Chapter 30

Volca was taken to the University by Jiah. A huge campus, that looked like a different world. Garden and fountains, pools and trees, lots of buildings and auditoriums, courts for games and lots of food courts, cafes and even a mini shopping mall with outlets of various brands and a supermarket inside. The university had it own bus hub and metro station inside the campus and a special hospital on the back for students to get admitted.

"Wow," that was Volca could say as Jiah went on explaining about the facilities.

"It's not just this, they have so many programs, my son was abroad for two years as part of an exchange program, also they have lots of clubs activities, and social service schemes.

"What about fee?" that was all Volca wanted to know.

"Only top students in the state get admissions here, they provide scholarships, Auran got in through that," Jiah told her.

"He must have been really brilliant then," Volca said looking around.

"I'm not bragging but you know, he is," Jiah said very proudly.

"You are young how come you have such an old son,"

"Because my mother loved fooling around dad instead of studying during her sophomore year in highscool," a Low pitched voice spoke from the back. Volca stopped walking. She stood still as if a lightening struck her. She went numb and cold. Memories flew back to her head.

"Hey can you hear me? Are you okay? Tell me when will you wake up?"

All the conversations began to appear clearly in her head.

"I had a wonderful plate full of grilled meat rolled in a bread. It was called Shawarma, people said. I mean, the juicy chicken, that lettuce tomatoes and carrots chopped and seasoned with some spices and thick mayo over the top, trust me it tasted like heaven, I can still feel them in my mouth, some day you should try them out,"

"There was a time us boys in the dormitory sneaked out to get some snacks after signing the register, it was a funny day, we almost got caught by the warden but narrowly escaped because of girl who helped us hide. But the hotdog, it tasted the best that night, probably because we were sneaking and snacking them, you should someday come to my university, "

"It was a hustle, I couldn't find a single place without people to continue with photography for the upcoming album I must release, I should find similar street matching the theme I have chosen,"

Volca did not wish to face him, she didn't have the courage to. And she wondered if he would recognize her without all the equipments and bandages on her. She could feel her body vibrating as her heart thumped loud.

"Hara," Jiah called her. "Come over here, meet my son," she said. Volca was not comfortable. She got scared. She turned around feeling uncomfortable. And she lifted her face to slowly look at his face.

The tall guy with emerald eyes glistening, brown hair and straight sharp nose, his lips smiling at his mother. He was wearing a black trench coat over his black suit. He looked better than Volca imagined him to be. Her heart skipped a beat. But then she recalled everything too clearly. "Oh no," she gasped. The hand bag she had in her hands fell off from her shoulders to the ground while the two stood staring at each other.