Chapter 16

The machines sent out loud beeps. Volca resisted the pressure and tried to throw people away. But she could not put out her demonic energy. Her legs, ribs and hands ached. She quit trying to escape and surrendered. She stopped pushing people away and lay there panting hard, lying still.

"Calm down miss, we are trying to save you," The older guys with grey hair among the group said.

"It hurts," she said.

"We know, we are trying to help you here, stay still, don't move or your fractures will deepen and cause you infections. You don't want that trust me," Another woman said. She was wearing blue pants and top, a mask covering her half the face below the nose and had a hat on her head. She was holding her one hand. Volca's eyes filled with tears, feeling embarrassed and also sad to see that she is covered with stranger people around her. She could tell that they are all humans. Mortal beings. "How did you hurt yourself too much like this? Can you tell us? Do you remember?" the lady asked while another guy started checking her vitals, and checking her eyes, nose and mouth with a tiny torch that shone light. It tickled her eyes and she shut them tight. "It's alright, " the lady went on consoling her.

"Arghh," Volca screamed suddenly. Her ribs started hurting, and bled a little. The white bandages started turning red. The grey haired doctor immediately lifted her green and white polka dotted hospital gown exposing her bare abdomen and stared undressing the bandages to check the wound redress it. Volca felt furious since her body chest has been exposed to a room full of strangers as she laid there.

After certain long hours of doing different things to her, dressing her and feeding her with certain medicines and giving her some shots, Volca felt tired, and pain slowly leaving her body and fell asleep again.

It became an everyday duty. People coming to her, conducting tests on her, trying to heal her and she did get some relief. She wondered what happened to her powers. In between when the room she stayed in was empty, she would try to medicate and carry on with cultivation. But she kept failing tremendously, unable to concentrate and feel the flow of her blood that was going against her real current. She couldn't measure the depths of her wounds she had got from the Emperor Tai while they duelled.

Volca tried her best to not over react and put out her original from in front scaring people. She controlled herself everytime people laid hands on her or treated her. But since some of the pills and shots have her pain relief, she never attacked them. The last thing she wanted was to put herself in trouble again. Hence she tamed her mind and taught herself to go with the flow. "Hang in there, hang in there woman," she kept chanting like it a hymn she learnt. "Don't attack them, don't eat the help, don't kill the help, get hold of yourself and wait till you get discharged."

In between dealing with this people called doctors in a hospital, she had completely forgotten about the voice she had been hearing when she was not awake. It never crossed her mind again nor did the doctors inform her. The authority tried to get her personal information but Volca lied to them telling then she doesnt remember a thing about her past and not even her name. Doctors conducted all sorts study on her and ran several tests, including her head doing the MRI scans and other and found absolutely no damage in her brains. The hospital even tired to get information from government authorities and found no record and applied once again every data and ID cards for her. But anyway Volca continued to stand on the words she spoke. They were now sure that the hospital cannot charge her with hospital bills. She was slowly given physiotherapy to walk properly after they took off her bandages and moved her to rehabilitation. She started doing her personal things alone and slowly woaked with the help of crutches unable to walk without a support. She worried about her powers that disappeared and understood what it is like to live as a mortal. Rehabilitation worked out well and she got better slowly. There were many other people along with her. But she spoke to none, always isolating herself from crowd. She would walk alone, eat alone and sleep in a separate room asking the doctors to not put her in the general ward with other people in there. And she got it. It brought her comfort. She took the risk to walk a long distance to the library section and brought some books and CDs she found there. Since she had television in her room she watched movies learning how to use the electronic item from the little boy in the next room. He helped her choose movies and made his mother suggest her some good books to read. Volca felt thankful and did as they advised. Life began to become a little peaceful slowly forgetting about her other life.