I looked at Benny who rolled his eyes, at me and went back to mowing.

"Oh, thanks, Jenny." I smiled at her. Jenny must have lived under a rock, she still had the hots for me, and enjoyed showing me. I avoided her, which meant sending Benny back for it later.

"You're so silly, it's like you're avoiding me arent you." She laughed and handed me the money, I awkwardly took it. "You have been haven't you?"

"Ohh no, no, I haven't it's not like that." I sighed, waving my hands up in the air Trying desperately to calm her, the mower stopped.

Benny's coming for back up. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "Then what is it like?" She stared into my soul, I felt judged.

"I am gay with Benny." I blustered quietly.

"Thanks for telling me, but I already knew that!" she smiled. "Don't worry I think it's cute, but I also like to sit under that tree." She smirked.

"You saw?" I asked.

"She saw!" Benny smirked. "Like what ya saw?" He Blew her a kiss.

"Benny!" I grumbled.

"Hey my meat is 100% for one man, and that is you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, I whined and buried my red face in my arms.

"So you think I thought you were cute?" She chuckled. I nodded at her. "Sweetheart you're adorable, but Benny is the HGBFF, of a girl's dreams." She said while patting my cheek, then turned to Benny, and patted one of Benny's other cheeks, on the other geographic side of him.

"Easy there tiger." Benny chuckled. She smiled, excused her self want we finished those days, in almost half the day, we asked some of our Saturdays, if we could move them to Friday. "We are half a day ahead." Benny cheered.

"I know we can get more customers!" I sighed.

"This Sunday we take off." Benny suggested.

"Agreed." I nodded. We finished one yard more than halfway through a normal Saturday. "Let's go put this away and thank John!" he rushed home, and then to Johns's house.

"Boys!" He smiled. "You guy smell like lawnmower fumes, and hard-earned money. Go, home, clean your equipment." We groaned. "Take care of it it lasts longer, now just take an air compressor as I showed you, today. Tomorrow when your done, for the week, hose it off. But before you do anything else, hose your selves off." He chuckled pinching his nose. "Don't wait!"

"Isn't mom at work today?" I asked. Then turned red. "I mean..."

"No, I think she'd like it if you called her mom." He smiled.

"But then I'd be your bother." I pouted.

"No, My dad called my moms dad, Dad, and so on." he pointed out. " Yes, mom is at work today." He smirked. "Naked Sexy time?"

"I was thinking of just Naked Time." I sighed.

"Just as good." he smiled. We got in, to the house he turned to me. "Can we take the shower after?" He turned a bit red. "I want to smell you."

I turned red, secretly I enjoyed sniffing his shirts, after a day of work, I kept one inside my pillow. I sighed, tugged the shirt out, and sniffed it.

"Hey I have been looking for that shirt." He chuckled, he took off his shirt and tossed it to me. "Here take this one." I tossed his favorite shirt back to him, it was cutest on him, and always smelt like him I dropped the new one, on the bed, I saw the real thing. "No, naked first!" He wagged his finger at me. I got naked so fast it amused him, my impatient whines only pleased him. He FINALLY got up, stood on his knees, on the bed, flexing his arms behind him. Revealing sweat covered cover, and two tufts of armpit hair.

I went to him, and smelt it. It smelt like it was made by a man, I smelt my own, not nearly as strong as his. He put his hands gently on my side, I jumped gently, he smirked and stuck his nose in my pit, I jumped when he licked it. "Are you trying to clean it?" I asked. He just kept licking, I tugged on him. He eventually stopped.

'I am." He smirked moving to my other pit.

"Benny don't." I tried to stop him, but he cleaned my other pit, I huffed in protest, "Why?"

"Because It tasty." He smirked, as I wrinkled my nose. "But more importantly, I want you to smell like me."

"Why?" I gulped.

"I want to leave a mark on you...." He put his fingers on my neck. "Its this or..." He snapped his teeth a few times, chasing me on the bed. Let him catch me, I even held my arms by my side, so he'd catch me helpless.

I felt his teeth sink rather hard and blew on my neck, he started to suck. I felt for just a second this may have been a mistake just a few seconds later, I felt that I never wanted him to stop. He sucked harder, I moaned, I knew I would have to explain to mom, and dad, how I got this. Benny wanted me to have his mark, he wanted others to know I was owned. I wanted people to know, the lock was cute, but innocent, a mark screams I belong to someone, and if you're holding their hand, then it is clear by whom. He let go of me pushed me to my back, pulled me by my feet to him.

"Please fuck me!" I moaned, in sheer aww of his strength, I felt now, just how strong he was, and just how gentle he had been. I felt myself, want to try whatever he wanted, hoping he'd want some more, strength on our second time. He used some spit to lube up and wiggled his way in me.

I let my head go back, and moaned a little, with every push he made. "My little boy likes that."I nodded. "Daddy didn't hear you." He smirked

"Yes, Daddy!" I said proudly.

"Good boy!" He once again got ready, to make me his, again, I always wanted to be his.